Delayed Transfer - Chapter 178

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:08:56 PM

Chapter 178

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

Mark was preparing the television and the speaker to make sure that it would play Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back without any issues. While he was doing so, Natasha noticed the action figures of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca that the twins were holding, and she asked to see them.

The twins handed the toys over and Natasha as well as his vice-captain and his aide inspected it.

“This is a good doll. Did Mark give these to you?” Natasha asked the kids while scrutinizing the action figures together with the two guards.

“Yes. It’s the bestest toy ever!” Aaron said.

“No! Han Solo’s ship is the best!” Isaac argued.

Mark saw Natasha was examining the toys.

“That’s called an action figure. Would you like to have one?” Mark offered to Natasha while smiling.

Natasha rolled her eyes at him.

“So, are we starting?” The guard captain asked.

“Yes, so go ahead and do your bathroom breaks and I will hit the play button in five minutes.”

When everybody was ready, Mark hit play and the opening scenes of the movie started.

During the movie, Mark was happy to note that everyone was still excited and wide-eyed. Everyone can relate to when Luke Skywalker was on the planet Hoth almost freezing to death since they were in the middle of a blizzard as well. The main difference was, they were very comfortable inside the RV.

While everyone was watching, Mark excused himself and prepared mugs of hot chocolate. He served the mugs to everyone and as expected, they just took the mug but never took their sight from the film.

Mark saw that the mages were particularly excited when they saw Luke Skywalker learning the Force from Yoda but during the scenes, they realized that the Force was vastly different from Mana.

Mark enjoyed everyone’s dismayed faces when they saw Han Solo being frozen by Darth Vader in a carbonite and the twins even got a little teary-eyed.

During the ending scene where every character in the film was preparing to rescue Han Solo, everyone was excited and when the movie ended, the twins clamored that they wanted to watch the next one.

Mark was surprised to see that even Natasha, his guards, and the soldiers were looking at him expectantly.

“Hey, I thought that after this movie we’re going to let the other soldiers watch the first one on the other RV.”

As expected, the vice-captain’s aide was commandeered to be the one who would control the laptop and television on the other RV but before going with the aide, he surprised the twins by summoning the Death Star Lego set.

“While I’m setting up the other RV and Natasha setting up who will watch the movie, you boys can play with this and let Lossa and Ardeen play with you okay?”

The twins and the mages started assembling the Death Star Lego set on the table, Mark, and Natasha together with the aide went to the other RV. The vice-captain stayed to watch the kids and the mages play.

After he was done setting up the television set on the other RV, Mark apologized to the aide for not being able to join them in watching the next movie and the aide responded that he loved the movie and was actually excited about watching it again. The aide mentioned that it would be fun to watch the next ones together with his friends.

Mark saw that the RV was starting to fill up with soldiers and told Natasha that he would wait for her before starting the next movie then he went back to his RV. When he arrived, he saw that the twins and the mages hadn’t even started assembling the Death Star Lego set yet since they were still scrutinizing the instruction manual or guide.

Mark clapped his hands, and everyone looked at him.

“We will start the next movie in five so go do your business in the toilet, so we don’t have to pause the movie.”

“You can pause the movie?” Lossa asked.

“Yes. Why?”

“Earlier, while we were watching, you gave us something to drink. It was very delicious, but it made me want to go to the bathroom. If I knew, I would have requested for you to pause the movie.”

Mark laughed.

“This time, halfway through the movie, I’m going to pause it for about ten minutes so everybody can take a bathroom break if they want to. And I’m sorry Lossa about that chocolate drink.”

When everybody was ready, Mark hit play, and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi started. During the scene when Princess Leia was enslaved, everyone was enraptured about her costume and Mark made a comment that he had that costume and that he would allow Natasha to borrow it, the guard captain threw a pillow at him, and everyone laughed.

During Yoda’s death scene, the twins cried and after that, he paused the movie and comforted the kids. Everyone else took a bathroom break. When everyone was back, they continued watching the movie.

When the movie ended, everyone clapped, and the mages kept saying “superb” many times. Mark was happy that everyone enjoyed one of his favorite movie series. Natasha and the vice-captain excused themselves to check on the other guards and he reminded Natasha to return to get the soldier’s food.

Mark prepared everyone’s food and honestly, because of his replicate skill, it didn’t take long. While everyone was enjoying their food, a couple of soldiers arrived, and Mark directed them to where the soldiers' food was located, and they took it to give to the other guards.

Natasha arrived after a few minutes and joined them in eating their dinner. Everyone enjoyed eating and discussing the movies and Mark kept revealing some information that got everyone hooked on his every word. Of course, the information that he was sharing was not spoilers but information about the background of some of the characters in the films.

Everyone had some questions about Star Wars and the twins asked when they would be watching Episodes One to Three since they remembered him saying that after Episodes IV to VI, the next set of trilogy was one to three.

Mark promised the kids that once they had the time, they would watch it next.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!