Published at 25th of December 2023 05:23:20 AM

Chapter 91: Develop manufacturing

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Chapter 91 Development of Manufacturing Industry

He Dong said to his elder son He Shirong: "Go and help me bring that young man over and talk to me!"

Wu Guangyao and Lin Yueru came to He Dong and said politely: "Sir He is well!" They greeted the chief secretary and others next to them.

He Dong looked at Wu Guangyao and Lin Yueru with interest, and said after a long time, "Okay, the couple of gods and goddesses. Young is energetic, I can't accept the old. Two years across three industries, all of them have done well. , The future economy of Hong Kong Island still depends on young people like you!"

Wu Guangyao quickly and modestly said: "No, no, I'm just lucky, I didn't expect the development to be so smooth."

There are many other businessmen on the table, even people from the Hong Kong government, so it’s better to keep a low profile!

"Be humble, luck is also part of your strength. What's more, I found that your industry is different from traditional industries. It is a manufacturing industry. This is definitely not luck. This is a good sign. Although Hong Kong Island has always had a transshipment port. But the future has to rely on manufacturing." He Dong said.

He Dong’s words were quite shocking to Wu Guangyao. The old man could see clearly. This is the truth of the so-called old man!

As a posterity, Wu Guangyao knew that Hong Kong almost collapsed due to the blockade of the United States in 1950. It was the manufacturing industry that brought the economy back.

Behind the Chief Secretary, an interpreter had long been standing, after listening to He Dong's words, he was thoughtful.

"Mr. Wu, do you think the economy of Hong Kong Island should emphasize trade or manufacturing?" The Chief Secretary asked suddenly.

At this time, everyone around him pricked up their ears, but he didn't expect this young man to be attracted by these big guys.

Naturally, Wu Guangyao will not fail to answer. If he wants to be more stable on Hong Kong Island, he must have a good relationship with the Hong Kong government.

The so-called people who know the current affairs are handsome, and they have no reason to confront the Hong Kong government!

Furthermore, Wu Guangyao has regarded himself as a Hong Kong Islander and wants to make some contributions to the economy of Hong Kong Island!

Especially, more and more refugees, every time Wu Guangyao sees it, his heart aches secretly.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect!

The troubled Huaxia people, although they will rejuvenate in the future, they still have to experience three plagues and nine disasters!

After 30 years, it will be Broad Avenue!

I now have some strength, so naturally I won’t stand idly by.

In Shauqiwan, Wu Guangyao often sends rice to refugees. The workers in his factory are all refugees.

And Wu Guangyao stipulated that for all workers under his banner, only one worker in his family can be in his own factory.

The reason for doing this is naturally to benefit more families. After all, as long as there is a worker in their own factory, the family basically does not have to worry about eating and drinking!

So, if Wu Guangyao is most respected, it must be Shaoqiwan.

"Elder He, Chief Secretary, I think the only way to develop long-term peace and stability on Hong Kong Island is to develop manufacturing. You also know that more and more refugees are coming to Hong Kong Island, and traditional companies can’t afford much labor. Manufacturing is different. One factory can feed dozens to hundreds of families."

"Then what is your opinion?" The Chief Secretary said impatiently. Recently, the Hong Kong government has a headache and there are too many refugees. If you leave it alone, you are afraid that they will cause trouble.

Furthermore, if refugees starve to death on a large scale, the Hong Kong government believes that the two mainland regimes will definitely take the opportunity to find trouble from the Hong Kong government.

"Encourage merchants from the mainland to come to Hong Kong to open factories. The Hong Kong government can provide cheap land and taxes to allow these merchants to invest with confidence. At that time, the manufacturing industry on Hong Kong Island will definitely improve and will no longer rely solely on trade." Wu Guangyao knows that if the Hong Kong government pays money, there is basically no hope, but the land and tax rate used to build the factory can definitely be given some policies.

"Your suggestion, I will discuss it with the Governor, and you will open your own factory. I heard people say that you often donate in Shauqiwan. This is a good thing." The Chief Secretary encouraged.

The surrounding people sighed in their hearts, the young man was terrible, and he said a few words casually, even the Chief Secretary agreed.

He Dong was not angry when the Chief Secretary robbed him of the limelight, and he agreed with Wu Guangyao's words.

"Manufacturing is not easy. It has always been controlled by Europe and the United States. So what do you think we should start from?" He Dong is completely interested in Wu Guangyao now, completely forgetting that there are still many people waiting to pay him birthdays.

"Of course it is light industry, and only light industry has our advantage, that is, the degree of mechanization is not high, but we occupy cheap labor. For example, the two industries of textiles and garments, our Hong Kong Island can do it, The output capacity. My Uniqlo is now helping the American garment factory to produce jeans. A pair of American jeans costs 16 Hong Kong dollars, and the American manufacturer costs 9 Hong Kong dollars, and ours, the cost is only 3.5 Hong Kong dollars. So As long as your quality is comparable to what they produce, they would rather find you to work instead of recruiting more workers." Wu Guangyao boasted, anyway, these things happened in the next year, so it’s okay to say it now.

The most important thing is that the United States has a huge market, and I don’t worry about someone stealing my business.

Hong Kong Island has only more than one million people, and the United States has a population of more than one billion. As the only victorious country (not affected by the mainland), the market is quite good.

"But the textile industry in Shanghai is unmatched in Asia. I am afraid that Hong Kong Island cannot compete with them!" He Dong continued.

Wu Guangyao pretended to be indifferent and said: "But how did I find out that many businessmen in Shanghai have recently come to Hong Kong Island to invest. Could it be that they are also optimistic about our Hong Kong Island, or is it?"

Speaking of this, He Dong is very calculating and naturally knows what Wu Guangyao means.

Shanghai is not peaceful, and the industries there are either unable to keep it, so transfer, then Hong Kong Island will be the next Shanghai?

The surrounding Chinese are thoughtful.

Only foreigners can not hear the meaning in the words!

After all, Huaxia’s language is broad and profound, how can they understand it!

At this time, Lin Yueru followed Wu Guangyao closely. She found that she was dignified, could talk boastfully with anyone, and was respected.

It’s not a loss to marry him, and Wu Guangyao takes him wherever he goes, and takes good care of him!

Farewell to He Dong and Director, Wu Guangyao returned to his table.

At this time, Zheng Yutong, Zhou Junlian and others were talking with He Xian, He Shanheng, He Tian and others. Seeing Wu Guangyao and Lin Yueru coming back, they immediately greeted them enthusiastically.

This table is basically gold merchants and silver merchants, who have benefited from the gold wars in the past few years and made a lot of money.

One of these relationships must be mentioned. He Xian’s brother He Tian is the founder of Hang Seng Bank, and He Shanheng is also the founder of Hang Seng Bank.

However, this table is all from Guangdong Province, so why is Wu Guangyao's favor from Zhejiang Province?

However, Wu Guangyao comes from the future, and he seldom thinks about the Xiang Dang.

To really talk about the township party, Bao Yugang counts as his fellow villager, but other people have not come to Hong Kong Island yet, and they can’t make friends.

"Fortunately, Guangyao doesn't fry gold, otherwise I will really be willing to go down. Even if I have great skill, the background is still such a solid." He Shanheng said with a smile.

Wu Guangyao ignored his joking, but deliberately said loudly: "I heard people say that the Hang Seng Bank has made several million profits from gold frying in the past two years. How can I owe HSBC more than one million! "

"There are!" "There are so many!" He Tian and He Shanheng at the same table hurriedly said, for fear that people nearby would be jealous.

This kind of thing can only enter the village quietly, don’t shoot guns, and make more money. Others say you are blackhearted!

"Alright! Guangyao, two elder brothers, don't praise each other, let people listen to the jokes!" He Xian came out and ended the game.

Recently, there have been two changes, and I am preparing to save the manuscript for the latest update when it is put on the shelf. Because I wrote two chapters of the rich list, I read readers' comments and found it reasonable, so I had to delete it and write it again.

(End of this chapter)

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