Published at 15th of November 2023 08:38:14 AM

Chapter 630: Wake you up in the gentlest way

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In the car, Yao Hong thoughtfully prepared a small packet of soy milk fritters for Jiangnan and Ye Zhenguo, as well as vinegar butterflies for breakfast!

Ye Zhenguo's dark face is a little more beautiful. As a Jiangnan worker, he would come out to work early in the morning and couldn't even eat breakfast. That would be the end!

Lost my Daotian status!

I saw Jiang Nan slumped on the sofa casually: "Where is the location? Have you investigated it clearly?"

"What are the big moves of the blood alliance?"

Yao Hong took out a document: "The location has been checked, and Wan Dongchen is currently in the building of the Blood League branch!"

"I entered the room with a woman last night, and I haven't come out yet!"

"The rest of the provinces and branches of the blood alliance have just contracted in power, and I am afraid that they are preparing for the clearing of our Pu Gong branch in the United Kingdom!"

"I plan to use what he is interested in me to lead Wan Dongchen out of the branch building. In this case..."

Jiang Nan stuffed a small packet of paper in his mouth: "Where does it take so much effort? Go straight up and **** him!"

Yao Hong: Σ(๐ớ口ờ)? First URL htt

"Do it directly? That's the branch, a lot of people from blood alliances, we..."

Jiang Nan stared: "What's wrong with so many people? Are you looking down on my big brother?"

Ye Zhenguo coughed lightly: "Also... still keep a low profile! We must solve this matter in the fastest way!"

Jiangnan: "Direct work is the fastest!"

Ye Zhenguo gritted his teeth: "Then do it directly!"

Then he slammed Jiang Nan's shoulder again: "Okay, brother, you can eat black and white! Dandelion is yours too?"

Ye Zhenguo was really taken aback. Dandelion's name has been heard before. Co-author Jiangnan is the person who talked about Dandelion?

Yao Hong smiled and said, "Ye..."

Jiangnan: (。ಠกಠ。) Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

Yao Hong stiffened and smiled awkwardly: "Big Brother Piccolo just laughed, small power, not enough..."

In fact, my heart is almost tense!

Yao Hong never dreamed that he would be an underground organization, and one day he would go out to work with China Daotian!

No one believes this!

At six o'clock in the morning, the car drove to the opposite side of the blood alliance branch building!

Worthy of being a branch-level stronghold, extremely heavily guarded!

There are no young and old who guard outside the building early in the morning, not to mention the internal guard!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Pickupman, take my eldest brother out of the car first!"

Yao Hong stiffened, with questioning eyes!

Jiang Nan stared, Yao Hong shrank his neck and opened the car door: "Brother Pikaping, get out of the car and familiarize yourself with the terrain. It's better not to have too much movement in a while!"

Ye Zhenguo didn't think much, and got out of the car with Yao Hong obediently!

Before Yao Hong got out of the car, he secretly stuffed a metal U disk to Jiangnan!

Closing the door, Jiang Nan teleported to the front row, his face was full of excitement: "Pickup? Where's the equipment? Are you ready?"

Gu Xiaowei patted the buckle of the trouser belt. If you don't look closely, you can't see the hidden ultra-high-definition 4k camera on it!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Repeat your task today!"

Gu Xiaowei's expression was solemn: "At all costs, follow the shots throughout the whole process, and don't miss the slightest details!"

"Today I am a ruthless shooting machine, guarding 4k-level picture quality with my life!"

Jiang Nan gave a thumbs up: "What you want is your attitude!"

Then he took out his military computer, inserted the USB flash drive, and logged in to Yao Hong's dark web account!

Not much to say, the invasion process started, and the fingers leaped quickly on the keyboard!

Is it as easy as going to your own toilet to pee on Jiangnan's dark web server?

Gu Xiaowei who was watching was stunned, of course she knew what Jiang Nan was doing!

This is the dark web!

"Pika Pong, I suddenly admire you a little bit!"

Jiang Nan didn't look back: "Don't worship Brother! Brother is a southerner you will never get!"

At the same time, the headquarters of the overseas dark web underground server base!

All LCD screens are all red, with a large string of English displayed on it!

"Warning! Systemintrusion!"

(Warning! System intrusion)

However, all the programmers on the dark web took their hands off the keyboard!

A (≖_≖) emoticon, some people even played with their mobile phone!

The person in charge exploded: "What are you doing! Someone invaded! Blind! Defense!"


"Hehe... Defense? Are you kidding me?"

"This familiar technique is that Supreme God again?"

"Tsk tusk tusk! I am getting more and more proficient, I even fell in love with this kind of feeling that I can only look at, but can't do anything!"

"Are you going to take us Bengyedi again? Suddenly there is a little expectation!"

Person in charge: (งᵒ̌益ᵒ̌) ง Your dark web has caught up with the one opened for your home, and we have a wave of wandering around in three days. We don't want face!


After receiving a full wave of resentment, Jiangnan successfully invaded the dark web server once again!

It's just not that much this time!

Instead, I made a pop-up window. As long as anyone logged into the dark web during the period, the live broadcast pop-up window will pop up on the screen and it cannot be closed!

The live account is Yao Hong!

Live title: Nothing to do, kill a blood alliance and have fun! Everyone panicked (・᷄ὢ・᷅)!

Everyone, just squat at home and be a spectator!

This show I give dandelion for free!

(Live video).FLV

Immediately connected to Gu Xiaowei's belt camera!

At the beginning of the live broadcast, Jiang Nan packed the military computer into his backpack and put it on Gu Xiaowei's back!

Patted her on the shoulder!

"Today, you are not only Pickupi, but also a cameraman! A long way to go!"

Gu Xiaowei was full of excitement: "Leave it to me! Guarantee to complete the task!"

At this moment, Yao Hong and Ye Zhenguo are observing the Blood League branch building on the corner of the street!

Yao Hong felt a little panicked, Jiang Nan wanted to broadcast the whole process of the dry blood alliance on the dark web!

If you really want to let it go, things will be big!

Can she not panic?

Dandelion used to take the route of making money and avoiding disasters and putting peace as the most important thing. I haven't been so hard-hearted!

And Jiangnan's move is to make a name for Dandelion and show its momentum!

Tell all the underground organizations in the world that her dandelion is now covered by me in the south of the Yangtze River!

It's no longer the way anyone could bully all of a sudden!

Who dares to touch the dandelion! The blood alliance is the end!

At the same time, it is also secretly borrowing from Ye Zhenguo's strength town to clear the obstacles for Dandelion to integrate black market channels and become a trading website!

Jiangnan, who is a planner, has already made this arrangement clear!

Brother Ye was also arranged...

Ye Zhenguo stretched his waist and said, "What's my brother doing? I'm just a little star Yao, what can I prepare?"

Yao Hong covers his face, so you can talk about these words, generally we are called Xingyao Big Brothers for Xingyao!

At this moment, the little brothers who were in charge of the defense in the branch building of the blood alliance looked over!

What the **** are those two sand sculptures with Pikachu headgear standing on the street?

From the Rolls Royce?

wrong! Something is wrong!

"Hey hey! You two..."

A few people came towards this side, Yao Hong sneered: "A glance at eternity!"

The pupil of the six-pointed star rotates, red light suddenly appears!

The three of them instantly turned into black stone sculptures on the road, and this hand directly attracted the attention of the building's defense!

At this moment, Jiang Nan took Gu Xiaowei and got out of the car, ignoring the rushing defensive force!

"Big Brother! Are you ready?"

Ye Zhenguo: "It's so easy to squeeze, isn't it just a time to soak in urine? That's enough time for soaking in urine for a long time!"

Jiang Nan raised his brows: "Then brother, you are urinating frequently!"

Ye Zhenguo: (ꐦ・᷅wan・᷄) Huh?

[The grievance value from Ye Zhenguo +878! ]

Jiang Nan snickered: "Pickupman, specific location!"

Yao Hong: "The corner room on the left side of the top floor!"

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth evoked an arc of evil charm, raised his hand to throw out the void chain, and wrapped it around the waist of a few people!

"Look at Lao Tzu to wake you up in the most gentle way!"

The four of them disappeared on the street in an instant!

The defensive force rushing over panicked, with wide-eyed eyes and a look of horror!

"Teleport? Notify the leader! Quick! Jiang Nan came over with a Pikachu headgear!"


On the top floor Wan Dongchen room, in the luxurious presidential big bed room, Wan Dongchen sleeps Zhengxiang with a woman in his arms!

It’s not Ji Han, maybe he also thinks Ji Han is ugly...

It seems that he felt the aura fluctuations, and Wan Dongchen suddenly woke up from the bed!

When I opened my eyes and saw the first scene, I saw four Pikachu wearing woolen hoods standing by the bed with a look of horror!

"What are you guys fooling around? Dare to come to my blood alliance to make trouble? How did you get in? I..."

Jiangnan Xiaoyao: "Provoke our Pikachu family, this is the end! Big brother! Fuck him!"

When Wan Dongchen heard this familiar voice, his eyes blushed on the spot: "Jiangnan? Is it you? I have to..."

Before Wan Dongchen could finish speaking, Ye Zhenguo stepped onto the bed!

The speed was so fast that no one could react, and with one hand clenched a fist, it was a heavy cannon towards Wan Dongchen!


The huge force directly smashed Wan Dongchen through the three-story floor, from the top floor to the 66th floor!

"Little 13 brat talks so much nonsense? I'm in a hurry!"

Speaking and jumped down along the hole!

Jiang Nan looked excited: "Big brother is fierce! Has it been photographed?"

Gu Xiaoyou has a crotch axe: "Pikapong, don't worry!"

"Thief details!"

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