Published at 19th of May 2023 05:53:18 AM

Chapter 16

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I pushed open the heavy doors to the open space with a satisfying creak, announcing my arrival with a sense of relief. After dealing with Appaci and Mila Rose's constant sniping and harping on my every move, facing the biggest villain of Hueco Mundo seemed almost like a welcome reprieve.

"I can't believe this new guy has already caused such a commotion," Appaci grumbled, her tone tinged with annoyance.

Mila Rose chimed in, "Yeah, and now everyone is gossiping about it. It's ridiculous."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness. It seemed like it was an open secret that I had slept with Sung-sun the previous night. I had only just become an Espada, and already I was the talk of Las Noches. Colmillo de Serpiente

"Don't worry," Sung-sun reassured me with a giggle as we approached Aizen and an unamused Ulquiorra. Harribel's piercing blue eyes seemed to bore into my back, but I tried to ignore it. She was always a strict and silent leader, never showing her emotions on the surface.

As we got closer to Aizen, I could see him studying me with a calculating expression. Appaci and Mila Rose exchanged a glance before looking away, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"We have brought him as promised, Lord Aizen," Harribel said with her usual calm voice.

Aizen's smile widened, but it was clear that he was not pleased with the delay. "Thank you, Harribel. Time is of the essence, after all." He said, his tone insincere. Harribel didn't react to his obvious lie, but I could see the annoyance on Appaci and Mila Rose's faces. “Now, please keep your distance."

“Yes lord Aizen.” The big breasted woman nodded before she returned to her three subordinates.

"So we are going to check my resurreccion," I said, trying to sound confident.

I already knew Aizen’s intentions for testing me, the others had already explained to me how he wanted me to show him my powers. Of course, I knew better, his plans had plans underneath plans and then you would even find plans floating on top of you while you searched underneath.

"Yes," Aizen replied, his eyes never leaving mine. He then turned to Ulquiorra. "Ulquiorra, can you entertain him for a while."

"As you order, Lord Aizen," Ulquiorra replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

I followed Ulquiorra as he led me to a secluded area, the ground crunching beneath my boots with every step. I could feel my heart pounding with anticipation, ready to show Aizen the full extent of my resurreccion.

The silent Arrancar took a step back and released his sword from its sheath, the metal scraping against the scabbard with a sharp sound. With a soft whisper, he called out the name of his Resurreccion.


Suddenly, a bright green light engulfed him, illuminating the surrounding area and I could feel his spiritual pressure skyrocketing. Wings grew from his back and spread wide, revealing a new, more menacing form. Ulquiorra's features twisted as the horns of his mask were reconstructed. He lowered his wings and looked at me with a calm, yet mocking expression.

"I hope you're ready for this." He said, his voice now deep and menacing. "Because I won't hold back."

I smiled, not intimidated in the least. "That won't be necessary."

I felt my own spiritual pressure beginning to surge, a warmth spreading through my body. The air around me crackled with energy as I focused on my transformation. My eyes glowed bright yellow as I called out the name of my Resurreccion.


It’s time to begin the schemes.

I actually edited chapter 15 and added an omake, in case you want to read it.

Omake: Stalkers

As Acidwire and Harribel left, Nnoitra and Grimmjow were left fuming. They had been looking forward to a good fight, but Aizen’s summon had ruined their plans.

"Nnoitra! You got in the way!" Grimmjow shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at the taller Arrancar.

"I got in the way? You were the one who charged in like an idiot!" Nnoitra retorted, pointing harder at his chest.

The two continued to bicker, their voices growing louder and more heated by the second. Suddenly, the doors to the open space burst open, and Yammy walked in.

Nnoitra and Grimmjow turned to face Yammy, their expressions sharpening into smirks.

"What are you looking at, Yammy?" Nnoitra asks, his tone challenging.

Yammy grins widely, happy to see that his fellow Espadas are spoiling for a fight. "Finally, some action! Let's do this!"

The three of them charge towards each other, ready for an epic battle.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!