Delayed Transfer - Chapter 195

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:04:53 AM

Chapter 195

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Mark prepared food while the twins, Natasha and Lossa were busy defeating the imperials using their lightsaber. He was impressed by how focused they’d been since they had been at it for several hours. When the snacks were ready, he clapped really hard to get everybody’s attention.

Everyone paused their gameplay and looked at him.

“It’s time for a snack so save your game and close it since after this I think some people need to handle some important business,” Mark said while looking at Natasha and Lossa.

Mark could see the realization dawning on the guard captain and the mage’s faces.

“What time is it?” Natasha asked with a flustered expression.

“It’s about four in the afternoon but it’s okay, the guards are watching the movies on the other RV.”

“We need to conduct our daily meetings!”

“I know but you can have some snacks before meeting with them.”

Everyone saw the pizza and soda that Mark prepared, and they all went to the table and started devouring the food.

“This food is really delicious, Lord Mark,” Lossa commented while munching on a slice of pizza.

“Can we continue playing after eating Mark?” Isaac asked.

“I don’t know. It felt like you shouldn’t be playing continuously for several hours.”

“Why?” Lossa asked.

“I’m not really sure. Maybe because it’s bad for the eyes or something or it fosters bad behavior. At least that was what my mother kept telling me when I played games for a long time. I did go really really fat so she may have known what she was talking about.”

“You were fat?” Aaron asked.

“Yes. When I was younger, I looked like a ball. It’s because I kept watching movies and playing games without stopping so if you do it like that, you will become really fat as well and monsters will find you very delicious.”

The twins looked worried and Natasha and Lossa laughed. After eating Natasha and Lossa went outside to have a meeting with her soldiers, but she admonished Mark to not touch the console since she was planning to continue playing the game. Mark laughed and agreed to her sweetheart’s demands.

In the meantime, Mark saved the twins' gameplay then they went outside to play tag. He wanted to make sure that even if the boys got addicted to movies, TV series, or games, they would still be active.

When Mark and the twins saw that Natasha and Lossa were done with their meeting, they went together with them to the RV, and they continued playing their game. Mark played his own game on his Nintendo Switch and after a couple of hours, he stopped and prepared their dinner.

Mark called some of the guards outside to take away the dinner that he prepared for them and then after that, he prepared the food for the boys, Natasha and Lossa.

“Hey everyone save your game so we can eat dinner.”

Everyone didn’t argue and saved their game. Nobody complained since more than likely they were getting tired of playing anyway since they’d been at it since lunchtime.

“Mark, thank you so much for this vacation. I enjoyed this rest time a lot.” Natasha said while enjoying the pork barbecue that he prepared.

“Yes, I enjoyed playing that game so much Lord Mark,” Lossa said.

After dinner, Mark washed the twins and tucked them in then he joined Natasha and Lossa in the living room to talk.

“Tomorrow we should focus on traveling so we can get home as soon as possible.”

“I thought we would be traveling this afternoon, but I didn’t expect you and Lossa to get hooked on playing the game for several hours.”

“You can’t blame us, Lord Mark. The game was really fun, and it allowed us to unwind after the dungeon run.”

“That run wasn’t really stressful. I saw your faces and it felt like you were enjoying yourselves.”

Natasha and Lossa smiled.

“Yes, it was fun. There was no sense of danger. We can feel you behind us protecting us, so it felt like a danger-free adventure.” Natasha said.

“Yes, that’s how I felt too! Honestly, that was the first time I felt that running a dungeon and I’ve been to quite a few,” Lossa added.

“Really? Was it dangerous?”

“It was and it was stressful since you know that you are in danger all the time and you can’t relax while inside because you may lose your life at any time. Unfortunately, the rewards vary. Sometimes, you would get a lot and sometimes none at all. It was fun to look back on it though.”

“How about you Natasha, have you been to a lot of dungeons?”

“Yes, when I was younger I’ve been to three dungeon cities. My brother brought me, and it lasted for about a year then we went back to the city of Argent. I haven’t been to any since then until yesterday.”

“Dungeons are one of the ways to level up your profession. Killing monsters will bring you experience but it would take a long time.” Lossa said while drinking a cup of coffee.

“What was the best item you received?”

“For Ardeen and me, we received a powerful enchanted staff and a book. I kept the book and Ardeen kept the staff. The rest, we sold for gold or Mana stones.”

“For me, I don’t know since my brother took all the loot to have them appraised and then I just received funds from him,” Natasha said.

“I would really like to see the different types of cities and maybe explore some dungeons,” Mark said while looking at his cup of coffee.

“Once you leave Lord Mark, I will miss the movies and the games but I’m still thankful for allowing us to experience them,” Lossa said.

“Well, it will probably take a couple of more months before the circus caravan leaves so you can visit us anytime to watch some movies or play some games.”

“Thank you. I will do so.”

Natasha didn’t comment on Mark leaving since they were avoiding that painful topic, but they still enjoyed drinking their coffee. After a while, Lossa went to the other RV to rest and Mark and Natasha joined the twins on the bed to sleep.

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