Published at 6th of April 2022 05:56:38 AM

Chapter 101: Getting Ready for Bed

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There was still a bit of heat on her face as she closed the door behind her. When she ran out of the car she had expected the cool air to calm her down but it did nothing. She wasn't against kissing him obviously nor was she overly embarrassed about it. What made her body heat up so much was just the rush of doing it so last minute. She held a small hesitation but was feeling pretty confident in the moment. There was no way she would stick around to see his reaction though, he would 100% tease her and the sweet atmosphere would be gone. Slapping her face a couple of times she took a controlled breath before slipping her shoes off. 

Her hand instictively reached towards the secret panel on her wall to activate her security system. It was part of her nightly routine and the only time she skipped it was when Xi Long was over. Walking over to the kitchen she took out the dishes and opened their tops slightly to let it breathe. The aroma of the dishes hit her instantly and made her want to dig into it again but it was only her mind speaking. If she dared to take another bite her stomach would definitely call it quits. 'Enough food Ying Yue, you're turning into a pig.' Giving a tearful goodbye she walked away from the tempting meal directly into her room. Dropping her stuff on the floor she immediately began stripping off her clothes. She hated keeping her 'outside' clothes on for too long and any scents/dirt she picked up on them had to be washed. It was an occupational habit, no matter how clean you are there is always some sort of evidence that your fabrics will pick up. Silk and soft materials are the best but also have low functionality so cotton or stretchy polyester combos are worn more. Hence, the caution regarding what she wore. Washing it and removing it immediately meant that she could obliterate any subtle signs. If there was anything too stained or too messed up to remove she usually burned it discretly.

Nowadays she had a peaceful life but a couple years ago it was hard for her not to come home with tears, rips, and blood splattered all over it. Throwing her clothes into the laundry basket she removed her needle from her hat before throwing it in as well. Taking out some lysol wipes she wiped down her bag and used some santizer on her phone before placing it on her nightstand. She took the laundry basket with her and threw it into the washing machine before going into her bathroom. 

She already took a shower this morning but already needed another one from what happened tonight. Disregarding the smell of the dishes in her hair, she also had some dirt smudged on her from hiding against cars and against the parking lot floor. Running herself under some warm water she took a quick shower as she let the tension from the night fade away. She had enjoyed herself but was annoyed that the blonde woman was the reason behind it all, it was very anticlimatic. At least if there was a greater mastermind behind her who was controlling everything that would have been better but it was a simple obssessed girl. She had met many women like her before all of which liked to throw around demeaning terms but they were wasted on her. The words only held value if you give them value. However, a part of her was curious on how Xi Long was going to handle everything. She didn't ask any questions about her because she didn't really care but it didn't mean she wasn't the slightest bit curious. So many possibilities for revenge but the question was what Xi Long would chose. As she slipped out of the shower and started getting red for bed she ran the likely options in her head. It was almost like a guessing game for her to place bets on the expected outcome. She didn't have to wait long to see if she was right so that was nice. Knowing his personality the news of their family would be splattered across all newspaper outlets. 

'What even was her name again? Xu...? Mu...? Su....I think her name was Su Mo...Su Moxi.' The name made her laugh a bit because depending on how it was written the name was hilarious. It could be interperted as Moses or the 'end seat.' Both of which were probably not the answer but it made her chuckle a little. 

After finishing up with her two minute skincare of a quick wash and some moisturiser she put on some sweats before curling up into bed. She laid silently as she pondered if she should just sleep or try to watch something before sleeping. It wasn't long before both options were thrown away as she heard a ding from her phone. Reaching over she grabbed the phone and unlocked the many layers of security before seeing the notification. The ding she heard was a push notification for a systems update which to a normal person it would be just that. For her, it meant that she had a long night ahead of her. Getting up she softly padded over to her hidden room. Turning on the light she powered up her computers before clicking the 'update' button of the notification. What that did was send a response back to the sender that she was ready to talk. Her computer was normal until it went black for a couple of moments and turned back on with a face on the screen. 

There were big brown eyes pushed up against the monitor before it was readjusted to fit the whole face. 

"What's up hoe? Kill anyone yet?" The bubbly voice of her best friend resounded in the room as Ming Ming smiled at her devilishly. 

"No but I might if you don't give me a good reason for bothering me so late." Ying Yue kept a straight face as she pretended to be annoyed with the other. The act would have been believable if her tone did not sound indulgent. 

"Late?? Its not even 12 am yet...are you turning into a grandmother....?" 

"You know I never compromise two things my sleep and food. So what's up, tell me why you called?"

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