Delayed Transfer - Chapter 115

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:49 AM

Chapter 115

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Mark and the gang planned to vacation in Hawaii for a week.  They would leave after their weekly dungeon dive and be back for the next one. After planning, he immediately called Agent Harper and informed her of the vacation place he decided on and that he would be going with his friends.

Agent Harper informed him that there were still talks regarding him and his skills so more than likely, he would be allowed to go to his first vacation tour after the next scheduled healing session.   Mark counted to ten to himself to prevent him from blowing up. He already knew that his freedom would be restricted but the fact that he really would need permission to just go on vacation irked him to no end.

“What talk are you talking about? I have been very cooperative and even allowed myself to be a guinea pig. The next healing session would be two weeks from now and that meant we have plenty of time.”

“Understood. I would go ahead and talk to them about your request and call you back in a few minutes.”

“Okay. I’ll be expecting your call in five.”

Mark waited for a few minutes and Agent Harper called back and said that they could go ahead and go on vacation to Hawaii. Mark thanked the agent and apologized for his temper. Agent Harper replied that she understood.

After the call, the group celebrated and began packing. Since it’s already Wednesday, they plan to skip this Sunday’s dungeon dive and be back next week. Mark called Donald and Robert to inform them about their plan. Donald said that he understood but would remain behind since he had some work to do.

Robert asked if he and his family could join them, and Mark replied to him that of course, they were welcome. Then Robert gave the phone to Albert and Albert said that he couldn’t wait to go to Hawaii with him and his friends. Albert said that he wanted to go on the beach for so long but since he was sick for a long time, this would be his first time to go to Hawaii.  Albert gave the phone back to Robert and Robert then said that they didn’t have to arrange any hotel reservation since he did have a fully staffed mansion on the beach in Hawaii. Robert also offered the use of his private plane. Mark thanked Robert and ended the call.

Mark told his gang about Robert’s offer for them to stay at his mansion in Hawaii and the use of his private plane so everyone cheered.  Mark packed a few things in his bag for appearance’s sake which everybody did as well since they did have storage items.

It was already late in the afternoon, but Armina and Melissa went out to shop for things they wanted to bring to Hawaii like new swimsuits. Since the girls decided to shop, Mark and the boys decided to go with them to purchase some things as well.

Mark and the gang enjoyed themselves shopping for things they wanted to bring to Hawaii but looking at the things the group purchased, few of them were related to vacationing on a tropical island. The group just purchased things because they had the money and all of them enjoyed themselves shopping, even the men, although after an hour, the boys separated from the girls since they couldn’t keep on shopping and just rested in the food court section of the mall.

While Mark, Sam, and Enleed were eating snacks, Mark called Agent Harper to inform her of the details of their vacation. The agent replied that she understood and that the agents that were assigned to him would just follow him on a separate commercial plane.

The next day, Mark and the gang excitedly went to the airport to board Robert’s private plane. Everyone was amazed at Robert’s luxurious plane.

Robert then mentioned that the mansion they were staying in was a mansion that was purchased by his great-grandfather back in the day and that this was the first time Albert was well enough to visit it.

Four flight attendants were assisting them, two female and two male. Everyone took their sit once the plane was ready to depart.

Albert sat beside Mark and talked non-stop about his experience inside the dungeon. He talked so fast and so loudly that Mark just kept on nodding. It was a good thing that the kid had a British accent and since he sounded like one of the cast of the Harry Potter film which made him sound pleasant to the ear in Mark’s and the rest of the group’s opinion.

Halfway through their destination,  Mark heard a familiar sound at the back that he couldn’t place, then he remembered that it sounded like one of those guns with silencers in the movies.  He managed to hear it because of his high physical stats. He whispered to the group that there was a problem. The gang took some of the dungeon items from their storage items that they could discreetly wear like bracers, shoes, and even their mage and leather hats. The stats and defense from those items would help them with any altercation.

Mark was proud to see his friends, even Albert, calm in the face of possible danger and their experience in the dungeon brought their nerves to be as strong as steel.

The two male flight attendants came in bearing guns with silencers. One of the flight attendants spoke to Robert while pointing his gun at him while his colleague was threatening the rest of the group with his gun.

“Mr. Scott, we are now in charge of this plane. The co-pilot is one of ours and the pilot is already dead. “

“Where’s Ana and Irene?”  Robert demanded.

“I shot them. They tried to fight so we killed them. The co-pilot is now bringing the plane to another location. You don’t have to worry too much. The moment you pay us, we will release you. Please don’t fight us. Aside from guns, we also brought in a bomb for insurance.”

“Who are you people? Please don’t hurt us. I would pay whatever you want.”  Robert said to the man.

“We know you would pay us. The money you would give us would fund our cause to make sure that the U.S. government would leave our country.”

Mark then understood that the people holding them hostage were not robbers but actual terrorists. What the terrorist said was so cliché that he couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!