Published at 13th of September 2023 01:08:13 PM

Chapter 511: The Waiting Room

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Erik was treated to an aerial view of the bustling metropolis as the flying car soared over the sprawling cityscape. High-rises of gleaming metal and glass pierced the sky, haphazardly arranged to speak of unplanned, rapid growth.

A network of winding streets spread like a spiderweb between these architectural behemoths, teeming with people of all shapes and sizes.

The city was alive and pulsing with energy, a symphony of sights and sounds that was both thrilling and overwhelming.

Despite this flurry of activity, a massive structure dominated the skyline, attracting Erik's attention like a magnet. It was the Arena, with its towering facade dwarfing the surrounding structures.

The Arena's design was as elegant as it was efficient, with its sleek lines and towering walls encapsulating brutal functionality. Large screens on its exterior walls flashed vibrant colors, playing promotional videos of previous tests, and thrilling battles ensued within its walls. Each time the background was different, but it was clear from the videos that they weren't digitally made or holograms; they were actual buildings the guild built inside the Arena.

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