Published at 19th of January 2024 01:10:07 PM

Chapter 453: 451The Descent of the God of Curses

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Chapter 453 451-The Descent of the God of Curses

Ethan's plan had finally come to fruition, successfully enraging Dart to the extreme.

Transformed into the Giant of Curse, Dart had lost all semblance of reason, storming into the Valhalla of the Shadow clan without hesitation.

Upon the Giant of Curse's intrusion into the Valhalla, the Hero Spirits of the Shadow clan unhesitatingly directed all their Power of Shadow to Ethan.n(-o-(v-)E))l-/b--1))n

With this formidable augmentation of the Power of Shadow, Ethan wasted no time in summoning the Primordial Light once more.

Under the influence of the Power of Shadow, the Primordial Light revealed a form Ethan had never witnessed before.

The Primordial Light was originally of a pure, unblemished white, symbolizing its encompassment of all attributes and strengths.

However, aided by the immense Power of Shadow, it now took on a dimmer hue.

Despite its transformation into a shade of grey, Ethan could sense an amplification in the power of the Primordial Light, confident now in wielding spells of all shadow attributes.

"You have no right to step foot in Valhalla! I shall see you expelled from these sacred halls!" Ethan shouted at the approaching Giant of Curse.

Ethan was acutely aware that Dart, now plunged into sheer madness, couldn't comprehend the meaning of his words.

However, Ethan felt compelled to voice them out, believing that his declaration would encourage the Hero Spirits of Valhalla to lend him additional support.

True to his expectations, Ethan felt the Power of Shadow within him grow even stronger.

As the Giant of Curse rapidly closed in, Ethan decisively hurled the Primordial Light at his foe.

Throughout its flight towards the Giant of Curse, the Primordial Light continued to absorb the formidable Power of Shadow surrounding it.

When it finally collided with the Giant of Curse, it seemed as though all the Power of Shadow within Valhalla had been consumed by the Primordial Light.

The impact between the Giant of Curse and the Primordial Light unleashed a fierce burst of light.

Even Ethan, the master of the Primordial Light, was momentarily blinded by the intense flash and unable to discern his surroundings.

Simultaneously with the bright flash, Ethan heard the agonized howls of the Giant of Curse.

It appeared that the Primordial Light had inflicted severe damage upon him.

Ethan quickly regained his composure, his vision clearing to reveal the scene before him.

Dart, now reverted from his Giant of Curse form, lay before him in the guise of a Shadow clan member, albeit grievously injured and seemingly incapable of further combat.

Approaching Dart, Ethan grasped his spear firmly.

"You must pay the price for all your actions! My resolve to annihilate you stems not from our personal feud but because you betrayed the Shadow clan, and worse, you betrayed yourself!"

Ethan spoke these words directly to Dart.

However, Dart just glared back in anger, evidently not acknowledging or agreeing with Ethan's statement.

Confronting a powerful deity, he knew he had to summon every ounce of his strength.

He raised his spear high, channeling almost all of his power into it.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ethan decided to unleash his most formidable attack.

With Ethan unleashing his most powerful attack, his spear almost instantaneously reached the vicinity of the gigantic blood-red eye.

Surprisingly, the eye made no move to defend itself against Ethan's onslaught.

The spear shattered the eye effortlessly, seemingly dissolving the descent of the God of Curses with ease.

Ethan watched as the fragments of the blood-red eye fell, his mind engulfed in a state of bewilderment.

He found it hard to believe that defeating a deity could be this straightforward.

Although the God of Curses had only partially descended, using Dart's body as a vessel, it was still an entity of divine stature.

How could such a being be vanquished so easily?

These thoughts led Ethan to instinctively survey his surroundings, suspecting that the God of Curses might yet launch another attack.

He gathered the Primordial Light within him, staying ready for a continued battle with the deity.

Thus, Ethan remained vigilantly observant, but no matter how long he watched, no anomalies presented themselves.

This prolonged calm led Ethan to wonder if perhaps he was being overly cautious.

Ethan shook his head, as if to clear it, trying to make sense of the current situation.

He sensed the Hero Spirits of Valhalla reemerging around him, a sign that seemingly confirmed the complete defeat of the God of Curses.

Naturally, Ethan decided to leave Valhalla to check on Sherry's condition.

After all, in the heat of the battle, he hadn't had a chance to protect her.

But upon reaching Sherry's location, he was confronted with a scene that was beyond his worst fears.

Sherry was no longer in her slumber; it appeared that Dart had killed her.

"How can this be?! This is impossible! If Dart had really killed Sherry, I would have sensed it!"

Ethan exclaimed instinctively, his voice laced with disbelief.

Then, as if struck by a sudden realization, he scrutinized his surroundings once more.

He noticed that the landscape around him differed significantly from his memories of Valhalla.

It dawned on Ethan that he might be trapped in an illusion.

The God of Curses had not been defeated; in fact, the deity's attack had been successful!

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