A Capable Maid - Chapter 3.10

Published at 7th of July 2023 05:20:04 AM

Chapter 3.10

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It was a white gown with subtle hints of light blue, emanating a kind of distinctiveness that set it apart from typical gowns. No, it wasn’t distinct in the same way as southern-style gowns—rather, it exuded a completely unique feel.

Rather than overly emphasizing the waist with a tightly-laced corset, it had a gracefully flowing waistline that delicately hugged her curves. Meanwhile, the crinoline, which usually puffed up like an umbrella, was replaced with a refined and straight silhouette.

Contrary to the expectations of appearing gauche, Rachel’s dainty figure and fair skin harmonized flawlessly, radiating elegance. The most remarkable thing, however, was the accessories gracing the gown.

Someone exclaimed in surprise, “She barely used any jewelry.”

“I know, it’s quite astonishing.”

Unlike Ariel, whose gown was studded in nothing but jewels, Rachel’s gown focused on the beauty of its exquisite fabric, with only a few strategically placed accessories in between.

“It’s somewhat unconventional… yet undeniably beautiful.”

“Yes, it’s absolutely exquisite. It made her look like a fairy.”

Someone chimed in, “That unique style of gown definitely enhanced Lady Rachel’s beauty.”

“Yes, it’s simple yet elegant.”

While Rachel possessed the same exceptional beauty as Ariel, her petite and delicate appearance didn’t quite suit extravagant evenings gowns. However, the gown she wore that night highlighted her unique qualities to their fullest potential.

“How amazing. Using fewer jewels could have made it look plain, but the strategic placements of the jewels made it work.”

“It actually stands out more than if it were covered with lots of jewels.”

“Where on earth did she get that gown?”

“It’s probably not from the Jade Boutique since they only make trendy clothes. Could it be a dressmaker from the South?”

Rachel’s gown instantly became the talk of the town, especially among the fashionable noblewomen who sensed that Rachel’s gown would set a new trend.

The noblewomen chattered excitedly. “Wow! It’s so beautiful. I’d love to try something similar.”

“Right? Next time I’ll ask my dressmaker to create something like that.”

Rachel smiled softly as the compliments poured in.

‘How did this happen?!’

On the other hand, Ariel seethed with rage, crumpling her gown with her clenched fist.

Due to Rachel’s new gown, Ariel quickly faded into the background. Everyone’s attention was solely fixed on admiring Rachel and her exquisite dress.

It was a complete defeat for the otherwise flawless Ariel.

‘Where on earth did she get that gown?!’ Ariel gritted her teeth. She tried to find faults, but the gown appeared beautiful even to her eyes, making it impossible to criticize.

Then, suddenly, the herald announced the arrival of the last main character of the event, bellowing, “Presenting His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince!”

The music in the banquet hall came to a halt, everyone freezing in place.

“Greetings to His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince!”

After acknowledging the salutations, the Crown Prince proceeded to his throne, and soon, the banquet resumed.

However, the Crown Prince’s gaze indifferently brushed past the crowd and stopped on one person.

It was none other than Lady Rachel.

Not just briefly, but he continued to look at her for quite some time. The spectators, who had been attentively observing both the candidates and Crown Prince, did not miss it.

“His Highness seems to take an interest in Lady Rachel.”

“Well, Lady Rachel looks absolutely breathtaking tonight.”

But then, someone voiced a different opinion. “Maybe it’s not Lady Rachel that captivated His Highness, but rather, her gown.”

“Is it really the gown? I don’t think His Highness has an interest in fashion…”

“No, that’s not what I meant. Isn’t Lady Rachel’s gown rather simple? Since His Highness has never liked the extravagance of nobles, it’s possible that the gown has caught his attention.”

Upon hearing that, the spectators nodded in agreement. It was quite well-known that the Crown Prince of Blood had a distaste for excess.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe not. Perhaps he just simply found her intriguing. After all, His His Highness is still a man. He must’ve been captivated by Lady Ariel’s beauty.”

And so, they let their imaginations ran wild. And as time passed, the highlight of the welcoming banquet drew near—the dance between the Crown Prince and the two candidates. Following the proper etiquette, the Crown Prince first danced with Lady Ariel.

As befitting of a Crown Prince, he displayed exceptional dancing skills. However, the dance with Ariel felt somewhat rigid.

The spectators watched them dance, tilting their heads in confusion.

“They’re dancing quite well, but it feels a bit flat.”

“Indeed. They look stiff.”

Once the dance ended, it was finally Rachel’s turn.

The Crown Prince extended his gloved hand to Rachel and said, “May I have the honor of dancing with you?” The Crown Prince politely asked, as per the etiquette.

Rachel nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly.

People watched the two dance with great interest, anticipating whether it would differ from the stiff dance with Lady Ariel.

“Will it be different with Lady Rachel?”

“It has to be, right? After all, His Highness had his eyes on Lady Rachel earlier.”

However, contrary to their expectations, the Crown Prince’s dance still felt stiff. While technically flawless, it lacked a certain passion.

It seemed as though he was just going through the motions, merely fulfilling his duty. Rachel, who was dancing with him, felt this most intensely.

‘It’s just the beginning.’ Rachel remained undeterred. It was just the first step, and there would be many opportunities to capture his heart.

But as they danced for a while, something unexpected happened.

“That gown. Who made it?”

Rachel’s eyes widened at the unexpected question from the Crown Prince.

‘Ah! So it’s because the gown is in the style he prefers.’

Rachel suddenly recalled the rumors about the Crown Prince’s dislike for extravagance.

‘Those are all paid for by the people’s taxes,’ he used to say.

In that instant, Rachel realized that an opportunity had presented itself to score some points with the Crown Prince.

‘Marie’s the one who made this dress, not me, but…’

Rachel had no involvement with the gown; it was all Marie’s miraculous work.

For a brief moment, Rachel thought of Marie, but she quickly shook her head. She couldn’t afford to miss the opportunity.

After all, she’s the only person who knew that Marie made it.

“I have always been bothered by extravagant clothing. Ultimately, it comes at the expense of the people. So, after much consideration, I came up with a gown that is less extravagant,” she said, trying to look as convincing as possible.

The Crown Prince looked at her silently, his gaze deep and penetrating, as if peering into the depths of her soul. Feeling nervous, Rachel swallowed hard.

At that moment, the Crown Prince asked again, “So? Who made it?”


It was just a question. However, she had already stated that she made it, so why did he ask again?

“I made it myself.”

He asked once more, “Is it really your own creation?”

Rachel felt a sense of unease but nodded in response, saying, “Yes, Your Highness.”

The Crown Prince didn’t say anything after that. While Rachel couldn’t help but be curious, the Crown Prince’s mask made it difficult for her to know what he was thinking.

And so, their dance concluded like that, and as midnight struck, the banquet came to an end.

As soon as the banquet ended, the Crown Prince immediately returned to the Lion Palace.

In his chamber, his maid, Marie, was waiting for him to manage his insomnia.

“Thank you for your hard work today.”


Seeing Marie’s familiar presence as she waited for him stirred an odd sensation within him.

‘I suppose I’ve gotten used to this.’

It must’ve been since Marie first served him tea. After enjoying the warm tea that warmed his heart and lulled him to sleep, he found himself craving her tea every night.

But Marie didn’t stop at brewing tea; she also played the piano to ease his restlessness. Thanks to her, his sleep improved little by little.

‘Now I can’t imagine sleeping without her tea and music.’

Seeing her at night, drinking her tea, and listening to her play the piano had become a part of his daily life, as natural as breathing air for him.

‘Is this alright?’ He felt that she had become an integral part of his life, deeper than he had expected. Of course, he didn’t dislike it, but not disliking it was the problem itself.

‘Yes, that’s the problem,’ Rael thought, a wry smile forming inwardly.

At that moment, Marie asked tentatively, “What type of tea would you like, Your Highness?”

“Oh, I had too much alcohol today, so no need for tea. Just play the piano for me.”

“Very well.”

As Rael walked toward his bed to lie down, a thought suddenly occurred to him, prompting him to speak.



“You’ve worked hard today.”

Marie tilted her head in confusion. Why was he suddenly acknowledging her had work?

Of course, she had been busy here and there. She had even foiled Lady Ariel’s plot and made the gown herself.

‘But the Crown Prince couldn’t possibly know that.’

Without elaborating further, he climbed into his bed and lay down.

Marie placed her hands over the keys, preparing to play.

“Today is Variation No. 17.”

Before long, a gentle melody filled the chamber.

Marie composed several pieces of music tailored specifically to help alleviate the Crown Prince’s insomnia. She played said pieces for him every night, changing the theme every session.

‘It’s good as usual,’ he thought as he took off his mask and placed it on the bedside table. His face was incredibly beautiful, akin to a painting, but Marie couldn’t see it due to the canopy.

‘What a soothing melody.’

Rael closed his eyes, relishing the tingling sensation in his ears. As always, Marie’s piano music was a delight to listen to. It made even the heaviest fatigue of the day disappear.

‘The problem is, it’s too good.’

A bitter expression painted his beautiful face. ‘Why do I care so much about her?’

In truth, he knew. He knew why he cared so much about her, what his own feelings were. He pretended not to know, vehemently denying it.

‘But I shouldn’t.’

He was the ruler of that empire. When his iron mask became stained with blood, he made a vow that he would exist solely for the empire.

‘Both the Duke of Schulian and the Count of Istvan are excellent allies for the empire. So I must form a connection with one of them. It is my duty to marry for the benefit of the empire.’

Everyone was fully aware that as a ruler, his personal feelings were not important. He must marry someone who would be most advantageous for the empire. That was his duty as the ruler.

“Why… why can’t I stop thinking about her?” the Crown Prince muttered softly, as if sighing. Outside the canopy, the serene music continued to fill the chamber. It was a melody that was supposed to soothe one’s heart, but Rael’s chest only grew tighter and tighter.

As the night went on like that, Rael couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

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