Delayed Transfer - Chapter 234

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:33 AM

Chapter 234

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The elven sisters and the old mage stared wonderingly at the creatures inside the Forest Sanctuary. The tiny fairies that were fleeting amongst the flowers that glow with soft light like moonlight were coming from inside their fragile petals. The sprites who were cavorting everywhere amongst the flowers and the trees, the dryads who were shyly peeking from the trees, and the unicorn eating berries in the bushes brought gasps of amazement from the sisters.

Mark reached the old mage and the elven sisters, and the summons attacked the monsters indiscriminately. Hamil, Dozon, and Barak joined the fray attacking like the seasoned adventurers that they were.

“We have died and gone to Faeree!” Solinae said to her sisters.

Mark laughed when he heard that.

“This is just my spell called Forest Sanctuary. It would heal all of your wounds and restore your mana and stamina.” Mark cast the spell again when it expired to make sure that the sisters and old mage were fully restored.

“Thank you Mark for coming. We knew you would come if you heard that we were in danger. That’s the reason why we left the message that if something happened, the villagers would need to send a message to the caravan,” Eilintraee said to Mark.

“I didn’t know you’re a druid Mark. I thought you were just an arcane mage,” Solinae said.

“I’m not a druid. I just know plant mage spells.”

“This spell is truly beautiful. It was like we were transported for a moment to the mythical elven paradise called Faeree.” Monterra said.

In a short while, all of the monsters besieging the old mage and the elven sisters were dead. Before all of the monsters were killed, he identified one of them and it said that they were level thirty-five which was ten levels higher than the current floor of his dungeon that Mark was currently tackling.

Mark dismissed the summons and let the Forest Sanctuary expire. Hamil, Dozon, and Barak went to where they were to rest.

“Hamil, Dozon, Barak thank you for rescuing us,” Monterra told the group.

“Of course, we would rescue you. You three had been a part of our family for quite some time now and I’m sure that you would do the same for us,” Hamil said.

“This is Leonus. A long-time friend of ours. He wrote to us that a dungeon appeared here in his village, and he asked us for help in closing it.” Monterra introduced the old man to the group.

“Hello and thank you for the rescue. We didn’t expect the dungeon to mutate. I thought we would die here and with us, my village,” The old man said.

“Monsters were attacking the village when we arrived old man and some of your people had died. We killed all of the monsters, so you don’t have to worry anymore,” Barak said.

Leonus clutched his chest and sat down. For a second, Mark thought that the old man was having a heart attack.

“It’s not your fault Leonus. You did everything you could to make sure that the village would remain safe by asking for help in closing the dungeon as soon as possible. All of us did not expect this dungeon to mutate,” Monterra consoled her friend.

“Don’t worry Leonus. I will help you and the sisters to close this dungeon,” Mark said to the old man.

“We will help you close this dungeon,” Hamil corrected indicating that all of them were committed to helping the elven sisters.

“Thank you! Thank you so much,” Leonus told everyone.

“We should eat first and then rest. After that, we can go ahead and complete this dungeon.”

Mark asked everyone what they wanted to eat, and they told him whatever he prepared would be good, so he prepared pizzas, hamburgers, French fries, sodas, and beer. He chose the obesity group of food since it was heavy and simple and knew for a fact that everybody liked them. He did add a lot of salad and vegetable options for the sisters though.

“You have a huge storage ring Mark and what kind of food are these?” Leonus asked.

“It’s food from my homeland. I did add a lot of vegetable options for my teachers,” Mark pointed at the salads and vegetable pizza.

“Thank you, Mark. Can you also give us some water?” Solinae asked.

Mark then brought out pitchers of regular cold water and cucumber water which he told the sisters what they were. When they tasted the cucumber water, they said that it was refreshing.

After eating Mark told the sisters that they should rest first. They would continue diving once everyone was fully rested.

“I wish I could have taken a bath,” Solinae said while sighing.

Mark examined the place, and it looked like it was big enough. He first told everyone that he would summon his mobile home, so they gathered to one side. He then replicated his RV. When it appeared, the people from the circus caravan only had appreciation on their faces since they were used to him summoning things, but Leonus was taken aback.

“You’re very powerful Lord Mark,” The old man told him.

“Now I’m a lord?” Mark snickered.

“You should still call him Mark, old friend. They don’t follow the custom of using that title to mages where he came from,” Eilintraee told Leonus.

“You can use the bathroom to take a shower and the master bedroom to rest.” He told the sisters.

“Leonus, there is another room to the left. It’s a bunkbed though but you can still use it and it’s big and soft enough for a good sleep. If anybody wants food and drinks you can find them to the right.”

Mark pointed at the places he mentioned. The sisters immediately went to the master bedroom and one of them to the bathroom. Unsurprisingly, Barak raided the refrigerator and Hamil and Dozon joined him.

The men were delighted to see bottles of liquor in the food storage.

“Hey! Don’t overdo the drinking. We still need to clear out the dungeon.” Mark admonished the men, but they just ignored him.

The elven sisters slept in the master bedroom after their shower and Leonus took his shower and slept in one of the bunk beds. After the old man was done, the rest washed themselves as well except for Barak.

“Hey Barak, you should take advantage of the hot water that’s available in the bathroom. You waded through blood and guts and you’re stinking up the place!” Hamil told the dwarf.

“Yeah, yeah. I will.” Barak reluctantly went to the bathroom for a shower.

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