Published at 8th of May 2024 08:14:32 AM

Chapter 249: Chapter 249: Chapter 247: Lincoln Appears

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Chapter 249: Chapter 247: Lincoln Appears


Translator: 549690339

The video was still silent.

No one was talking, there was no environmental sound, and no background music either.

The compartment opened, and the staff carried equipment out box by box. Soon, the teachers joined in to help.

The scene switched, and the assembly technician entered the classroom, putting headbands on each special student and adjusting the detailed parameters.

From the moment the first childs eyes suddenly widened, the background sound of the video abruptly appeared. He looked around in disbelief, opening his mouth but unable to make a sound.

Most congenitally deaf people cant speak.

However, now with the help of the auxiliary equipment [Eight Sides] , regaining the ability to hear and learning to speak would not be difficult.

Not to mention that there were professional teachers here to teach, which would greatly shorten the time it would take to learn to speak.

Then the next student, the student after that, and the student after that

As the lens switched, similar scenes happened in one classroom after another.

In the end, all the visually and hearing-impaired students were wearing Eight Sides headbands.

After each student put on the headband, their faces filled with astonishment and joy amidst their calm, curious expressions.

Children with visual impairments couldnt help but look around incessantly. Those with hearing impairments would listen intently to every tiny sound, very focused.

The childrens lively expressions were filled with surprise, but also the purest joy.

Surrounded by their students, the teachers, who had already shed tears as they watched their beloved students see the light and regain their hearing, couldnt help but cry.

Everyone who watched the video seemed to feel the students happiness through the screen, and smiles appeared on everyones faces.

When they saw the weeping teachers, they were also touched by that emotion, feeling their eyes sting.

Finally, the teacher brought the children outside. Everyone spread out to explore their school and their friends with their newfound senses.

Familiar yet unfamiliar.

But the joy was not diminished in the slightest.

The video ended amidst a lively and bustling environment full of vitality.

At this point, the remaining doubts of the audience about the technology had almost vanished this was something that could be verified with just one look, leaving no room for deception!

All the live audience applauded vigorously, expressing their excited and

admiring feelings.

This was much better than simply demonstrating the equipment on-site! The number of people in the live streaming room soared to 300,000 in one breath!

The comments were also very active, full of:


Ive been hit by bricks in the eyes.

Good, good! Sorry, Im not well-educated, I can only say good, good! Im different, I can also say amazing, amazing!

Of course, there were always those who didnt conform, especially when they were behind a screen.

Some netizens commented independently: Mute students: International friendly gestures!

After the video ended, Kyle came back to the stage.

What you saw is the first stop of the [Journey Plan]. This plan is dedicated to traveling across the country and helping as many students in special education schools as possible.

Those interested can follow the official account of [Journey Plan]. We will disclose real-time information through this account.

Finally, lets address the issue everyone is most concerned about: the price.

Weve divided the Eight Sides series of visual and hearing aids into three models: one for purely hearing assistance, one for purely visual assistance, and one for both hearing and visual assistance.

The price of the three devices varies due to differences in accessories.

Kyle pressed the remote control, and the projection screen switched accordingly.

Three highly similar headbands were lined up, with their respective prices listed below:

Hearing Aid Headband: 6499! Visual Aid Headband: 6999!

Visual + Hearing Aid Headband: 7499!

Although the prices may seem high, the cost of the device is not much lower than that of a Mirage console.

Although the portable processor of the device is small and its overall performance is much lower than that of the Mirage, many key components become much more expensive once they are miniaturized.

These three headbands will surely be profitable, as the prosthetic company itself needs to make money in order to expand production independently.

However, to make more money, it would be better to produce more gaming consoles instead.

Kyle explained to the audience, As with Cloud Dreams Mirage console, the R&D costs have not been included in the price. As you all know, the true value of such a groundbreaking technology!

In order to prove our sincerity to you, I had to pull the boss here by force.

As soon as Kyle said this, the noise level at the scene shot up by at least thirty decibels, reaching a deafening level.

The live broadcast room was in an uproar!

Kyle had no choice but to raise the volume: Now, let me introduce my boss Lincoln! He will say a few words to everyone!

In front of Lincoln, the two reporters were extremely excited: We caught a big fish! We didnt expect Lincoln to come! This is big news!

Yeah! Where there is Lincoln, there is big news! He loves to stir things up!

Once he comes out, we must take more pictures!

Lincoln stood up from his seat, patted the old journalists shoulder, Excuse me, I need to go on stage.

The two reporters instinctively turned around and looked at Lincoln, who had removed his mask.

The next moment, their eyes widened, and their mouths opened slightly, but they couldnt speak.

Then they immediately closed their mouths tightly, their eyeballs rolling, clearly falling into uneasy thoughts.

Finally, the corners of their mouths twitched, obviously thinking about the comments they made about Lincoln earlier, and they instinctively took a step back.

The old journalist suddenly thought of something and quickly covered his chest with his media pass, blocking his and the newspapers name.

This action reminded the young reporter, who quickly turned around, his back facing Lincoln.

Lincoln smiled speechlessly, sidestepped past the two of them, and walked onto the stage.

Are you kidding? They only thought of covering their reporters pass at the end?

Didnt they see that the camera of my Mobile phone in my pocket is facing outward?

Mavis had been acting cute and charming in her headset, begging Lincoln to let her see the two reporters reactions!

Those few seconds of face-changing were definitely recorded by Mavis!

Lincoln was already very clear about Maviss occasional bad taste.

As he walked onto the stage, he thought to himself: I must find Mavis later, and watch the scene a few more times, its really interesting!

Both reporters stared at Lincolns back, making up their minds: they would never gossip in public places again! Its too damn dangerous!

Lincoln walked onto the stage under everyones attention, took the microphone from Kyle, patted his arm, and then started to speak to the audience.

First of all, let me make it clear that if you have not completely lost your hearing and can still hear sounds with the help of economical hearing aids around 1,000 yuan, then we do not recommend buying our product. There is no need, and its not cost-effective.

Lincoln started by discouraging people from buying.

We also have no intention of competing with hearing aid manufacturers for users, and we sincerely hope that they can thrive.

Because our equipment is very difficult to lower the price to the range of 1,000 or 2,000 yuan, and many friends with hearing disabilities really need products at this price.

But I can honestly say that it really doesnt make much money at this price, its just making friends.

And because the price is really a bit low, we have a special limitation: when purchasing equipment, please show your disability certificate issued by Daxia. If you dont have the certificate, there will be a physician in our store who will only sell to you at this price if they determine that you have a related physical disability.

This is to ensure that our benefits can truly help those who need it most.

Lincoln honestly said: Of course, we will not refuse ordinary users. If your hearing is slightly weak, or you are just nearsighted, but want to try a new device, its not impossible. Just wait for three months, and then it will be fully available for purchase.

In addition, there is also a special offer. Lincoln completely ignored the audience and reporters below with questioning faces, and couldnt see the barrage of question mark comments that were about to cover the screen.

He continued on his own: When I first approached Kyle, I wanted to give him shares, but he refused. He hoped that I would use this money to subsidize

Daxias retired soldiers for purchasing prosthetics and auxiliary equipment.

Well there arent many fools like him in this world now. So what can I do? I can only agree! And just agreeing is not enough, I am the boss, I cant be outdone by my subordinates!

Lincoln concluded in the end: So this subsidy will be doubled!

As soon as the words fell, thunderous applause immediately erupted at the scene.

In Daxia, the status of the military has always been high, and retired veterans have always been highly valued.

After all, society has been peaceful for only a decade or so.

No need to look back too far, just one generation older, many people have military relatives in their families. As soon as this measure is launched, no matter the effect, the publics goodwill will definitely be at its peak!

This subsidy will cover the full range of Journey Prosthetics products! Lincoln continued, Not only the current eight-sided visual and auditory aid devices but also all prosthetic devices that will be launched in the future!

Because Lincoln started talking a little slower, the applause that had risen once again roared up, and many peoples hands turned red without stopping.

The applause was like a tide, about to drown Lincoln.

Lincolns reputation on the internet, cant be considered very good, leaving many people with the impression that he is hot-tempered, narrow-minded, and not easy to mess with.

But now, at least for this moment, no one in their hearts doesnt think hes good.

And he has one point that is widely recognized: he keeps his word!

From the earliest example, saying that he would use a revolutionary human -machine interaction approach to teach NetDragon, everyone thought he was exaggerating, and then he produced Virtual Reality Devices in less than a week!

Until the present, he said he wanted to create brain-controlled prosthetic limbs, and he really did it!

No one doubts the authenticity of his words.

After Lincoln finished speaking, he put down the microphone and left.

Both the audience and reporters below were excitedly raising their hands, wanting to ask some questions.

However, Lincoln had already skillfully handed the microphone to Kyle, left the stage, and was about to leave.

The first reason is that he has done everything he needed to do at the press conference.

The second reason is that Mavis had already reminded him in the headset: the situation in the Metropolitan Battlefield with the Red Clothed Army was becoming a bit out of control.

Although listening to Maviss words, it sounded more like she was urging him to go online and watch the excitement together, rather than dealing with trouble

But watching the excitement is also fun!

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