Published at 2nd of January 2023 05:59:34 AM

Chapter 1746

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The only way to become stronger is to keep training.

Of course, not only that,

In addition to the necessary training, Void is also leading the Night Demon clan to degenerate.

To this day, the sixth-order giants of the Night Demon clan who have fallen into the void have no less than a hundred honors.

The half-step master has three more.

And this is just a little Night Demon world.

If the void can occupy more worlds, then the fallen powerhouse will inevitably exceed imagination.

Thoughts and this, the Void Phoenix is ​​also a little excited.

"All the Night Demons who have fallen into the void will serve me with delicious food and drink. This is the soldier of this uncle...?II."

With a loud laugh, the phoenix dressed like a noble also ordered many subordinates.

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