Delayed Transfer - Chapter 91

Published at 24th of November 2023 01:02:05 PM

Chapter 91

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Since it was already evening, the group decided to call Donald the next morning and they just continued their dinner and enjoyed each other’s company, chatting about different things: what car Enleed, Armina and Melissa would buy, should they purchase a house nearby for Sam and Melissa’s parents, should they go on hiatus in their MMORPG and focus solely on real life dungeon dive, different things which brought them joy.  After several hours of chatting everyone went to their rooms to rest.

Before sleeping, Mark thought about his skill points and where to add them.  He thought again of adding them to Rune Engineer skill tree and start learning about rune crafting but his danger intuition that he felt when he thought about the dungeon past level 20th held him off.  He might need to increase the level of his skills to be able to defeat enemies from those floors.

The next morning, after working out and eating breakfast with the guys, Mark called Donald to tell him about the three items.  He thought he would need to leave a message and Donald would call him back but surprisingly, Donald answered immediately.

“Good morning, Mark.  Why are you calling so early?”

“I’ve found three items on the 16th floor that you may be interested in purchasing since the gang could use the money.  They were planning to buy cars and houses.” Mark laughed.

“Wait, let me go there.” Donald immediately hang up which surprised Mark.  Donald knew that Mark had Robert Scott’s number and he did hear that Mark promised Albert, Robert’s son that he would gift him an item if he found one so more than likely, to prevent Mark on selling the items to others, Donald would check it out first.  That’s what Mark thought the reason why Donald was hurrying but of course he wasn’t sure.

Mark was the only person in the house since everybody left to do their business then he heard a knock which he was sure was Donald.

“What are the items? Let me see and since they were from the 16th floor, I bet they’re powerful!” Donald said after Mark let him.

“It’s on the table in the living room.” Mark led Donald in and ask if he wanted some drink or something which Donald declined.

“There were three items.  All of them were Magic Blue rarity items and the whole gang thought that we should sell them to you since they wanted to have more funds.  I guessed that if you don’t like them I can sell them to Robert Scott.”

“I knew it! That’s why I hurried here. I want first dibs!” Mark laughed when he heard what Donald said and knew that he was correct why Donald immediately came to check the items.

Mark then gave the description of the items to Donald and ask if he would like to buy them.

“I would like to buy all of them!  Based on what you told me, the three items were what we may consider a set and the effect of the Nether Bolt and Summon Swamp Zombies will be increased by the stats given by the storage amulet, am I right?”

“Yes.  The Intelligence stats provides a spell effect multiplier.  Would you like to try them?”  Donald said yes and the both of them went to the first floor of the dungeon to test the items.

Donald equipped the Storage Amulet, Nether Wand and Nether Crown.  He first summoned a swamp zombie which stood idly where he summoned it.  Mark cast Bush Golems and asked Donald to summon another zombie and ask Donald to command them to fight the golems which he did.

At first, Mark commanded the golems to not attack the zombies and just let the be attacked and as expected, the damage to the golem was minimum.  After that, Mark told the golems to attack the zombies and the zombies died in three hits.

“I wondered how they’ll do against normal humans?”  Donald asked.

“I’m guessing, just like in the movies, not very well if there’s only one since they’re slow but more, just like a horde, would be devastating.  I’m not really sure if they’re infectious  but I’m guessing they’re not since they’re summon.”

“That’s a dangerous thought Mark.  We could start the zombie apocalypse.” Donald laughed and Mark laughed with him.

“Since the golem are still here, go ahead and hit them with the Nether Bolt to check its damage.”

Donald hit the golem with the Nether Bolt without hesitation and it took him four Nether Bolt before the golem died.  Mark then asked Donald what were his plans with the items and Donald said that he would include them on his research but he would bring them on the group dungeon dive.  Mark then requested four million dollars for the three items and asked Donald to send one million each to Armina, Enleed, Sam and Melissa but skip him since he was still loaded with all the money he received from Donald and Robert Scott.

Donald agreed and said that they would receive the funds shortly.  Mark knew that he could have sold the items for more to Robert Scott but Donald had been nothing but helpful to the group.

Donald left and Mark thought of tackling the 17th floor of the dungeon since it was still early.   He then received a call from Sam.

“Mark help!  Luis called me and said that the gang who kidnapped Melissa took our parents demanding more money and also demanded that we shouldn’t bring Melissa with us since she’s a bruja!  I need permission to bring the dungeon items with me, I’ll kill all of them!”

“Of course! Come home first we’ll talk.”

“Of course we’re going home first! The items are in our rooms.” Sam hang up.

Mark messaged everybody excluding Donald and his wife about Sam’s problems and they replied and said that they would come home immediately.

Enleed and Armina arrived first and went to their rooms to get their items.  Mark also went to his room to go to the first floor of the dungeon to get his old mage set, the one with the decoration, and equipped it.  He also took the Storage Leather Satchel so they could put their weapons there.  Mark thought that the armor would not be a problem since the sets still looked like cosplay costumes.  Everybody then went to the living room to wait for Sam and Melissa.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!