Delayed Transfer - Chapter 194

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:10 AM

Chapter 194

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Mark, Natasha, Lossa, and the two soldiers came out of the dungeon none the worse for wear. They were fully healed but a bit hungry since Mark forbade anyone from eating so they could eat a lot of food when he prepared a celebratory feast for them. The only thing that Natasha complained about was they were dirty, but a good shower would fix that right up.

Natasha’s soldiers met them at the entrance of the dungeon, and they happily told everyone that they were successful in conquering it. After several minutes, the dungeon portal disappeared.

Mark summoned the RVs and then he brought the twins back from the eleventh floor of his dungeon. He then prepared a feast for everyone. Since most of them were bonified carnivores, he prepared lots of meat dishes like roast chicken, fried chicken, Peking duck, beef brisket, grilled meat, and even a whole roast pig that he brought from his mother’s home country. He also added a lot of side dishes to offset the meat like rice, potato dishes, vegetable and fruit salads, soups, and more.

He also prepared a lot of drinks for everyone. Of course, he didn’t forget to prepare a lot of dessert dishes as well. When everything was ready, everyone started eating without any regard for manners which was what Mark liked.

Natasha announced to everyone that they’d received a lot of items from the dungeon and most of the items would be sold and everyone would have a share of the earnings.

Everyone cheered when they heard that. After a few hours, Mark noticed that everyone was still going strong, so he took the twins inside the RV, washed them, and put them to sleep. After that, he went back and joined Natasha, Lossa, and the soldiers in their celebration.

Mark’s main goal this night was to make sure that everyone was hammered so he kept replicating bottles of wine and beer and as per Natasha’s request, a lot of food as well. At around midnight, everyone was down aside from the unlucky few that were assigned to be on duty. It looked like they were a victim of a massacre.

Mark and the guard on duty put those who were down inside the RVs, and it was easy because of his Telekinesis skill. Even Natasha and Lossa succumbed to drunken revelry. He put Lossa on the other RV and Natasha on one of the bunk beds in the main RV. He then made sure that the guards on duty had enough to eat then he took his well-deserved rest beside the twins.

The next day, Mark woke up early and prepared breakfast for the kids and when the twins woke up, he transferred Natasha to the main bedroom. His Telekinesis made it easy, and the guard captain didn’t even wake up. He then fed the twins their breakfast.

“Mark, are we going to travel early today?” Isaac asked.

“Probably not. Natasha and the rest are still sleeping and will probably wake up a little later. In the meantime, let me teach you how to play Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.”

Mark taught the kids how to play the game and they easily learned how to. They were able to play the game at the same time since up to three people could play the game. His only rule while playing was not to be too loud since Natasha was still asleep.

At around eleven in the morning, Mark heard the shower, so he knew that Natasha had woken up. He told the twins that he would stop playing but they could continue and from what the boys looked like, what he said didn’t even register to them.

He prepared food for them and laid them beautifully on the table. When Natasha came out, Mark offered her a mug of coffee first.

“Are you hungry? Do you want to eat lunch?”

“No. I’ll eat together with you and the kids.”

Natasha watched the kids playing and after a while, Lossa arrived. Mark offered the mage a mug of coffee as well and joined them in watching the kids play the game.

“The twins are getting good at playing that. It almost looked like I was watching a movie but with no dialogue.” Lossa said.

“Do you want to play too?”

“Yes please!”

Mark replicated a television set and another console and set it up. He then invited Natasha and Lossa to play the game. He taught them patiently how to create their character and how to control them. After a while, they were both shouting and enjoying the game and since they were loud, the kids abandoned being soft-spoken and became loud in their bickering as well.

In the meantime, Mark prepared lunch for the soldiers and called someone to distribute it to everyone. The vice-captain arrived and called someone to take the bento boxes, but he stayed to watch everyone play.

“What are they doing Lord Mark?” The vice-captain asked.

“They are playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Do you see those characters that are having adventures? They are the kids, Natasha and Lossa. You can go ahead and eat here so you can continue watching them. I don’t mind.”

The vice-captain thanked Mark and continued watching the games. At around two in the afternoon, he asked everyone to pause the game so they could eat lunch. It was the fastest lunch Mark had ever seen from the twins, Natasha and Lossa and after that, they went back to gaming.

Mark then permitted the vice-captain to allow the soldiers to watch the Star Wars movies on the other RV.

“Thank you, Lord Mark. Ever since I’ve seen these movies, I don’t know if I could watch a regular stage play again. You opened our eyes to endless possibilities, and you have been very generous to us. I have seen legendary archmages visit our city before and all of them without exception never noticed the people beneath them. But you are different.”

“Well, I am since I’m not a legendary yet, far from it as a matter of fact.”

The vice-captain stared at him unbelievingly and then he went and assigned someone to lead the soldiers in watching the movies. After a few minutes though, he continued watching everyone play.

Based on Natasha and Lossa’s behavior, travel today was postponed but they were not on a schedule anyway, so Mark felt it was fine.


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