Delayed Transfer - Chapter 185

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:24 AM

Chapter 185

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Mark flew in front of the Forest Sanctuary that was enveloping the group and summoned his Space Tower for added defense. Of course, he didn’t forget to cast Bark Skin and Space Shield. Natasha and Lossa were watching Mark battle the three Ancient Beholder and they were in awe of the spells that he cast one after the other.

Mark received elemental attacks from the beholders and his defense held which made him glad. He then cast Glacial Void to slow down the monsters. He then cast Void Meteor which summoned a rock made of void energy from another dimension that fell to the beholders and caused a lot of damage to the monsters based on the scream he heard from them.

He then cast Void Hurricane which summoned a hurricane of void energy that surrounded the three ancient beholders trying to rip them to shreds. Mark didn’t stop there. He cast Void Tsunami which summoned a wave of void energy from another dimension that pushed the monster back which caused their spell to be cancelled then he cast Void Chain Lightning for added damage.

Mark cast Floating Sunflower and Dryad’s Circle on his location to make sure that his MP was always full then he repeatedly cast his spells one after the other. Natasha, Lossa, and the rest of the soldiers were looking at the titanic battle that was happening with open mouths. He didn’t forget to renew Forest Sanctuary on Natasha and the group to make sure they were safe then continued battling with the ancient beholders.

Mark was glad that his defense spells were enough to defend against the spells of the Ancient Beholders and if he received any damage, he would be healed by his Dryad’s Circle spell.

When the beholders received so much damage, they attempted to flee but Mark cast Glacial Void again. Although the spell didn’t freeze them, it slowed them down considerably.

After about twenty minutes of repeated casting, Mark finally slew the three ancient beholders. He flew towards the monsters to make sure that they were really dead and not pretending and when he was sure, he signaled to Natasha and the rest that the monsters were destroyed.

Natasha commanded some of the guards to dissect the beholders and get the materials and the Mana stone from them.

Mark landed and walked towards Lossa who was holding Ardeen in his arms.

“We were friends ever since we were kids, and we attended the mage academy together. We planned to be archmages together and build mage towers side by side and it would be called the twin towers of Ardeen and Lossa.”

“I’m sorry Lossa. I’ve become so conceited and overconfident in my power that I thought I would be able to avoid instances like this. I thought to myself that I have powerful healing spells that I thought that I could heal anyone if they get injured.”

“It’s not your fault. When this mission was assigned to us, we were told explicitly that this one would be extremely dangerous, but we went anyway since we knew that it was our duty to the city. Did you know that we were given a chance to decline this mission? We went anyway.”

“Let me keep his body. It will not decay in my dimension, and we can hold a funeral in the city once we’re back.”

“Thank you, Lord Mark, I appreciate that.” Lossa scrubbed the tears from his face and allowed Mark to store Ardeen’s body in his inventory.

Mark also stored the bodies of the other dead guards to be brought back to the city for their funeral.

When the corpses of the beholders were fully harvested, the group departed hurriedly, wanting to leave the location where disaster struck.

When they arrived at their campsite, Mark summoned the RVs then he went to the 11th floor of his dungeon to retrieve the twins. He found them sleeping in the living room with their toys scattered around them. He woke them up and told them that they would be returning since the mission was done.

Mark and the twins arrived at the empty RV since Natasha and Lossa were still having a meeting. He decided to tell the kids the sad news, so he sat by the twins on the couch.

“I have bad news to tell you, boys. We encountered powerful monsters and Ardeen and some of the soldiers lost their lives.”

The twins hugged Mark and cried. They were beginning to become close with the mages since they usually joined them in assembling their Lego sets and talking about the Star Wars movie with them. The twins cried so hard that Mark got a bit worried.

“Please don’t cry so hard, you will get sick and Lossa will get sad if that happens. He’s really sad right now since he lost his friends so I was hoping that we would be there for him.”

The twins sobbed a bit more then finally stopped.

“I’m just so sad Mark. I really like Ardeen. He was our friend. He helped us with our Lego set and talked about Star Wars with us and he didn’t treat us like kids too much.” Issac said while Aaron nodded.

“We will hold a send-off to him tonight so be prepared.”

Mark summoned barrels of beers that everyone could consume for the send-off and when evening arrived, everyone gathered at the huge bonfire that was created in the middle of the RVs.

Everyone was holding a mug of beer and Natasha started the send-off speech.

“We’re here to commemorate the contribution and sacrifice of our fellow guards. They know their duty and we know ours and I hope that I will be able to depart this world a hero like them.”

Everyone lifted their mugs. Lossa then made a speech about Ardeen that was full of funny stories that they’ve experienced together.

While Lossa was giving a speech, Mark thought about what happened. He felt so stupid. He was over-confident thinking that he was powerful enough even after learning from others that he was just a beginner. He thought that he would be able to defend everyone and now Ardeen was dead.

He decided then that he would continue exploring his dungeon to get dungeon items so he could be more powerful and increase his levels and get more skills. On top of that, he would focus more on learning the local language to learn the basics of the magic of this world.

The next time something like this happened, he would make sure that he was powerful enough so he wouldn’t lose anyone.

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