Delayed Transfer - Chapter 99

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:51 AM

Chapter 99

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Mark saw that Robert’s face was excited. It was the same face that everyone had when they first started running the dungeon.

“Now this is an adventure! Fighting monsters for loot.”  Robert laughed and Mark remembered that Robert did play some MMO when he was younger.

“What excuse did you tell Danielle and Albert for today?”

“No excuse. I told them the truth and Albert cried saying that he wanted to join. I threw you under the bus and told him that you insisted he can only join once he reached maturity.”

“He would be sorely disappointed then since this dungeon will only last for a year.”

“There will be other opportunities in the future, but for now, he is too young.”  Robert said and Mark agreed.

After the group dungeon dive, everyone went to their rooms including Sam since he already came back to bunk with Enleed. As stated, Melissa stayed with their parents and Armina was a bit happy and said that she would be redecorating her room.

Robert and Donald went back to their family, giddy with the fact that they had dungeon items with them and Enleed sold his storage leather satchel to Robert for a million dollars. Enleed said that he wanted a ring or amulet instead of a satchel.

The next day, Mark worked on his villa on the 11th floor for several hours and then took his lunch near the brook to relax. The view of the autumn season of the 11th floor calmed his mind. He went outside the dungeon and messaged Sam about bringing the laptops and hard drives so he could make a copy on his Inventory and after a couple of hours waiting Sam brought the devices and Mark kept a copy. Sam asked Mark what he would do with the downloaded content, and he jokingly said to Sam that he would like to have it in case he got isekaid to another world and Sam laughed.

While they were talking, Mark received a call from Donald.

“Mark, we have a problem. One of the researchers was a spy from another company and when he got caught, he ran and informed the government of what we were researching. He also told them about Elizabeth suddenly having no cancer anymore for the fact that she was supposed to die but was healthily moving about and since everyone knows we were friends and you were there with John when his daughter got cured from her cancer, more than likely they would trace everything back to you.”

Surprisingly, when Mark heard it, he expected to panic but he didn’t. He only had about 10 months plus certain days before he transferred to another world and currently, he was strong enough now. More importantly, he had a safe house that he can go to if worse come to worst.

“I understand. I will go ahead and call everyone to have a meeting. I would like it if you joined us.”

“Of course.”  Donald hangs up and Mark called everybody for a meeting. He also invited Miguel and Sonia since their children could be affected, they had the right to know.

Everyone arrived including Donald and Robert. The group decided to have the meeting in the dining room. When everyone was seated, Mark informed them of the spy from Donald’s research center who informed the government of what they were researching and Elizabeth’s apparent cure from cancer. He informed them that although the spy didn’t tell the government directly Mark’s involvement, the fact that Elizabeth got cured from cancer and the fact that they already had eyes on him since he was there when John’s daughter was cured would lead the government to their doorstep.

“I’ve already assembled a team of lawyers who will help us navigate the law regarding what we were doing, and Robert will help us although, him as a British national, would probably not help much.”  Donald commented.

“I don’t know. If the government tagged us endangering the safety of the country and have Homeland Security arrest us, the lawyers would probably will not be able to assist us.”  Enleed said, pessimistic about their situation.

“It’s not come to that yet so don’t be so negative! We haven’t done anything wrong” Armina scold Enleed.

“I know what to do.”  Mark said which silenced everybody.

“This is what we will be saying because I know the government will come to my door eventually. We will not say anything about the dungeon. We will say that I’m a wizard and was taught by my mother who was the last sorcerer from a wizard clan from the far east. I will tell them that the wizard line only had one wizard and an apprentice per generation so even if they bother anyone from my extended family in the Philippines, they will of course know nothing.”   Mark paused for a bit to get something to drink.

“I will also tell them that I have the ability to imbue certain items with magical powers and since I’m only an apprentice, I can only do limited numbers of items and that I can only cast the spell the heal once every two weeks."

"So, what you’re saying is that you will be shouldering all of these happenings by yourself? No, you can’t do that!”  Sam protested.

“I can and I will because to be honest with you, I have the power to defy even the government if I need to and I also can hide. I don’t want you guys to be affected too much.”

“Can we still do the group dungeon dive weekly?”  Enleed asked.

“I would recommend of course to disguise our weekly meeting as a DnD get together so we will need some props and I will also recommend that we hold it in a studio with props for making video with graphics so we can disguise the video Enleed uploaded in YouTube and in his website.”

“Should I stop uploading videos?”

“No. We will continue doing that because it will also be useful as a disguise and the fact that Donald is supporting us will inform anyone who investigate us that Donald was just enamored of the spells that I’ve used to cure Elizabeth.”

“I will oversee the studio location of our weekly dungeon dive.” Donald said.

“Okay that’s it for now. We will hold our next dungeon dive once Donald’s studio is ready. Can you do it by the next dive?”  Mark asked Donald.

“Yes. I will make sure of it since I want to continue the dive and get a many as items as we can for the year that it’s available to us.”

Mark asked Donald if he has any inkling on when the government will stop by and questioned him, and Donald said he didn’t.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!