Delayed Transfer - Chapter 136

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:39 PM

Chapter 136

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The autumn night was a little chilly and that brought forth the hint of how cold the coming winter would be, but it wasn’t a problem inside Mark’s caravan. The heater that was running, powered by the noiseless generator brought forth a cozy warmth that Mark and the elven sisters enjoyed.  Mark and the sisters also enjoyed mugs of hot chocolate that he prepared.

“Your caravan was full of magical items that felt like an abode of a mighty wizard. I especially like the television show that you’ve shown us. The story was superb, and the actors were natural. As Monterra had said, it didn’t feel like were watching a play but seeing the actual lives of the characters.”  Eilintraee said while holding on to the mug of chocolate.

“That show was actually written by one of our great playwrights in my homeland and it was one of my mother’s favorite plays. What you’ve seen was just one of the interpretations of the play. That is also the reason why I would like a Silence Rune on my caravan. I would like to watch shows with the sounds loud enough that I could enjoy the experience, but I wouldn’t want to disturb the surroundings with the noise. I would also appreciate it if you don’t share what you’ve seen inside my caravan with others since I’m not ready to show it to anybody else, perhaps only with Hamil since he’s the caravan leader. I showed you these things because you three are mages and being elves, must have seen a lot of magical items that what I have could be considered just curiosities.”

“You are correct, Mark. We have lived a long time. This journey of ours with the circus caravan was us resting and enjoying the moment. We have seen a lot of things in our long lives, but your items are truly unique. You mentioned that it would be hard for us to get one of these items since they required a “power source” that we do not have. So what item are you offering for trade for the Silence Rune?”  Solinae, the main mage of the three sisters asked.

“To be honest with you, I would have liked to have that television plus the shows that you have since I know for a fact that you must have a lot of those, but you are correct that we can’t take something so valuable for a Silence Rune,” Monterra added.

Mark then took a copy of a brick game console with a Tetris game and showed it to the sisters. He remembered purchasing a box of old console games from Amazon and the brick games with different old-school games cost him around five dollars each.

“This is called a game console. It had one game in it called Tetris. The goal of the game is to make sure that the lines were cleared by fitting the falling figures correctly.”

Mark turned on the console and showed the sisters how to play the game. After about 10 minutes, the three elven women got hooked on the Tetris game. Solinae mentioned that the game was easy at first but due to the fact that the falling bricks with different shapes and sizes got faster at each level made the game a bit challenging and that it was a good device to pass the time. He then showed the sisters the scores and that they could keep the score and compare it to each other. He then taught the elven women how to remove the batteries and put them on a solar charger once the power was low. He explained that the power of the sun would charge the batteries so they could play the game again once the power of the console was low.

Mark requested to not show the game casually to anybody but that he trusts their judgment on who to show the console to. The three elven women agreed with the trade and Solinae installed the Silence Rune to the caravan door. She told Mark that he would just need to touch the rune and utter a word to activate it and the same thing to deactivate it. It only took Solinae about 10 minutes to carve the rune and attach some materials to complete it, then the elven sisters went back to their own caravan for rest.

Mark activated the rune and then watched a compilation of music videos on his television at a loud audio blast from the speakers for test and the rune worked perfectly. He opened the door as fast as he could to go outside and once, he shut it, he couldn’t hear anything.

The next day, after breaking their fast, the caravan continued on their journey to the next village. Mark enjoyed the travel so much. The caravan was very lively even though it was moving. The noise of the talking people, the playing children, and the animals, all those brought an exciting energy to the whole caravan.

While the caravan was moving, Mark visited the sisters to check on how they were doing with the brick game console, and he could hear arguments from outside. When he knocked on their door, Solinae opened it and greeted Mark. He inquired if they’d encountered any problem with the game and Mentorra went outside as well and mentioned that they were enjoying the game so much. Eilintraee was the one driving their cart. Solinae told him that she and Mentorra were arguing about the score since Mentorra cheated. Mentorra argued that she didn’t cheat and recorded the score correctly. She proudly showed the list to Mark and told him that she was first.

Mark congratulated Mentorra and then said his goodbyes. He then went to Hamil’s caravan and greeted the leader. Hamil told Mark that the elven sisters had shown him the brick game console and asked him if he was selling one.  Mark told Hamil that the game was not currently for sale but if he were really interested, he could borrow one. Hamil immediately asked to borrow one and Mark invited him and his family to join him on his caravan this coming night for dinner and he would then lend him one of his brick games.

Mark thought that it would be a good idea to show Hamil the things in his caravan since he was the caravan leader.


I saw my novel was stolen and posted on a novel site. It actually made me happy.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!