Delayed Transfer - Chapter 252

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:43:20 AM

Chapter 252

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Mark arrived at what looked like an empty RV at first glance but when he checked the kid’s room, they were already there listening to Melissa’s reading of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He interrupted them a bit to say goodnight to the twins and hugged them and the kids hugged him back. He then went back to his bedroom to study one of the first circle spells that he received from the elven sisters.

He decided to study the spell Alarm first since he thought that it looked simpler compared to the others. According to its description, the caster would be able to set an alarm against unwanted intrusion. The caster could choose an opening like a window or a door to set up the spell but it could no more be larger than a twenty-foot cube. It also said that the duration of the spell was very long, it was eight hours and until the spell ended, it would alert the caster whenever a tiny or larger creature touched or entered the warded area.

Mark also read that with the Alarm Spell, he could designate the creatures that would not set off the alarm and that he could choose whether the alarm is mental or audible. It also stated that the spell would work within one mile of the warded area.

He imagined that this spell helped adventurers a lot in making sure that they were not surprised by enemies whenever they were resting.

All in all, it took him one hour to study the spell book and another three hours to memorize the new spell which gave him severe doubt if he was fit to be a wizard using the magic system of this world.

When Mark checked his system interface, he saw that there was a new section called First Circle Spells and it also contained five boxes. Mark clicked the question mark button beside the title of the new section to learn what the system said about the new section.

It stated that through constant use of the spells, additional boxes would be added and the cooldown for First Circle boxes was the same as the Cantrips which was an hour. This fact relieved Mark since he thought that the cooldown was related to how long he memorized the spell. He clicked the first box and it actually showed four spells—the new First Circle Spell Alarm and the three cantrips that he memorized.

Mark went back to the help section and it stated that he could utilize the boxes for lower-level spells. Mischievously, he cast Alarm on his bedroom door and made sure that no one was exempted. He also made it audible so when one of the twins woke him up tomorrow, it would activate.

The time was already three in the morning so Mark didn’t have much time to sleep and decided that he would just take a nap while they were traveling towards the next village.

A loud bell woke Mark up together with Isaac’s scream and he thought that it was a mistake to set up the Alarm spell last night since he was now greatly paying for it.

“Mark there’s a loud noise coming from your bedroom!” Isaac shouted again.

Mark immediately canceled the spell.

“It was a new spell that I’ve learned last night. It was called Alarm and will warn us of any intruder. I tested it out and it would be triggered by everyone.”

“Well, it worked! It’s so loud!” Isaac kept shouting, probably the side effect of the loud noise that the kid was subjected to.

“Stop shouting!” Mark shouted.

“You stop shouting!” Isaac replied.

“Why are the both of you shouting?!” Aaron shouted.

The three of them only stopped when they heard Milena and Nedertu laughing.

Mark explained to their cook and coachman that the shouting was the side effect of hearing a deafening noise so early in the morning due to his spell that he tested and that information only made Milena and Nedertu laugh some more.

He briefly checked his new system interface and under First Circle Spell, the boxes were all available.

Milena informed Mark that the caravan was about to leave and that the cart was ready so they all went outside the RV and he kept the vehicle in his inventory. Since they were out of time, the whole group decided to eat their lunch while traveling in their cart since their breakfast was only bread filled with scrambled eggs with some sauce that Milena made and coffee. It tasted delicious and satisfying and they were all content with their new cook's breakfast.

While they were traveling, Mark was entertained by the scenery since everywhere he looked, everything was green. There was a freshness in the air that gave everyone a sense of new beginnings and partnered with the excitement brought by being in a circus caravan made him a bit giddy so instead of napping or studying a new spell or even scrutinizing his system interface, he was engaged in a lively talk to the twins, Milena and Nedertu.

They even encountered a group of goblins and Mark didn’t even need to move since it was being handled expertly by the circus people. The twins did request for Mark to fly them so they could view the battle. At first, he was hesitant to let the kids view something horrific but battles like this were a part of this world so he used his Telekinesis to control the kids to float high above so they could see the fight and he could hear them scream and cheer the fight.

When the fight ended, Mark brought the twins back down and all of them continued on their merry way.

They arrived in the next village during lunchtime and they set up their caravan in a field just outside the village. A lot of villagers especially the teens and kids were already gathered outside watching them set up. The circus kids were vivacious and the twins joined them. They were being looked at by the children from the village with envious eyes especially since the twins were displaying their magical toys to them.

When everything was set up, Mark summoned his RV at the tail end of the caravan so it would not be noticeable but the summoning was noticed by the villagers anyway and it prompted gasps of awe from everyone.

Mark then went to Hamil’s to inform him that the RV would be empty and locked since they would be away for vacation during their stay in this village and that the eleven sisters would be coming with them.

“May I ask where you’re going?” Hamil asked carefully.

“To an oasis I owned. I’m going to teach the twins how to swim and we’ll be going there by magic so the travel would be instantaneous.”

The circus caravan leader told him to enjoy their vacation and assured him that nobody would touch his traveling home.

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