Delayed Transfer - Chapter 96

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:54 AM

Chapter 96

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Mark hadn’t decided yet if he would give the items to the guild members since they’re overpowered but more than likely, he would.  The next item was something he would like to give to Albert Scott since he did promised that he would give a magic wand when he found one.  It was called Magic Missile Iron Wand.

The wand gave ten to Intelligence with 20 durability.  It had the skill Magic Missile that had 60 magic damage per missile.  It had 50 charges and earned one charge per ten minutes.

The next item would fit Sam since he had been acting as the tank of the group.  It’s called Double Vitality Iron Shield.  It had 40 defense and 40 durability but the important part was that it had a skill.  It’s called Double Vitality and when activated, it would double the total Vitality of the user including all the buffs and all the stats from the item for five minutes.  Unfortunately, it didn’t stack but it did have ten charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes.

The next item would probably be used by Sam as well since it’s Strength base.  It’s called Force Push Leather Bracers.  It would add eight Strength to the user and had 20 defense and 20 durability.  It had the skill Force Push that when activated, would damage the enemy by 20 points and would push them backward.  It had a cone like area of effect.  The skill had 20 charges and would earn one charge per 10 minutes.

Since it was already midnight, Mark decided to call Albert to tell him about the good news of finding a wand.  He needed to have something positive in his life right now and it was a joy to go talk to someone who can view the world like he did when he first read the Harry Potter books.

“Hello, Mark!  This is you right.”

“Yes, it’s me Albert.  Is your Dad right there.  You should tell him I’m calling you.”

“He’s right here with me together with my Mum.  We’re eating breakfast.  My parents asked me to ask how are you?”

“I’m doing okay.  I have good news for you.  I found magic wand that shoots “Expelliarmus”! Kidding, it shoot something called Magic Missile.”

“Wow, a magic wand for me!  Will you come here to give it to me?  I can’t wait!”  Albert said joyfully.

“Wait, let me talk to your father first.”

From the rustling Mark heard, he assumed that Albert gave he phone to his father.

“Hello Mark. From what I heard from the conversation, you will give Albert a wand.  Are you coming here?”

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t right now, I’m a bit busy and of course I would not be able to ship the item there.  Is there someone you trust that can go here and get the item?”

“Can you give me a minute?  Albert wants to talk to me.”

After a couple of minutes, Robert talked to Mark again.

“We’ve decided to go there to you as a vacation.  Is that alright with you?”

“Of course, you and your family are welcome anytime.  When are you coming here?”

“We’ll probably arrive there tonight since Albert and the missus are already packing.”  Robert laughed and Mark laughed as well.

“We’ll disturb you in the afternoon your time since once we arrived there, it will probably take us several hours of rest.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for your call.”  After the call, Mark slept.

The next day, Mark, Enleed and Armina went to Sam’s parents house again for a visit.  When they arrived there, Sam informed Mark that Luis’s body would be released the next day Friday.  They’ve already contacted a Funeral Home and the official funeral would be on Saturday.  The guild members lead by Miguel and Sonia did a group therapy thing again and this time, Miguel said that him and Sonia did some research on how to conduct the group therapy.  It would have been better if they hired a legitimate therapist to lead the group but since the topic included the unbelievable like magic and the death of the gang members, Miguel and the guild members decided to conduct it by themselves.

Miguel and Sonia were really thankful for the help the group provided and Mark opened up about how he felt responsible for what happened since he was indecisive the first time.

Sonia told him firmly that it wasn’t his fault.  He was brought up by his parents as a moral person and she was glad that his go to behavior was moral one not a violent one.  She firmly said to Mark that all the fault would be laid to the feet of the Mexican gang  members who did violence for the sake of money.

After the group’s crying session, everyone felt that they were starting to heal.  They knew that it would probably take them a few more group session but they were glad that they had something like a support group for what happened.

Mark went home and Enleed and Armina went to get some groceries for the house.

After a couple of hours, Mark received a call from Robert saying that they were staying at a hotel in L.A.  He gave them his address and was informed that they would be there in an hour.

Robert, Danielle and Albert arrived after an hour and Albert hugged Mark excitedly asking for his wand.  Mark invited the family in.  Mark showed the wand to Albert but gave it to Robert first.

“The wand is powerful Albert.  It could probably kill a man in two hits so this wand would be better handled by your father until your maturity.”

“Don’t you have magic that I can use now?”  Albert asked sulkily.

“Fine.  I do have this Amulet that will allow you to use the skill called Displacement.  When you activate it, it will look like you were a few feet from where you are actually at to your enemies.  It had 10 charges and each charge will last five minutes and will earn one charge per 10 minutes.”

Mark gave the amulet to Albert and lead him and Danielle at the back so he use it to his heart’s content.

Mark and Robert then went back to the living room to talk.

“You can just give me 2 million dollars for the items and just send it to my account.”  Mark said to Robert.

“Thank you.  I will.   May I ask how are you getting these items?  I would like to purchase some more for research.”

Mark laughed and told Robert that Donald already started something like that.  Regarding where he was getting the item, he told Robert that he would have to conduct a meeting with his guild group first.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!