Savage Divinity - Chapter 189

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:06:40 AM

Chapter 189

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Chapter 189

Studying the misshapen horror which used to be Baledagh, I remind myself this isnt him, only some creature wearing his skin. Despite being bound and helpless, the thing stands calm and relaxed, a startling difference from the rage-fuelled monstrosity I faced less than a minute ago. No more threats or growling, after its admission of guilt, it seems content to wait and stare, a confident smirk pasted across Baledagh's warped visage.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Only his eyes remain unchanged, shockingly human amidst the morphed and mutated features that were once a mirror to my own. A disturbing blend of familiar and alien, the creatures form continues to distort and shift as I pace around it, Baledaghs eyes track my progress, his head turning a full 360 degrees yet his neck never twisting. Aside from the freakish monitoring, it stands utterly motionless, not even moving to blink or breathe, an unnatural and unnerving thing of nightmares, a predator watching its prey.

Mother help me, what do I do now? Is Baledagh still alive or is he gone now?

Okay, first I need to get my facts straight. There were an indeterminate number of Spectres locked away through the combined efforts of Baledagh and I, though he was unaware of his part. Then, while I was unconscious thanks to the Shrike, Baledagh, believing the situation dire, ate all the Spectres to heal, getting ready to fight. This somehow led to him finding out about being Defiled, leaving me here in the void with this thing. Or would it be these things?

Its presence alone is enough to make my skin crawl, with enough familiar features to make me check my body for irregularities. I want it gone but I stay my hand, unsure if I should kill it even if I could. Know thy enemy and all that, but more than anything, I want my little brother back.

Baledagh? I ask, testing the waters. You in there? No response, though I think there might have been a flicker in its eyes, or maybe Im just hoping there was one. Listen Baledagh, everything is not lost. You need to fight. Youre stronger than they are. They pretend to be dominant and powerful, but theyre liars little brother. Think about it, why else would they constantly demand surrender? They cant win otherwise. Theyre weak and pitiful, unable to act without your permission, so fight them. Defy them. Seize control once more, and come back. The creatures face twitches at my words, its eyes narrowing and lips pursing, but still it doesnt speak. Pitiful disembodied spirits, theyre nothing but prey for you to devour. Dont let indigestion defeat you little brother, you are a warrior. Digest those worthless ghosts and turn them into a steaming pile of ectoplasmic shit.

Not the most eloquent of speeches, but I blame the concussion. My head hurts something fierce, getting knocked out is nothing to sneeze at. My crude language gets a reaction out of the creature however. Lip curling in a sneer, it speaks with its harsh voice. Ignorant Foundling, we are not weak, we are not prey, neither ghosts nor spirits, no weak remnants of things of flesh.

Wow, everyone is arrogant here, even the ghosts or whatever these things are. Demons, I guess? Is each Spectres a separate Demonic entity or are they one massive hive mind working in concert? Either way, I can probably use this, theres no better way to get under an arrogant idiots skin than to outright ignore him, or it...them? Whatever. Baledagh, I know youre in there. Ignore their worthless whispers, these spooks are powerless. Maybe things arent going great at the moment, but that doesnt mean you get to give up. Im sorry I havent made things better, but only because I dont know how. Please, come back and well work on a solution together.

The creatures displeasure at being ignored grows as its face twists in anger, and I continue trying to reach Baledagh, searching for a sign and hoping against all odds hes still inside. Me and you little brother, theres nothing we cant do. An unstoppable duo, two parts of a whole, but I cant do it alone. A great hero once said never give up, never surrender. Okay, so Im lying through my teeth, but I need him back. I didnt ask to be stuck with him and sure he can be problematic at times, but hes my closest friend, someone I can share almost anything with, someone who knows my flaws and fears, yet accepts me all the same.

What do you call that besides family?

Do you desire strength, Foundling? The creature speaks with a smile, baring its gleaming white fangs. Is that why you seek the return of the Warrior? We can give you strength, more than you can imagine. What you have here is a mere pittance compared to what we can do. With our help, you can achieve greatness, your every desire made real, your every wish made true. All the worlds women at your feet, tending to your every need, your enemies destroyed before you ever meet them, your friends and families made safe.

How intriguing. All my desires? I answer in deadpan, a little annoyed at my designation. Why does Baledagh get Warrior and I get Foundling? It begs the question, what do they even know about me? How about you give me Baledagh then you all run off and die somewhere?

Hissing, it chomps the air in frustration, but my bindings hold fast. Although I kept myself from jumping, Im ashamed to say I still flinched. How do people stay so calm in these tense situations? Foolish to taunt us Foundling. We are eternal and we do not forget, nor forgive.

Herp derp, fear us for we are legion, yadda yadda. Blow it out your ass. Youre nothing but a bunch of intangible blathering germs, a supernaturally transmitted disease. For every poison theres an antidote, and Ill dedicate my life to figuring out how to nuke you all into oblivion. Until I do, youre less trouble than a rash, so keep quiet while I talk to my brother. Im having too much fun mocking the ethereal monsters, but its hard to take them seriously when Im in such a dominating position. Baledagh, why even bother with these fools? Tear them apart like you destroyed the manor I built, its as easy as turning your hand. Envision victory and it will be yours.

The Warrior cannot hear you. Its voice is almost sing-song, a harsh and discordant harmony as if its enjoying the exchange. We can hear him, his screams so musical, his fears so delectable. He sought to devour us but we will devour him, piece by piece until nothing is left. A most succulent morsel, so tender and delightful, anger and torment turning to misery and pain. Would you like to listen? Without waiting for an answer, its face reverts back to Baledaghs, his eyes filled with tears as he pleads, Kill me brother, it hurts so much. End my suffering, I beg you, I cant take it anymore, I cant.

Shaking with rage and horror, it takes everything I have not to strike him down right there, putting him out of his misery. Swallowing the knot in my throat, I shake my head, denying the scene before me. Liars. Baledaghs stronger than that. If you were really torturing him, he wouldnt beg me to kill him, hed beg me to kill you.

Are there more personalities hanging around here?

Before I can figure it out, the Spectres are on me. With an annoyed scoff, I exert a modicum of will to hold them back, intent on parsing the situation. Surging past my non-existent defences, the torrent of Spectres catch me off-guard, sweeping me up in their wake as they swarm around me. For a moment, pain is all I know, unlike anything Ive ever felt before lancing through my astral body. Screaming in agony, I struggle tooth and nail, but my blows pass through them without affect while they rend and tear me to shreds, my body reforming in an instant before being shredded once again.

Arrogant Foundling, they hiss, delighting in my suffering. To think, you would enter our domain so willingly. My skin sluices off in one piece, torn gently from my flesh like a sheet from the bed. You have no power here. Plucking my head off like an apple, they turn me to watch as they consume my body, even as I regrow everything from the neck down. You will pay for your foolishness, you will beg us for death, and it will never come. Victory is ours.

In my frantic struggle for freedom, I reach out to the familiar sensation, silently pleading for aid. My fingers close around a cold, rounded hilt, the weapon fitting perfectly in my grip as if Id been born with the blade in hand. In a burst of brilliant light, the Spectres explode away as I find my bearings, my feet planted and sword raised.

Peace, my Spiritual Weapon. Of course its here in this spiritual world. The metal pulses in my hand, eagerly greeting me for the first time, ready to fight at my side and I dare not disappoint. With a wordless scream, I charge the Spectres and lay about, scything through them with ease as they flee and scream. Noooooo, they wail, the harsh tones now music to my ears. How can this be? This is not your domain, we claimed this for our own!

Unwilling to answer, I follow the Spectres on their grand exodus, crossing vast distances in a single stride, my sword light striking down dozens if not hundreds of Spectres with every slash and thrust. Where is Baledagh? The question erupts from my lips, the world shrinking as I continue my slaughter. Where is my brother?

The Spectres are too busy fleeing to respond, but Peace hums in my grasp, turning me towards my destination. Arriving in a single step, I stand over Baledagh, sitting lifelessly on the plains, untouched and unharmed, eyes open yet wholly oblivious to his surroundings. Tucked between his arms is Tranquility, my little brother hugging the shield to his chest, cradling it like a favoured pet. Unresponsive no matter what I say or do, he sits and stares into the distance, eyes devoid of any emotion or reaction, a lifeless husk.

My heart wrenches at the sight and I lift Peace, thinking to end his miserable existence. The blade shudders in my grasp, displaying opposition to my actions, and after a long pause, I lower Peace with a sigh. Sitting beside him, I follow his gaze into the distance, spotting a younger Baledagh strolling through the village, barely older than Tali and Tate. Holding his hands, Baatar and Sarnai walk beside him, turning to glance back at Alsantset and Charok who lag behind. Adopted by the older couple, Sarnai often praises the Mother for guiding Baatar to the orphaned Baledagh.

Time passes and he grows into a splendid warrior beneath Baatars dedicated tutelage, far more talented than I could ever hope to be. His family chants his name from the crowd as hes crowned Champion of the Contests, the young man filled with pride over his victory. Riding home with his Officers token on full display, he convinces Baatar to let him travel on his own, using the safety afforded by his new rank to explore the province before heading home. With a retinue of Sentinels to guard him, he heads off into the world to see the Sacred Groves of Sanshu and maybe do a little bandit hunting, but nothing too overboard.

Riding past the lake, he catches a glimpse of a young woman, hard at work digging for clams. Enamoured with a single glance, Baledagh approaches and asks for her name. The young woman smiles shyly, both frightened and curious, giving an awkward curtsy before answering. Ai-Qing. After a few questions, Baledagh leaves, but it isnt long before he returns, asking to taste a meal of the strange-looking shellfish. In the end, he dislikes the taste and texture, but thoroughly enjoys her company.

Days turn to weeks as he whiles away the time with Ai-Qing, until Baatar sends someone to fetch him. Unwilling to leave her behind, Baledagh asks for her hand in marriage, and she agrees readily, the two head over heels in love. With his betrothed in hand, he returns home and takes up a blessed existence, spending half the year with his beloved and the other half defending the mountain passes from Defiled. He grows older and wiser, and at the tender age of twenty-two, Ai-Qing, his one and only wife, gives birth to their first child during a beautiful spring shower. Holding his son for the first time, Baledagh chooses the boys name on a whim: Falling Rain.

Choking back my tears, I turn to Baledagh, the real Baledagh sitting next to me, lost in his delusions. Hes given up on this existence, surrendered completely, because it seems like the Spectres gave him everything he wanted: his very own life. Gathering him into my arms, I lift him out of the desolate landscape and back to the void, carefully bringing the dream with me before closing everything left behind with a thought, the Spectres entrapped once more. Laying Baledagh gently in bed, I leave him to dream his dreams, undisturbed by the Spectres or myself, wishing I had the power to make his dreams a reality.

It would be kinder to let him dream for now, at least until were home safe and sound where I can look after him.

Unfortunately, that might be a while. Theres still a war to be fought.

Sitting down in the void, I close my eyes and channel my Chi, healing my bodys injuries in preparation of the journey ahead. Only now do I truly realize the stakes at hand.

The Defiled must be stopped, no matter the cost.

Chapter Meme

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