Delayed Transfer - Chapter 243

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:20 AM

Chapter 243

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Mark focused on his system interface while they were traveling. During his dungeon dive together with the elven sisters, Hamil, Dozon, Barak, and the old man friend of the sisters in that village he leveled up to level ninety and new skills appeared on his skill tree tab. He focused on the new skills first since that was what excited him the most. He decided to spend all of his skill points since he could reset his skill points if he made a mistake somewhere.

Looking at his skill tree tab made Mark greatly thrilled. There were sixteen new skills and every one of them looked immensely powerful. In the Space and Void Chancellor, the new spells made him gasp. Under Void Meteor, the new spell was called Void Black Hole. It would basically allow him to summon a black hole from the void. It sounded scary to him. Under Void Hurricane, the new spell was called Void Dragon. It would allow him to summon a dragon from the void that would fight for him as long as he had MP. Void Mass Teleportation was the one under Flight and it meant what it said, able to teleport a mass of people. He wondered why there was the word “void” in it. Possibly indicating that the energy or principle used to teleport was the void. He didn’t even totally understand what the void was. Under Mass Invisibility the new spell was called Void Gate and it stated that he would be able to construct a Void Gate between two anchors.

Mark wondered about the Void Gate duration or was it permanent once he anchored it? He would only know the details once he added points to it. The last spell or skill under Space and Void Chancellor was under inventory management. It was under Inventory Impartation. It was called Inventory Boon. It was a simple skill that he could only put one point in it, and it would allow all Inventory skills to double. Simple but the effect was tremendous.

After reading the new spells under Space and Void Chancellor, he closed his system interface for a bit to check if everything was okay. He saw that the twins were talking with Nedertu and Milena was reading the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone book. Since everyone was busy with their businesses, Mark went back to his system interface.

There were only three new spells in the Rune Engineer Section. They were the Void Rune under Time Rune, the Dimension Rune under Space Rune, and the Dimensional Rune Study under Rune Evolution. The names of the runes were basically the principle they would govern once they were used but the most important spell was the spell Dimensional Rune Study. Based on its description, it would allow him to summon an extra-dimensional study or mini room that would allow him to basically study and experiment with the runes that he had learned.

The new skill tempted Mark to begin putting more points on Rune Engineer and start studying the skill tree but since he was constantly moving, he held off for now. He thought that studying that particular skill tree would require him to stay in one location for a long time.

Mark turned his gaze on the Gaia’s Disciple skill tree. In that section, there were eight new spells. The first one was under the spell Abyssal Forest, the new spell was called Floating Land. It was a high-level spell that would allow him to summon a Floating Land with plants that would assist him in battle. He couldn’t imagine how would that work and the only thing that he could do was to put a point on it and check. The next new spell under Jungle of Rest was called the Land of Peace. It was basically an upgraded version of Jungle of Rest, but the exact effect and size of the spell were hard to understand and just like Floating Land, the only way for him to know what exactly the spell would do was to put a point on it.

The next new spell the Land of the Chosen under Forest Paradise. Forest Paradise was an upgraded version of Forest Sanctuary, and the Land of the Chosen was the same, an upgraded version of Forest Paradise. Suddenly there was a desire in Mark to see what the spells would look like and once he spent all of his skill points, he would check them out probably inside his dungeon to avoid chaos in the circus. The next spell was called The Guardians of the Land of the Chosen. It’s a summoning spell under the golem tree and he wondered what kind of creatures it would summon.

The next new spell was called the Mountain Shield under Earth Ground Shield. The new spell was a large earth-type shield which Mark thought he might need to protect the circus in case of large attacks from large creatures but that was just his conjecture. He would need to put a point on it to learn the spell’s actual function. The next one was called Earth Canyon under Earth Meteor which would allow him to devastate a location by summoning a canyon and the next one was called Land Separator and based on its description it was practically the same as Earth Canyon but more than likely it was very different since the system would not provide him with two same skills with different names. The last new spell was called Earth Devastator. It was just a mega earthquake combined with a mega dust tsunami.

The next part that Mark needed to do was the exciting part. To spend all of his skill points. He didn’t want to die wishing that he could have done things differently by spending his skill points, Mark thought and laughed at himself. He kept reminding himself that he did have the ability to reset his skills if he wanted once a month but in actuality, the main reason he didn’t assign his points was, that the points that he already assigned were enough for all the challenges that he encountered so far. Still, since they started on a new journey that would encompass the entire world and soon, he would start learning the basics of this world magic from the elven sisters, it would be a promising idea to become as powerful as he could.

Mark closed his interface to check the surroundings and noticed that the cart had stopped. Nedertu told him that it was time for the circus evening camp, and everyone was already settling down. Mark jumped off the cart and waited so he could summon the RV. Once their cart was parked Milena busied herself in preparing to cook their dinner and Nedertu was helping her.

The twins on the other hand were playing with their dragon and golem toys. Soon Mark would be able to show them his new spell, the void dragon.

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