Published at 27th of November 2022 05:09:12 PM

Chapter 1891: 1891

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Too many profound things had happened in the span of microseconds.

Lillith thought lightly as she could have billions of thoughts crossing her mind in a fraction of a microsecond- her mind being capable of being expanded to days or years in a single instant as her perception and decision making were utterly dreadful to imagine.

What she couldn't imagine though, was that the that she met was also the one who had defined himself and subsequently aided in the definition of this Age!

Such a thought had no way of crossing her mind as what she did understand was destiny. And she understood a great deal of it.

To her surprise, she actually found the destiny of this portion of her Will not to be too bright even as she was able to utilize a semblance of the Natural Laws and Decretums she normally controlled!

Such a thing was an impossibility as she had let go of one of her treasures that she controlled a Lineage of the Kun Pengs with- the Heart of Destiny in order to make the current plans possible.

For all of this to be for naught was disappointing as the answer as to why her destiny was bleak could only be attributed to a few factors.

Either powerful Alpha Strata LEGENDS were able to break through the restrictions of the current Domain, or Grotto Haven existences caught wind of her destiny…or an unexplainable factor!

She understood the unexplainable factor the moment she breezed through the memories of Genevieve and gazed at the being in question himself.


His eyes were luminous and filled with astounding destiny that even her Hellion Eyes could not see the depth of, with his life line being inconceivable!

An Irregular.

She had actually come across an Irregular in such a place as he seemed to be a particularly careful one, foregoing any pauses or talks as just like her- he immediately went on the offensive.

And ridiculously offensive at that as the lives of millions were reaped instantly while the residues of this shocking attack were now surging towards her.

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