I am a Primitive Man - Chapter 206

Published at 6th of May 2024 06:08:15 AM

Chapter 206: obstructed labour

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Chapter 206: obstructed labour

Han Cheng was wide awake this time. The sleepiness that had just surged disappeared instantly.

Earlier, in his drowsiness, he had thought the noise was Fu Jiang returning late at night from who knows where. Now, he realized something was wrong. The outer gate was already closed and securely fastened from the inside. Even if Fu Jiang came back, he would wait outside the gate, not come to knock on Han Cheng's door.

Moreover, the knocking sound didn't sound like something Fu Jiang could make!

Who would come knocking on his door in the middle of the night?

"Who's there?"

Han Cheng paused for a moment, asking aloud.

The silence that followed was deafening. Both inside and outside the house were quiet, with no movement.

Han Cheng's heart began to race, and all the ghost stories he had heard before suddenly flooded his mind, stimulating his nerves.

Could he have invoked the gods too much, and heaven couldn't stand it anymore?

Or perhaps the fox that he had beaten to death and eaten a leg in front of could now seek revenge?

As he entertained these wild thoughts, his heartbeat accelerated.

"Bang! Bang! Bang"

The knocking resumed with such force that Han Cheng could feel the gate trembling.

"Who is it!"Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Han Cheng raised his voice, feeling the hairs on his body standing on end.

However, there was still no response from outside, only the persistent knocking.

Han Cheng felt increasingly uneasy and reached for the short spear placed by the bedside, gripping it tightly to bolster his courage.

This was suspicious. If it were someone from the Green Sparrow Tribe knocking, they would have answered his inquiry immediately, not remain silent like this!


Sitting on the edge of the heated bed, Han Cheng shouted again with increased intensity.

The knocking stopped, and both inside and outside fell into silence again. Han Cheng could hear his own heartbeat clearly, feeling as if his heart was about to burst out of his chest.


After a brief silence, a deer's call suddenly came from outside the door.

His gaze quickly stopped on a pregnant doe.

It wasn't because this doe was exceptionally attractive but because there was much filth on her hindquarters, and in the firelight, traces of blood could be seen, with her fur soaked in the mess.

Behind her, something was faintly visible; closer inspection revealed it to be a small hoof.

These were signs of labor!

The water had broken, and the hoof was already visible.

Han Cheng looked at Lord Deer, who stood not far away. Had this fellow brought him over in the middle of the night just to inform him of its impending fatherhood?

This seemed unreasonable.

After all, this fellow had become a father many times before, but he had never come to find Han Cheng for this reason.

Could there be another hidden reason behind this?

Han Cheng thought of the stories he had heard about tigers carrying injured animals to healers and other animals seeking help from humans.

Except for the doe in labor, there was nothing unusual in the deer pen. The problem should lie with this.

Was she having difficulty giving birth?

The doe, visibly distressed from labor, couldn't withstand the pain despite standing here for a while. Eventually, she lay down on the ground, feeling somewhat clumsy.

As she lay down, more of the unborn fawn's body was revealed.

Han Cheng, Eldest Senior Brother, and others stood by, watching from a distance, not daring to approach too closely for fear of disturbing the birthing doe.

Han Cheng was now sure that the doe was having difficulty giving birth. They had been waiting here for almost half an hour, and the unborn fawn had only shown its hoof but refused to come out.

Lord Deer occasionally nudged Han Cheng with his mouth as if urging him to come up with a solution quickly.

Han Cheng didn't have time to think about whether Lord Deer would become a spirit; he was focused on finding a solution to the problem at hand.

He didn't want a tragedy to occur, even if it was just a deer.

Liang, come here, Han Cheng called out to Liang, who was not far away. Then, they approached the doe together, prepared to assist in the birthing process.

However, the restless doe stood up and moved anxiously before they could reach her. The little legs that had just emerged retracted as she stood up.

Han Cheng and Liang had no choice but to stop, refraining from approaching the doe, who had become particularly alert due to the birthing process. They waited for her to lie down again before continuing to assist in the birth.

Han Cheng recognized this doe as the one he used to milk regularly.

This realization saddened Han Cheng. The deer that he used to milk freely now found it difficult for him even to approach

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