Delayed Transfer - Chapter 237

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:30 AM

Chapter 237

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Mark asked the dwarf to stand a few feet away and to brace himself to get attacked. Barak crouched down expecting to be hit by something while everyone else looked on. He then cast Thorn Whip a few feet from the dwarf and the whip actually didn’t attack the dwarf. It behaved the way the summon did, not intending to attack those Mark considered not enemies.

He cast Bush Golems and the golems stood where they summoned. He commanded them to attack Barak and when he did, without hesitation, the golems ran towards the dwarf to attack him. Before the golems reached the dwarf he dismissed them. He then cast Thorn Whip again but this time to attack the dwarf and the whip did attack Barak. The dwarf nimbly avoided the whip then Mark dispelled the skill. He cast it one last time without intending to attack Barak just to make sure and the whip full of thorns didn’t attack the dwarf.

That meant that his plant spells would behave like the summons did and would only attack those that he intended to attack which would make their next fights easier because he could cast plant spells and his allies wouldn’t be hit.

“What did you discover?” Eilintraee asked.

“My plant spells would only attack those I intended to attack just like my summons. It would make the next fights easier because I can cast more spells.”

“The fights were made easy anyway by your summons,” Barak said.

By the time night arrived, they managed to conquer the fifteenth floor. Mark was in favor of doing the dive fast since he wanted to get back to the twins as soon as possible.

The whole group rested inside the RV eating the most delicious food that Mark prepared and then they rested comfortably.

“This is just like a vacation,” Dozon said while they sat in the living room drinking some beer.

“We should rest. It will be a long day tomorrow. We want to complete this dungeon as soon as possible,” Solinae said.

Everyone went to their respective beds and slept. The next day the whole group moved forward to the sixteenth floor.

The group of enemies they encountered remained constant. A mix of gnolls, gnolls riding dire wolves, gnolls with professions like gnoll warrior, archers, and mages, and then the same thing with the kobolds. The trolls though were the same throughout.

The fights would have been difficult due to the increased regeneration power and strength of the trolls but because of Mark's spells, it was easy for the whole group to dispatch their enemies. First, the wizard would summon his mighty golems then he would summon plant whips from other dimensions to attack the monsters and he would repeatedly keep casting seemingly having an endless amount of mana and not needing to wait to cast his spells again.

To tell the truth, they were in awe of Mark. The mage was truly powerful and everyone had thought that they were fighting with a Legend since everyone knew that fighting together with a legend would make the fights easy.

Not only the fights were easy, but they gathered an incredible amount of high-level mana stones and equipment from the monsters and they didn’t even have to choose the most valuable ones but took everything with them since they had a huge mobile storage with Mark. Their rest were also incredible. The food they ate was the most delicious and the healing they received from the mage also restored their mana and stamina.

Without the underlying grief from the fact that the village lost some people because of the monster overflow, according to Leonus, the old mage friend of the sisters, this would have been like a true vacation.

By the time they reached the end of the nineteenth floor, it was afternoon the next day. The whole group didn’t stop at all but kept fighting and fighting. This was made possible by Mark restoring everyone’s stamina.

When they entered the last dungeon floor, they saw three bosses. A double-headed troll shaman, a huge kobold riding an equally huge dire wolf, and a huge gnoll archer. There were also a bunch of elite monsters.

Mark summoned his golems and commanded them to attack the bosses. Before the golems reached the monsters, he cast Glacial Void and the freezing energy from the other dimension severely slowed down all of the monsters. Then he cast Void Chain Lightning which summoned an energy that behaved like lightning and ripped toward the monsters passing from one to another.

When the summons reached the monsters, everyone could feel the clash of the golems with the bosses. The rest of the group attacked. Hamil, Dozon, and Barak concentrated on disposing of the regular enemies surrounding their leader first and they were glad that the three bosses were busy dealing with the golems that Mark summoned. The elven sisters and old mage Leonus supported everyone by casting buffing spells and flinging spells to the monsters.

The Bush Golems and the Tree Golems actually died but Mark just summoned them again. He also re-summoned the Forest Guardians to refresh their HP and if the monsters had consciousness, they would have despaired.

Mark also kept casting Abyssal Thorn which summoned deadly thorns from the other dimension, Thorn Spike Barrage which summoned a plant that hit the monsters with a barrage of thorns, and Thorn Whip. He also cast single target attacks on the boss like Void Lightning and Void Volt.

He was surprised that he needed to re-summon his golems since they had died again. It meant that he really needed to increase their skill level. He would because when Mark briefly checked his system interface, it told him that he reached level ninety-two and when he also briefly checked his skill interface, he saw that there were a bunch of new spells. He couldn’t wait to get home to check them out.

After several minutes of fighting, the others joined the summons and Mark in hitting the bosses since all of the other enemies were killed and it only took a few more minutes before the three bosses died.

The mana stones from the three bosses were especially huge and according to Hamil, they would cost a pretty penny. The elven sisters promised their old friend that they would send their share of the loot to the village to assist those who had died and Mark did the same.

“You don’t have to do that Lord Mark. You have been incredibly helpful and these old bones appreciated the food, and soft bed that you’ve provided during our adventure,” Leonus told Mark, and since the old man insisted Mark just accepted it.

Barak found the dungeon core and with everyone looking, destroyed it to permanently destroy the dungeon. The portal appeared and they went outside after a long couple of days.

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