Published at 1st of March 2024 10:14:44 AM

Chapter 99

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The winds rich in sulfur and ash slammed against the Voidwyrm and its passengers as they advanced in a dark grey sky of the most volcanically active region of Pandora.

It was a region that was opposite to all that was seen on Pandora, even the desertic bone graveyard where the weak, diseased, and old let themselves die. The Obsidian Valley was a place that fit the description of apocalyptic and nuclear winter almost to a T.

Endless desert of toxic ash, granite, fragmented obsidian, and many more randomly separated by crevices, some only a few meters deep and dozens in length while others were bottomless and ranging in kilometers for length and dimensions. Many lead to caves forming impossibly complex labyrinthine undergrounds.

The sky was in a constant state of thunderstorms, dark clouds crackling with thunder and hiding the two suns as acidic rain was ready to pour down at any opportune moment on the fauna and flora adapted to this rather extreme environment. 

The most present were three species of plants of the same genus, vain pods, puffball trees, and puff daddy, all of those names to depict plants that stored methane to help them synthesize their own biological matter, the most peculiar aspect of them all was their sacs full of light gasses that let them partially defy gravity and also make them very prone to explosion if their was just the hint of a spark.

All around were the trunks of long-since dead Hometrees that had fossilized creating massive dark grey pillars every five or so kilometers reaching toward the sky or broken on the ground creating bridges for the crevices. But since long dead trees were only a small portion of the desolate paysage, volcanoes were the most flagrant part of this entire area.

They were of all shapes and sizes, from barely hundreds of meters in height to kilometers the vast majority were completely inactive but the ones that weren't were creating rivers of bright red yet rapidly cooling lava and toxic fumes.

"Are you both sure there is anyone living on that wasteland? I don't think even the most hardy of beasts would even survive a few days.", Jake suddenly asked if the harsh wind, toxic air, and smog did not bother him as the Tek Belt filtered everything harmful out, letting him not suffer and die slowly.

"That's because that is exactly this. Only insane individuals would live here when the smallest of breezes can lead to deep cuts and breathing stupidly sharp pieces of glass. The Ash People are cave dwellers far from obsidian shards sandstorm.", Grace explained with fascination as she was very curious about the ways these people live in such conditions.

"Huh… That makes sense.", the ex-marine nodded, the simple explanation was enough for him even if that happened to several other questions.

"Look at our goal, you two.", Liam said pointing one finger at the largest volcano appearing on the horizon the Voidwyrm was rapidly approaching, its size and height comparable to that of Mount Everest, and its dark grey and obsidian black body was adorned with massive arches of stones as the smaller rocks orbited all around like moons. 


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