Delayed Transfer - Chapter 258

Published at 16th of May 2024 01:00:01 PM

Chapter 258

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“There are thousands of movies of every conceivable genre in the movie library! Do your people do nothing else but create and watch movies and television shows?” Solinae asked amazed at the humongous amount of shows that she had seen.

“Do you know that what you have seen is just a fraction of what my people have already made?” Mark said while he laughed.

All of the women gasped when they heard Mark’s information but Nedertu just continued eating. Mark was not even certain if the cat man heard their talks and guessed that as long as Nedertu was hungry, nothing else mattered to him.

As expected, even before dinner was done the twins were already nodding off. They were too sleepy to even finish eating their food so after dinner, he carried the boys to their room and lay them down to their bed. Mark was thankful that he asked them to shower before dinner so they could just directly go to sleep.

When he returned to the table, Nedertu was unsurprisingly still eating while the ladies were talking about what movies they wanted to watch.

“So what movies are you interested in? Do you want to watch something romantic or funny or horrifying?”  Mark asked the ladies.

“We noticed Mark that the place that you came from is very different based on some of the video trailers that we’d seen. The houses, the roads, the vehicles, everything. Are the clips that we’d seen true?” Solinae asked.

Mark hesitated a bit but after a moment's pause, he admitted it.

“Yes, it was very different. My people focused more on science and technology instead of magic so what you’ve seen is what my country looked like. Of course, the ones that looked very advanced like the Star Wars movies were also from our imagination. If you want to know the true state of my country I suggest watching a normal movie without any trappings of fantasy or science fiction in it.”

“Can you suggest a movie for us?” Milena asked.

“I can suggest a movie that I like but there is a chance that you will find it boring since it’s about my people's day-to-day lives,” Mark answered.

“It’s unlikely that we’ll get bored since any movie based on your country’s daily lives will be fascinating to us.”

Mark thought of suggesting a romantic comedy to them like one of Tom Hanks's movies. It did not even have to be a rom-com movie since any genre without magic or advanced science would do like action, adventure, and comedy.

“I’ll recommend something funny. Every year my people celebrate something called a “Christmas Holiday” where we decorate our homes with a tree called a Christmas Tree and decorate the tree with lights and other sparkles. It’s a religious belief that over time turned into something commercial that merchants used to sell many things to people. The movie I’m recommending was about a family who went to another place for vacation during the Christmas Holidays but since they had too many kids, they left one of their children at home and the boy had to deal with robbers.”

“You said it was comedy? Something funny? But based on what you said it could be something terrifying! Will the child be alright?” Milena asked.

“Yes, the main lead will be alright. The title of the movie is called “Home Alone”. Let’s go to the theater to watch it.”

They all went to the theater and even Nedertu got curious about Mark’s description. Mark went to the movie storage room and copied the Home Alone movie on a laptop and connected the laptop to the projector.

Everyone sat down to watch the movie and Mark joined them. He was expecting his friends to focus on different things at first instead of the comedy and they did focus on the technology they had seen like the vehicles, airplanes, clothing of the people, the people's houses, and more.

Nedertu and Milena kept asking Mark questions about the things they had seen but he told them that he would answer all of them after the movie.

After a while, everyone was laughing at the comedic timings of the child main actor and the villains in the movie. Mark had to admit that when he first saw the movie he also laughed non-stop. He was gratified to see that the comedy crossed the world's boundaries and more than likely it was because his friends were already used to some of the comedies of his world due to the movies they had already seen.

After the movie ended Mark then asked if they had any questions.

“Your society is like that?” Mentorra asked.

“Honestly it’s a bit advanced than what you’ve seen since that film was made more than thirty years ago and our technology advanced since then.”

“Common people can travel your lands using air vehicles?” Nedertu asked.

“Well, common people who have money can use those conveniences.”

“I had not seen any walls surrounding the cities. Are there no monsters attacking your cities?” Eilintraee asked.

“We have criminals like thieves, murderers, and such but monsters are uncommon since our armies protect our cities.”

Mark couldn’t admit that he came from a different world since he didn’t really need to. The world was so vast that it would be reasonable to expect that some locations had not been reached by the others before and one time, Mentorra told him that accidental teleportation of unfamiliar people was common enough.

“So that’s why your devices and equipment were so advanced technologically. Your society was built that way but I have not seen any sort of magic or mages in that movie so I’m guessing they’re rare?” Milena asked.

Mark simply nodded since a lie like that did not need to be expounded.

“Do you still want to watch a movie?”

“I want to watch a horror film to check what your people consider terrifying,” Nedertu suggested and the sisters and Milena looked interested as well.

“Of course, everyone had their taste. What I found scary may not be scary for you at all but I can suggest a movie.”

Mark went to the movie storage room while he pondered what horror movie he would show his friends. He couldn’t think of any so he just chose the first one that came to his mind which was the movie Poltergeist.

He copied the movie to the laptop and then before he played it Mark told everyone that he would be outside working on something else but honestly, even though he had seen the movie before, he was really weak when it came to horror films.

Mark felt that it was weird. He had power and was able to cast devastating spells and already fought monsters and undead but he was still hesitant when it came to watching a horror flick. After the movie started playing, he immediately went outside, checked on the kids first then sat on one of the seats near the lake and continued to read the current web novel that he was interested in.

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