Published at 8th of January 2019 09:43:29 PM

Chapter 34

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Zed dozed off into a world of dreams and pleasures. He was knocked out because he had lost a lot of blood and mana during his fight with the thunder raptors. That and his hunger had now become stronger than ever with his new Xenokthu evolution. Symbo the sentient tentacle needed about a whopping 1,000 pounds of meat and roughly 100 pints of blood to stay active in Zeds system. Symbo was indeed at this very moment, dormant and asleep. It's strange and ironic to think that the most powerful beast in the world was safely sleeping inside a blind humans body. The two creatures could never be so far apart. They were from different worlds, one was a blind scientist and the other was an alien creature with its own hivemind army that could slaughter millions of lives in less than a second. And yet they are both sleeping in some random lava cave in the middle of nowhere right in front of their enemies.

"Hey what is that sound? Is someone snoring!?" Winter unsheathes her gunblade-rapier which could shot a number of spells out from the golden glyphs carved and molded around the steel of the sword.

Her slender pale angelic body was covered in a slick white and black dress that bared the witchers clan crest of a Frost Wyvern. Her snowy hair perfectly matched her 'combat dress and combat heels which also a white bluish color.

"No one is snoring bitchy princess. But I would snore if I was in bed with you." Seron grinned as he took out a cigarette and started smoking.

"Aren't you too young to smoke?!" Winter snarls as she smacks away the cigarette.

"You bitch! That was my last one!" Seron backhand slaps Winter on her cheeks. "You're always so high up on your moral code. But at the end of the day who gives a shit. Your just a little girl who whines over the smallest things. Females are only good for one thing and that is getting fucked." Seron angrily walks away as Winter rubs her red cheeks.

Unbeknownst the adventurers in the corner of a boulder lied Zed who was knocked out. He was dreaming about something that made him actually grin through his skull mask. Whatever it must have been actually made him more lively and less bogged down about all the horrible acts he had done. He was in a different world in his dreams a world full of endless possibilities. He was in a hyper-sleep state. A state in which your body heals faster when you are asleep. He kept on grinning. In his dream, he could see his past world and he finally got to see his mother.

We go deeper inside his dreams...

The sunrise was high and the kitchen room of apartment dorm light up brightly. Zed was going to meet his mother at a local coffee shop, but instead, right now he was getting ready to go on his first date.

"Wow look at me, what a cool looking hotshot. I look good as hell. Well, of course, I do because I can't see myself. Haha. You know cause I am blind..." Zed awkwardly laughs to himself, "Ah... I am so fucked." He grabs a rose and heads off to the movie theaters. This would be the first time he would be with a girl other than his sister.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!