Savage Divinity - Chapter 224

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:05:26 AM

Chapter 224

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Chapter 224

Jorani, what in the Fathers Maw we doin here?

Without slowing his advance, Jorani glanced at Kabi, fighting the urge to slap him silly for asking such a stupid question. The former captain of the Mongrels shivered uncontrollably as they marched along the road, tail tucked and dog ears pressed against his skull, and Jorani sympathized with the man. Truth be told, hed been wondering the same thing, wishing he were anywhere but here. How did he end up in this mess? Two months ago, hed been a scout for the Freebooters, drinking and thieving while dreaming of moving up in the world. Well his dream had finally come true. Today, Jorani led his bandit crew into battle against Butcher Bays Defiled army.

The single thought sent a chill down his spine, but thankfully his armour hid his cowardice. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Jorani answered in the calmest tone he could manage given the circumstances. You heard the guard captain, Kabi. Were goin to support the Corsairs and pin them in the marketplace. Then the bleedin Magistrate comes along to bugger em from behind both ways. Easy is as easy does. His voice cracked at the second easy, his terror threatening to burst from his chest and spew all over the road.

A small whine escaped Kabis lips. Yer mad. I know we signed for ten years service with ye, but I thought itd be banditry, not fucking suicide. Weve no place bein here, let alone fighting Butcher Bay. Were all gonna die or worse. Theyre fucking Defiled, you heard the stories...Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

True enough, but with Lei Gong keeping an eye on him, Jorani had no choice but to follow orders and spout rhetoric. I told you when we started, we ain't bandits no more; were the Mother's Militia. Our place is here in Sanshu, defending Her children.

Mothers sagging tits, Kabi hissed, moving close to keep from being overheard. Enough with the religious bullshit, ye aint convincing anyone. This is serious. We both know the whole Militia gimmick was you working an angle, a way to rile people up about the Council. I never wouldve guessed it was the Ascendants backing ye, but it doesnt matter. Youve got that fancy armour on, but it aint gonna keep you safe from Yo Ling. Hell rip you right out of it like like peeling an orange, mark my words.

You think I dont know that? Jorani snapped, glaring at his former drinking buddy. You think I dont want to cut and run? Thing is, I cant. Were here to fight, so deal with it.

In his anger, Jorani forgot to keep his voice down, but luckily, someone misinterpreted his statement. The boss is right, Ulfsaar the Voracious said, marching beside his wife Neera. The two half-bears numbered among the few bandits who bought into Joranis pious mumbling. We leave now and the Defiled win. Sanshu needs us, the Mother wills it.

Without missing a beat, Kabi replied, What the fuck does that got to do with us? Were thieves and bandits, not heroes of the Empire. Even if we save Sanshu from destruction, you think theyll throw a parade for us? Mark my words, when this is all over, well be clapped in chains without so much as a how you do, all to hide their shame, assuming the bleedin' Empire doesn't have the entire region purged. Dont you see? They wont admit to being saved by bandits, so theyre sending us in as fodder, a bone for the Butchers to gnaw on while the Magistrate laughs and watches. Lookit whats happened with the Corsairs, sent out to fight Yo Ling without support.

Now dont ye be spreading yer lies. Guard Captain Sovanna arrived to chime in, their little discussion spreading among the Militia and guardsmen. Sanshu appreciates yer help, aint no two ways about it. What comes after... well I can't speak fer others, but you've my gratitude. As for the Corsairs, it aint our fault. We sent word, but they refused to pull back. Now theyve been attacked, were moving up support em. What more do ye want?

Not to put further strain on things, but the Mongrel has a point. Light-Fingered Yu joined in the conversation, their pace never slowing as they marched towards the market. Whats to stop the guards from destroying the bridge behind us and trapping us here with Yo Ling?

Sovanna snorted. I'm right here with ye, ain't I?

Prudently not mentioning how Sovanna might be a dupe as well, Yu shrugged and continued. Even if we survive, what happens when this is over? A man needs both carrot and stick, else theres no motivation in continuing. While we are bound to our oaths, we swore loyalty to the Mothers Militia, not blind obedience. A minor distinction, Ill admit, but the way I see it, if I wished you all the best of luck while making a run for safety, then Ive kept my end of the bargain. Am I willing to stake my life on it? Yu shrugged, seeming wholly unconcerned, a killer well-versed in hiding his emotions. It depends. Considering were facing certain death at the hands of Yo Ling or the Magistrate, versus probable death should we run, its not much of a choice.

Their discussion lapsed into silence as Joranis eyelid twitched, pondering the clever killers words. True, the oath hed sworn was a little lax, to never betray the Bekhai and serve for ten years time, while the others swore the same, only to the Militia. If they ran and abandoned the Bekhai or Jorani, the heavens would see it as a betrayal but because of his oath of silence, there was nothing he could say to convince them otherwise. He only hoped Kabi and Yu would stay and fight instead of wasting their lives by running. They werent peerless warriors, but they were heads and shoulders above Jorani.

Watching the display of power and skill before him, for the first time in his life, Jorani hungered for the same. All his life, hed been happy to rely on others to protect him, rationalizing his cowardice as prudence and caution. Hed laughed at the idiotic brutes who risked their lives for glory and honour, playing at being more than mere thieves and cutthroats, but he finally understood. Sometimes, the only option left was to stand and fight, because the alternative was far worse.

Turning to glance at Ral, Jorani patted his best friend on the arm. Ye ready for this?

With a goofy grin, Ral nodded enthusiastically, somehow still calm amidst the pandemonium. Dont worry Jor, Ill keep you safe. Promise.

The big oaf was probably too dumb to be scared. Forget about me, keep an eye on yer lady instead. Swallowing hard, he added, If I die, then run like hell, ye hear me? Ral frowned and shook his head, but Jorani ignored him, instead glancing at Chey for confirmation. They still didnt get along, but they put aside their differences when it came to Ral, the buxom bandit nodding without hesitation.

Turning to face the Enemy, Jorani closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Raising his voice, he shouted, Men and women of Sanshu. The Enemy stands before us. Kill em all. Willing his legs to move, Jorani broke out into a charge with Ral and Chey at his sides, screaming bloody murder as he closed with the Defiled. If the Ascendants fell then the Butchers would escape unscathed, so the only option left was to kill as many Butchers as they could before the Demons felled their opponents.

He only prayed the Militia were following behind.

Scurrying around the titanic struggle between the Ascendants and Demons, Jorani came face to face with the Defiled Butchers, towering warriors encased in dark-iron and gore. Taking a spear to the chest, he twisted aside as the blade scraped across his breastplate, feeling his Chi reserves dip from the blow. Lashing out with his Spiritual Weapon coiled around his fist, he connected with his opponents jaw, unable to even sway the Defiled warrior. Grinning from behind his face plate, Joranis opponent drew back for a headbutt. The impact rocked Jorani back, his legs threatening to give out from under the strike.

A hand reached out to steady him before darting past, a flicker of movement faster than Jorani could follow. The Defiled Butchers helm split in two as Jester Wangs hatchet struck home, one of the few Militiamen carrying a Spiritual Weapon. Turning back with a grin, Jester Wang cackled loudly, the sound echoing across the battle. Boss, how could you? I thought I made it clear me and my cutthroats wanted first crack at these bastards. Without another word, Jester Wang threw himself into the fray, hacking away at his former comrades with a vengeance.

A quick glance told Jorani all he needed to know, the other Militiamen all following him into battle, even Kabi and Light-Fingered Yu. Swelling with pride, he watched as his crew tore into the Defiled, working together to bring down their well-armoured foes, paying a costly price for every kill.

On impulse, he raised his fist and shouted, For the Mother! His crew echoed the call as they fought with all their might, the sight of the Enemy and all their atrocities spurring every person present into righteous fury, himself included. Channeling his Chi once more, Jorani loosed the coil of rope and brought it back, lashing out without thinking. The impact shook his arm as his Chi exploded through the rope, sweeping aside a trio of Defiled and continuing onwards, moving as if it were alive and hungry for blood. His mind filled with knowledge as he fought on, falling into a trance as he moved according to the weapons will, striking down the Defiled as easily as turning his hand. Finally, he was binding his weapon, the Mother Herself instructing him on its proper usage, guiding him through every nuance and mystery of its function. The knowledge wouldnt last forever, it was up to Jorani to remember as much as possible, and he lost himself in its intricacies while unleashing Her fury against the Enemy.

Maybe miracles do happen after all.

Thank the Mother.


Though he'd still feel better if the Magistrate hurried his fat ass over here.

Chapter Meme

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