Delayed Transfer - Chapter 225

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:42 AM

Chapter 225

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Mark and the twins studied their cart to see if they wanted to add some more features.

“What about our beds Mark?” Isaac asked.

“We will only be using the cart for travel so it only had seats in it but if we really wanted to rest, I can always summon a mattress for you to take a nap in. Ideally, at night, I will still be summoning our RV since it’s bigger and Nedertu together with the new sitter slash cook can sleep inside as well.”

“Our RV has wheels. Can’t we use it to travel?” Aaron asked.

“Well as you know, I’ve been on a mission and noticed that in some parts, the road would not be able to accommodate the large RV. Not only that, but it’s also an attention seeker. Besides, don’t you want to feel that you are a part of the traveling circus? Having our cart that looks like everyone else will let us feel that we are part of the circus.”

“Oh yeah, we’re part of the circus! I forgot. But you don’t have an act, Mark,” Isaac asked. All of them sat on the couch inside the cart to rest.

“I was part of an act before. I was with the acrobat brothers, Rozon, Dozon, and Kozon. I did some athletic things at the top of a pole!”

“Really? Why did you stop?” Aaron asked.

“Well, I got busy. I wanted to learn the local language, so I decided to learn from the elven sisters. I also did some missions with Natasha, that’s where I met you guys and became a family. And don’t forget, the theater and movies came from me.”

“We forgot about those,” The twins replied. Then they asked if they could have some snacks, so Mark served the twins and Nedertu some burritos for them to taste. Nedertu said that he loved the snack which Mark expected since he only kept a copy of the most delicious food before he transmigrated.

After eating the snacks, the twins told Mark that they were tired so all of them went to the RV to rest. The boys went to their bunkbeds to take a nap while Nedertu went somewhere. Mark read his novel on his table while waiting for Natasha and Lossa to arrive since they did tell Nedertu to tell them that they would be visiting this weekend.

The twins woke up after a couple of hours and told him that they wanted to play outside with their friends, so he agreed, and the twins ran outside as if they were afraid that Mark would change his mind. After a few minutes, he heard some knocks on his door and when he opened it, it was Natasha and Lossa as expected but Lossa’s friends, Rodan and Luansa were with them.

Mark invited everyone in and asked them if they wanted to eat something.

“Oh yes, I’m hungry. I missed your pizza so can I have some?” Natasha asked.

Mark replicated some pizzas and beer for his guests. Lossa explained to Rodan and Luansa what pizzas were, and everyone got busy eating.

“I hope you didn’t mind that Rodan and Luansa came with us. I was telling them about the game that Natasha and I were playing, and they got interested.” Lossa said while eating more pizza. Mark needed to replicate more since everyone requested more pizzas and beer.

“It’s okay. The more the merrier.”

After everyone stuffed themselves, Mark set up the television and console for Natasha and Lossa to continue playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. They were halfway done completing the game. At first, he offered Rodan and Luansa a setup so they could play as well but they declined saying they wanted to watch Lossa and Natasha playing first.

Mark was highly amused by Lossa doing a commentary for his friends while playing the game. The mage was doing such a great job that he looked like one of those gamer streamers on Twitch or YouTube. Without anyone knowing, he decided to film Lossa doing his game and commentary for a few minutes on his phone and after about thirty minutes he stopped and edited the video on his laptop.

At around six in the evening, the twins and Nedertu came back ready to devour a whole cow. The boys saw Natasha and Lossa playing the console game but turned to Mark and said they were very hungry, so he prepared dinner for everyone. The boys requested some fried chicken and rice so that was what Mark served. Of course, he added some more different types of food for balance and variety.

When all of the food was laid down on the table, Mark asked Natasha and Lossa to save and pause the game so they could start eating dinner. He was impressed by Rodan and Luansa’s patience in watching their friend play the game for several hours.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner that Mark served and Natasha and Lossa went back to playing the game and to his surprise, Rodan and Luansa went back to watching them play. He could never do that since if he watched someone play the game for several hours, he would have the urge to push the ones playing and play himself.

The twins on the other hand surprisingly asked Mark to continue reading to them the Harry Potter books and they even told him the exact page the last time he read it to them. The kids went to the bathroom to wash and then laid down on one of the bunk beds together. They were still tiny enough that they fit there with room to spare.

Mark then went and continued reading the first book of the Harry Potter series to the twins. He made sure that he read the book slowly and clearly and after about an hour, the kids were asleep.

When he went outside to check with Natasha, Lossa, and his friends, Mark saw that they were done playing and were actually waiting for him.

“Thanks for letting us play the game, Mark. I just wanted to complete it before you leave the city and were quite sure that we will be done by tomorrow,” Lossa said then together with his friends, Rodan and Luansa, said their goodbyes and left.

Natasha stayed and said that she would sleep together with Mark in the master bedroom, and he was glad that the room had a door and a lock.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!