Dense Fog - Chapter 23

Published at 9th of May 2024 09:20:43 AM

Chapter 23

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23. The King-509: Congrats to Bunny.

The announcement of the night tour ban came suddenly, and Wu Lin remembered in the darkness that the last thing he said to Ye Wang and Sijie Yuan when they parted early in the morning was that they would see each other in the evening.

 Sijie Yuan said the same thing back to him.

 Ye Wang, however, only nodded his head, like a big brother giving his little brother a nod of the head as "read", not a single superfluous word.

 The more Wu Lin thought about it, the more angry he felt that he had suffered a disadvantage.

Shit, I can't sleep any more.

The point is that there's no chance of this shit ever coming back, and he can't just tweet Ye Wang and say "See you tonight" again so I can send you a [viewed.jpg] too.

Besides, he never even texted Ye Wang.

If the night tour is like a "night-limited garden party", he, Ye Wang and Sijie Yuan are the "night-limited partners", leaving the night corridor, except for the chance encounter at the medical checkup, they have never met again in real life.

WeChat was added to each other a long time ago, but like many people who add but never chat, it's just a new avatar added to the list.

Sometimes it takes too long, and you have to click on the header image, or even click on the friend circle, to realize who the person is.

What's that guy doing now?

 Wu Lin couldn't help thinking that he must be playing games again.

It could be that Mr. Deer, the detective, reasoned and then played out an ending that made even the designers feel like their script had been spoiled.

Or maybe it's an animal restaurant operation, and then when dealing with difficult guests, they tend to be more cranky themselves than the guests ......

Without realizing it, he had opened a dialog box with Ye Wang on WeChat.

There's just one line in the transcript, two months ago, on the sixth day of the Fourth of July vacation--

I passed your friend verification request, now we can start chatting.

 Wu Lin stared at the sentence, ruminating on the opening line and how to make it without being abrupt or awkward or bubbling over with silliness.

At the end of the thought, he chose to give up.

...... Sure enough I should have chatted a couple of times when I just added it, or else it would have been too hard to start up later ah!


The phone suddenly shook, and Wu Lin almost missed it.

 Ye Wang: Can't sleep

 Ye Wang: What are you doing?

 Wu Lin: "......"

What's abrupt, what's awkward, doesn't exist in your Wild Brother's world.

Didn't do much, lay in bed and stare - Wu Lin replied.

Typing fast over there: you have a boring nightlife

 Wu Lin: Are you rich enough to tweet while dancing?

 Ye Wang: think of something

 Wu Lin:?

 Ye Wang: Passing the time

 Wu Lin: If I had known, I wouldn't have stared.

 Ye Wang: What did you do when you couldn't sleep?

 Wu Lin: I used to sleep well.

 Ye Wang: What about bedtime, don't you listen to a ghost story or something?

 Wu Lin : ...... What kind of hobby are you!

 Ye Wang: It's interesting, but I'm tired of listening to it now.

 Ye Wang: You can try

 Wu Lin: [Wealthy, Strong, Democratic, Civilized and Harmonious.jpg]

 Wu Lin: Don't you have a lot of games? Let's play games.

 Ye Wang: Mute is no fun

 Wu Lin: Listen with headphones

 Ye Wang: Uncomfortable

 Wu Lin: ......

Could it be any harder to serve!

 Wu Lin: then brush the news microblogging book mountain ugly room

 Ye Wang: What's that last one?

 Wu Lin:?

 Ye Wang: The humble room on the mountain of books

 Wu Lin : School forum, you don't know it, do you?

 Ye Wang :[老子一天很忙哪哪有时间关心这种小事.jpg]

 Wu Lin: ......

Where is all this sand sculpture coming from.

Dormitory 509.

The night was quiet as if asleep, and the moonlight was cool, a pale glow.

Ye Wang waited, bored, as the download of "The Book Mountain Room" was in progress, and his eyes swept over the other three beds.

 Sijie Yuan doesn't know who he's talking to, he's already halfway through the night, and his cell phone screen reflects his smiling brow.

 Tan Jiang sleeps flat on his back, looking down as if he were standing upright in bed.

 Liang Ge is holding half a pillow and is chewing on it, dreaming about who knows what.

It's a long night, thieves are fucking disturbed, and I can't count on any of them.

The download of Book Mountain Ugly is complete.

 Ye Wang rolled over to a more comfortable position and opened the app while thinking, "I'm glad I caught Wu Lin.

Dormitory 333.

 Ye Wang's side has stopped, and Wu Lin guesses that the other side is reading the forums.

No one can say no to campus forum gossip - none.

With Ye Wang's hook, Wu Lin also opened his study.

The panic in the forums has become less for a while now, and it's more about basking in your own mutation and getting people to help reason what kind of animal it is, and also some life changes due to the mutation, and sharing them with people or asking for help.

The post that's at the top of the pile at the moment with new replies is -

Topic: begging if I'm scummy like this?

Post by Mr. Crocodile


My girlfriend and I have been together for three years (she's from another school, so I won't be too specific for fear of being fleshed out), we are each other's first love, our feelings have always been very stable, and we have arranged to get married after graduation, and we both stayed in Shenyang.

But now because of the awakening, the two of us have more and more conflicts, I suddenly fell in love with swimming, she suddenly became particularly afraid of the water, I like to eat meat, she used to lose weight and eat salad, and now she doesn't lose weight but also have to eat leaves of vegetables at every meal, I actually like a little bit of meat, and she's really too thin now ......

Based on all the variations, I think I'm a crocodile and she's supposed to be a rabbit, and there's no way such two animalistic natures could ever get along.

Her recent character has also changed, I really think we are not suitable, I know that the girl's youth can not be delayed, thought for a long time, or mention the breakup, the day of the breakup she was particularly sad, said that they do not want to separate, I'm actually quite sad, but ......

 Wu Lin's teeth are itching to see the back.

Anyway, the girl how how do not want to break up, how how to salvage, how he decisive, constantly emphasizing that he does not want to delay the girl, and finally the two finally broke up successfully, he even asked at the end of the post with a big white lotus like, I am not very scum like this?

The post was posted not long ago tonight, and there are just five replies below.

Wu Lin looked even more depressed.

1 floor: and not married, not suitable to separate, three years of feelings, although unfortunately, but no one thought it would suddenly occur wild awakening.

2nd floor: this is just the beginning, the differences will become more and more in the future, the long pain is better than the short pain.

3rd floor: ......

A water is all about analyzing the force majeure brought about by the awakening of the wild from a rational point of view.

You can't fight it, you asshole!

This is not just don't like so see the object everywhere is not good, to the wild awakening to dump what pot! Also what character also changed ...... bullshit, how he did not find around who because of the wild awakening character changed greatly.

 Wu Lin typed a bunch of words with righteous indignation, and the words were nothing but denunciation and contempt, but when he sent them out, they got stuck.

Another refresh and the send fails.

 Wu Lin: "......"

He didn't save a draft!

But at the bottom of the page after refreshing, there's a new reply from someone else--

[6th floor]

The King-509: Congratulations Bunny.

Tapping into this student's ID, a number just registered fifteen minutes ago, the information is blank, the avatar is a screenshot of a game pass - [Congratulations to Detective Mr. Deer for perfectly catching the murderer.jpg]

 Wu Lin: "......"

Caught it that one time, or he helped pinch hit.

Throughout the rest of the second half of the night, [the king-509] students were like a small fish that had just found the sea, swimming around joyfully.

Topic: basking in the glow of my little hamster, heh heh

The King-509: [thumbsup.jpg]

Thread: every day outside the classroom there's a meow that listens more carefully than I do [photo]

The King-509: [thumbsup.jpg]

Topic: Wen bird really too cute, but unfortunately live in the dormitory, can only cloud raise birds [picture] [picture]

The King-509: [thumbsup.jpg]

Topic: Went to Checkerboard Safari yesterday, it was awesome!

The King-509: [thumbsup.jpg]

All the latest replies to the post will be topped to the front, so this night, a lot of students who did not sleep have found that the forum emotional gossip board home page, constantly being topped out of the old posting of the old, but also the theme of budding pets.

Having just signed up for the forum and going through the old posts Wu Lin could understand, and he didn't want to know how Ye Wang found them, but - could you not use the same emoticon to spam when you reply!

On the first day without a night tour, Wu Lin had a sleepless night.

But the next day, the third day, the fourth day ...... he seemed to really slowly notice the changes in his body.

During his physical examination, the doctor said that Feiyu Ren's weight loss would stabilize after the period of change, and Wu Lin suspected that the nocturnal nature of the disease was the same. Although he was still nocturnally active, his restlessness, which required him to go out and run around like crazy, and which made it impossible for him to stay in bed, seemed to be slowly subsiding.

It didn't disappear, but it was controllable.

A week or so later, at 3:00 a.m., he and Ye Wang were chatting and fell asleep.

The next night, Ye Wang's first words were--

 Ye Wang: Am I that hypnotic?

 Wu Lin: ......

But a good start is half the battle, and Wu Lin is now confident about adjusting his routine.

 Wu Lin: You also try, can not sleep, but also to insist on closing your eyes to let go, slowly feel on the come!

Fifteen minutes later.

 Ye Wang: Tried it, it didn't work.

 Wu Lin: Don't dismiss it after just one try.

 Ye Wang: I can't let go, I can't close my eyes without thinking about anything.

 Ye Wang: I can only empty my mind during exams.

...... You're still proud of it?

 Ye Wang: Sing me a song.

 Wu Lin:?

 Ye Wang: Didn't you say you wanted to sing at night?

 Wu Lin: The whole dorm is asleep and I'm singing?

 Ye Wang: Sing during the day, record it and send it to me at night.

 Wu Lin : [Do I owe you from a previous life? .jpg]

 Wu Lin :No, even if I send it to you how do you listen to it at night? Aren't some students uncomfortable with headphones [squint.jpg]?

 Ye Wang: It's uncomfortable.

 Wu Lin: That's fine.

 Ye Wang: But it can be overcome.

 Wu Lin: ......

Next day, night, dormitory 509.

 Liang Ge had a nightmare, was canceled in this December's fourth grade examination is resumed, he woke up with a start, and was glad it was a dream, then found the opposite bed, Ye Wang wearing headphones do not know what to listen to.

These days Ye Wang chats with someone every night, Liang Ge knows it's Wu Lin, after all, Ye Wang can't really find a fifth person in his barren circle of friends.

But today, right now, by the faint light of his cell phone screen, he saw Ye Wang curl the corners of his mouth.

 Ye Wang, actually, fucking, laughing!

After three years of high school and one and a half years of college, Liang Ge has seen a lot of impatience on Ye Wang's face, and even when he's in a calm mood, he looks like he's going to beat you up if you don't hurry up.

Ye Wang, Ye Wang, Ye Wang, Ye Wang ...... The three storms have become the unique personal temperament of Ye Wang's classmates.

 It wasn't as if Liang Ge had never seen him smile, but most of the time Ye Wang's smiles were contemptuous and provocative, and amounted to something like, "Is that all?" "Just you?" "Okay, come here and try?" That kind of thing.

When he's really happy, Ye Wang's eyes light up and his spirits are instantly lifted, but it's rare for him to be so happy that he can't stop talking about it, as he is now.

Is this listening to comedy?

Waking up, Liang Ge was ready to get out of bed and go to the bathroom.

When he moves, Ye Wang looks over.

 Liang Ge couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked directly, "What are you listening to?"

 Ye Wang took off one of the headphones and said, " Wu Lin sings."

"......" Liang Ge suddenly didn't know where to go from here.

But under the moonlight, Ye Wang's expression was clearly "You'd better keep asking me".

 Liang Ge had to go along with it, "Does it sound good?"

 Ye Wang: "It's especially hard to hear."

 Liang Ge: "......"

 Ye Wang mused for a moment, like he was reminiscing, and ended with a laugh, "But the more you listen to it, the more you get on top of it."


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!