Exalted Emperor - Chapter 1210

Published at 1st of May 2024 06:53:21 AM

Chapter 1210

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"Strange guy, other celestial strongmen can't walk in no man's land, but they can come and go freely..."

Jiangnan looked at several people in the blood fog and was awe inspiring. The strength of these people is not trivial. They can't be measured by the realm of the real Immortal King. They are extremely powerful experts!

These people were also afraid of him. They didn't come forward. The prehistoric strange clams jumped like flying. They soon went away and left these people without a trace.

The strange frog leaped forward and passed through the no man's land. Jiangnan couldn't help but have a headache. The strange frog jumped around. Although it threw the black wind away, it planned to go deeper into the no man's land!

The edge of the no man's land is already so dangerous. If you go deeper, I'm afraid it's even more unpredictable.

If he jumped off the back of the strange clam, he was afraid that the strange clam would have new and old resentments, green eyebrows and chase after him. The strength of this toad was so amazing that even the prehistoric black corpse swallowed it. Jiangnan thought to himself that he would never be the opponent of the big toad.

Jiangnan's mind fretted. The broken bowl suddenly turned into a long river and pumped it hard on the ass of the strange clam. The strange clam ate pain and immediately changed its direction.

"That's a good idea. You can control the dead toad to leave the no man's land quickly..."

Jiangnan was very calm. The long river of Lingguang changed again and turned into a silver whip. The strange clam was very angry. The bloody long tongue also pulled hard from his back, beating his ass red.

Finally, the prehistoric strange clam felt that he suffered a loss. Instead of pumping it to the south of the Yangtze River, he puffed himself up and took back his tongue immediately.


Jiangnan smoked a note on its ass. the strange clam was so angry that its belly was bulging and rising that it almost burst open and jumped forward. If the strange clam could speak, it would have scolded at the moment.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Before long, the leader of Jiangda finally found his way back and drove the big toad to the fairyland on the edge of the no man's land.

At this moment, Jiang Xue, DaoWang and Nanguo Xianweng are far away from the prehistoric restricted area. The three return to the fairyland. Nanguo Xianweng looks back and sighs: "the leader is afraid of more or less bad... What's that? What a big toad!"

The huge shadow jumped over their heads and jumped forward. Jiang Xue and Taoist King hurriedly looked at it. They saw that the shadow fell to the ground. It was the prehistoric strange clam who had chased them. The ass of the strange clam was dripping with blood. I don't know what to lose.

What surprised them even more was that there was a small figure standing on the back of the strange clam, waving a silver whip and slapping the ass of the strange clam.

"It seems that it's younger martial brother Zichuan..."

The Taoist King blinked and said in some doubt, "the toad ran too fast, I didn't have time to see..."

Jiang Xue was also surprised and happy and said with a smile: "it seems that it is really Zichuan! Why didn't he run to the back of this toad instead of in the restricted area?"

Suddenly, the big toad in front stopped, croaked and jumped towards them.


The strange clam crouched in front of the three people, looked down on their three little spots, suddenly opened his big mouth, and the blood tongue flew out and rolled up to the three people!


When a silver whip came, the big toad felt pain. He quickly retracted his tongue and squatted there.

"Sister, Tao Wang, Xianweng, we meet again."

Jiangnan poked his head out of the toad's back and said with a smile, "do you want to come up for a ride?"

The three were pleasantly surprised. Nanguo Xianweng laughed, jumped up and said with a smile, "I'm going for a ride!"

Jiang Xue and Dao Wang also jumped onto the back of the strange toad. Sure enough, they saw Jiangnan standing on the back of the toad unharmed. The four people gathered together. Laughter and laughter kept coming from the back of the toad. Naturally, they had a lot to say.

Jiangnan controls this prehistoric strange clam and dares to go to the edge of the no man's land and tell him what happened in the forbidden area temple. The three people only feel strange and unimaginable.

"It was Emperor and Zun who left words on the bronze column?"

Nanguo Xianweng looked strange, fought a cold war, and muttered, "I said they have no public morality. If they exist like this, they will not haggle with small people like me... Moreover, Emperor hezun has no hobbies and wipes graffiti everywhere..."

Jiang Xue thought for a moment and said, "the emperor and Zun obviously expected that the God mother Taoist king would come back to life, so they left their own handwriting, not scribbling, but their Qi machine induction to kill the God mother. If there was no Zichuan's broken bowl, I'm afraid there would be other heavenly magic weapons to kill the God mother!"

The Taoist King nodded. The words left by the emperor and Zun played the role of positioning and instilling magic power. The words on the copper column were enough to urge a congenital magic weapon to kill the mother of God.

"The emperor and Zun had planned everything. They only waited until the God mother Tao Jun came out of the nest. Zichuan angered the God mother Tao Jun and led her out of the nest. This gave the Immortal Emperor the opportunity to kill the God mother."

Jiangnan said with a smile, "if they hadn't left behind, I'm afraid I'd be dead. The Immortal Emperor gave me a fairy pearl this time, which contains profound fairy secrets. When we arrive in the fairyland, let's study it together! By the way, do you know that there are immortals living in this no man's land? I just met several people. Among the main roads in my body, prehistoric roads are the main, supplemented by fairy roads."

"Mainly prehistoric Avenue, supplemented by fairy road?"

Nanguo Xianweng's face was dignified and asked carefully. Jiangnan described the faces of those people. Nanguo Xianweng's face changed and whispered, "these guys have fled here. It's bad, it's bad..."

Jiangnan hurriedly asked, and Nanguo Xianweng said in a deep voice: "These people you see are bandits in the no man's land. They do all kinds of evil and are extremely difficult to deal with. Those seven people are called the seven thieves chasing the wind. They are all cruel characters at the fairy King level. In addition to them, there are other villains and villains in the no man's land who often go out to rob the fairyland states. However, the no man's land is too large. In the past, they rarely met them when they entered the no man's land. These bandits can be in the no man's land Some say they took refuge in the prehistoric devil, others say that the ancient god of chaos manipulated this force. "

"Most of these people are casual practitioners. They fled into the no man's land for various reasons. Some are forced by life, others can't get along in the fairy world, and some are wanted by powerful beings. The most famous one is a fairy king in Zhuangzhou, the ancient fairy world, the Ferris Fairy king!"

Jiangnan was stunned and said, "the fairy king also defected into the no man's land? The fairy king has his own territory. How can he abandon his territory and go to the no man's land?"

Although the Taoist king and Jiang Xue have been in the ancient fairy world for a long time and know many allusions, they have never heard of it and can't help listening.

Nanguo Xianweng knew a lot and said: "That was a long time ago. The Ferris Immortal King of Zhuang Zhou is very powerful. He is not inferior to the eight immortals king. He is the eldest disciple of the Dragon Bodhi Immortal King. Because his blood is very high and not inferior to the Dragon Bodhi Immortal King, he was sent to Zhuang Zhou to be the head of the state. He is intelligent, brave and good at war, but he fell in love with an ancient chaos God, a female ancient god he captured in the war After the Ferris fairy King captured the woman, the Dragon Bodhi fairy king ordered the Ferris fairy king to put the ancient goddess to death. "

"But the Ferris fairy King fell in love and didn't listen to the order. He swore to the Dragon Bodhi fairy king that he would never betray the fairy world because of his love. If he betrayed the Dragon Bodhi fairy king, he would be punished by gouging out his heart, which reassured the fairy king. As a result, the Dragon Bodhi fairy king was suspicious. Because the blood of the Ferris fairy king was very high and not inferior to him, he wanted to test his loyalty Heart, or executed the ancient female God he loved. "

Nanguo Xianweng sighed: "The Dragon Bodhi fairy king knew that the Ferris fairy king loved this girl very much, so he gave an order to go to the fairy King's residence and hold the Dragon Dragon Dragon Festival. At the Dragon Dragon Dragon Festival, all the immortals under the Dragon Bodhi gathered together and had a lot of talents. Many of them were the junior brothers and sisters of the Ferris fairy king. They had excellent friendship, which made the Ferris fairy King stay a few more days. At the event, the Dragon Bodhi fairy king gave Ferris a flower Roses. "

"When Ferris saw this flower, he couldn't help crying. He saw that this rose flower was a magic weapon refined after his beloved wife was executed. His beloved wife, the female ancient god, was a rose born in chaos. At the banquet, the Dragon Bodhi fairy king said to him in front of Ferris's many junior brothers and sisters to see if he had a rebellious heart."

"Ferris tore open his skirt, took out his heart and crushed it. Then he put the rose in his heart and killed Xianjun's residence. In that war, countless disciples under longluo Bodhi Xianjun died, and there were corpses everywhere. Longluo Bodhi Xianjun shot himself, but failed to take him down, but he fled to no man's land."

"After that war, the strong in the fairyland knew that the strength of the original Ferris fairy king was so terrible that it was only half a step away from the realm of Xianjun."

"The Ferris fairy king was very kind to his subordinates. As soon as the news of his rebellion came out, the immortals in Zhuangzhou collected their own Taoist fruits, fled into the no man's land, and became the largest bandit leader in the no man's land. The Dragon Bodhi fairy king personally led the people to fight, but also lost the soldiers and generals, so he couldn't help him."

"If you meet this person, it's easy to recognize him. He is very majestic and very burly. There is a big hole in his chest and he has been bleeding. There is a rose in the hole, which is the essence of his wife. This person is extremely fierce and has hatred for the fairy world. He is an extremely cruel person. It's better not to meet him."


Jiangnan, DaoWang and jiangxue couldn't help sighing when they heard this.

The Taoist King sighed: "the Dragon Bodhi Immortal King is too suspicious, and his suspicion of the Ferris fairy king is too heavy. In this way, to test the loyalty of the Ferris fairy king, the Ferris fairy king has to be reversed."

Before long, they finally rushed back to the fairyland and jumped off the back of the strange clam. When the strange clam saw the south of the Yangtze River, he was fierce and brilliant in his eyes. He opened his mouth to devour the south of the Yangtze River.

Jiangnan offered a silver whip. The strange clam's eyes showed fear and wanted to jump away. Jiangnan smiled and took out a piece of fruit fragment the size of an island. Seeing this, the prehistoric strange clam stopped and stared at the huge fruit fragment with bright eyes, unwilling to leave.

Finally, the strange clam dug a big pit near the fairyland, sat in the pit, opened his mouth, turned his mouth into a valley, and waited for the rabbit there.

Some water from the south of the Yangtze River was sprinkled into the valley. Suddenly, the valley grew into a dense jungle, just like an ancient primeval forest.

He also set up a heavy killing array around the valley, leaving only the valley without killing array. Nanguo Xianweng saw that the boy was busy and couldn't help but sigh: "Dongji, your brother is so bad that he can't be cured."

————Asking for a monthly ticket in tears~~

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