Savage Divinity - Chapter 727

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:49:18 AM

Chapter 727

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Chapter 727:

The gentle sway of our ship threatens to lull me back to sleep, but the pitiful groan of my beloved wife seizes my heart and squeezes it tight, because Milas suffering is my suffering, even if its from something innocuous as seasickness.

Here, drink this. Stifling a grunt of exertion as I help Mila sit up, I hand her a warm cup of ginger and chamomile tea I just finished preparing, having brought all the necessary tools and ingredients into the cabin last night for this very reason. It should soothe your stomach and maybe let you get back to sleep.

Offering a wordless grunt full of doubt and misery, my beloved wife nestles heavily into my embrace and makes no move to take the cup, but angles her head just enough to allow me to bring the cup to her lips. Not to make light of her suffering or anything, but I can tell shes really milking her condition for all its worth, so I play along and make consoling noises while she drinks her tea. How she can get seasick on this massive, gentle river barge is beyond my comprehension, but its almost endearing to know this strong, domineering woman has this one debilitating weakness.

If only it wasnt for all the vomit...

Two tiny cups of tea is all she can handle, but she accepts a bit of licorice root to chew on as I lift her into my lap. Sorry beloved, I murmur, rocking her gently while wiping sweat from her brow. Id hoped that spending the night on the ship while it was docked would help you acclimate to the movement, but it seems it wasnt enough. Again, Mila grunts in response, one laden with sarcasm as if uttering, You dont say?. A versatile grunter, my beloved wife is, and it takes an effort of will not to chuckle. Kissing her forehead and hugging her tight, I ask, How about we step outside? The cool breeze might make you feel better, and you can look out into the horizon and see if that helps too. Ill even Conceal us so no one sees you, so what do you say?

Her response is yet another grunt, one which I take to mean she doesnt really want to, but will go along with whatever I say so long as it takes no effort on her part. Setting her back on the bed, I wipe her body down with a cool cloth before helping her into a set of clean, cotton robe. Its difficult to resist the urge to tease or tempt her, but I doubt shes feeling amorous in her current condition, not to mention the fact that sweet Lin-Lin is buried under the covers beside us and will not take kindly to us if we were to interrupt her beauty sleep. Unfortunately for me, Milas weakened state appeals to the ingrained predator lurking deep within my psyche, one that wants to push her down and have my way with her while she cannot resist, a sentiment that does not escape her notice as my emotions betray me through Aura and Chi. While she blushes in full force and responds with amused disbelief, its my turn to grunt in wordless apology as I try my best not get too too excited while seeing and touching her bared body.

Though sorely lacking in resolve, I soldier on and make it through without incident, which earns me a fond brush of the cheek as my sickly wife thanks me for my efforts and restraint. Briefly taking a comb to her tangled red ringlets, a new style shes been trying out which works fabulously with her naturally curly hair, I do what I can to tidy up her appearance even though I wholly intend to keep her Concealed at all times, because I know shes feeling self conscious and wouldnt mind the extra bit of TLC. Despite her infirmity after a long and restless night, my beloved Mila is as beautiful as ever and I make sure to let her know this not only with my words, but my actions and emotions as well. Its clear she doesnt entirely believe me, thinking me a blind fool for being so attracted to her in this state, but Ill keep telling her from now until the day I die, and maybe shell even eventually believe me.

One can only hope. It pains me to know I cannot wholly express just how much I love my wives in a way they understand.

Nuzzling her cheek to show her my melancholy is shallow and fleeting, I kiss Lin-Lins forehead goodnight before deploying my Domain in the form of a Shroud of Reinforcement, an action which has all but become second nature after a month of dedicated practice. Honestly, utilizing Domain Plating came so naturally that I wasnt even sure about how to practice it, but Dad suggested I work on separating the defensive aspects of Domain Plating with the offensive ones. His reasoning was that while its easier to manage the various different effects by consolidating them into an all-purpose exo-suit of Chi, learning how to individually manifest each effect would allow me to grow more proficient at fine-tuning them, not to mention cut down on the overall expenditure of Chi. That being said, it was trickier than expected and it took a fair amount of practice to get right, especially with External Reinforcement. The mechanics behind the skills are more or less the same, enveloping myself in a Shroud of Chi that acts as a framework to assist my physical movements, but it takes more focus to disable the defensive aspects I would include if using my Chi Exo-Suit. In order to turn off the auto-Domain Deflection and Reverberation, I first had to figure out how I was doing it in the first place, which in turn helped further my understanding of the mechanics behind those Chi skills and has allowed me to do all sorts of fancy new tricks.

Of course, I had plenty of help from Dad, Akanai, and my beloved wife who is currently nestled in my arms, for which I am eternally grateful. There are still many mysteries I have yet to unravel, like the nitty gritty details of how Concealment works, but that doesnt stop me from using the strange and mysterious skill. Lifting Milas dainty form as I stand, I carry her out of our stuffy cabin and away on a long trek through the corridors and up the stairs onto the wide, sprawling decks. As I make my way slowly but surely past the sailors and other passengers, I do my best to counteract the swaying ship underneath us to help settle Milas delicate stomach. Difficult to say if it is my gentle efforts, the chamomile tea, the licorice, or just the cool breeze upon her skin, but my beloved wifes sickly complexion soon shows a marked improvement in a matter of mere minutes, though I will continue to coddle and care for her until such a time as she asks me to stop. Upon arriving at the ships uppermost deck, I cradle my beloved wife in my arms and nuzzle her temple as we stare west over the horizon and take in the boundless beauty of the Central Plains.

When I first came to this province, I thought it boring and flat, but lately, Ive come to see the charm in the local environment as spring and summer pass us by once again. The North has plenty of forests with towering trees and tangling vines, but the sheer variety of Central flora is truly breathtaking to behold. Given the moderate climate and lack of competing growth, there are flowers in bloom for a good eight months of the year, and these contested fields have flourished in the absence of Defiled tribesmen and Imperial soldiers trampling all over them. Every colour of the rainbow is represented somewhere in those fields, with clusters of bluebells growing side by side with cascading bushels of wisteria in a blue and violet explosion. Red roses, white lilacs, yellow sunflowers, and pink azaleas add even more colour to the mix, their vibrant blossoms dotted about the verdant green landscape in a wild and beautiful natural arrangement.

This is the sort of peace and serenity I would fight and kill to protect, so that future generations can appreciate the beauty this world has to offer, but alas, the powers that be are unwilling to leave me be to do my work and now see fit to block my way. In order to retake the West and drive the Defiled back, I need an army of Martial Warriors greater than any the Empire has ever mustered before, but despite our planned counter-attack scheduled to begin in twelve days, South and Central have yet to dispatch even a single soldier to the staging grounds in SuiHua. Staunch and valiant though the Warriors of the North might be, I cannot retake an entire province with them alone, and so I must make my way to Central and strong arm my political rivals instead of spending these precious few days before my grand campaign with my beloved family.

Which of course means I am in no mood to play nice. I intend to march into the Central Citadel with swords drawn and bows bent, and if I still do not get what I want, then I will not hesitate to spill blood.

Lin-Lins advice about showing strength has proven useful this past month, and Ive garnered something of a domineering reputation in so short a time. The real estate kerfuffle was giving me enough headaches as it was, but then the merchants of Central started to band together and work against me in more aggressive ways, colluding to raise prices across the board through fabricated demand and artificial scarcity. This of course started literally the day after my wedding, and while Luo-Luo and Yuzhen suggested I take an even-headed approach, I was in no mood to get out of bed to meet with greedy merchants and war-profiteers. Apparently, they were kicking up a fuss because there were bandits targeting caravans delivering essential goods to the Citadel, and they wanted to renegotiate our contracts to reflect the cost of increased security. The diplomatic thing would be to pretend to believe them and accept the increased costs as the price of doing business, but that was the old Legate, the kind and merciful Falling Rain who just wanted everyone to get along. Instead, I ordered Kuang Biao to lead the Death Corps out and search a number of warehouses under false pretenses, making up something about suspected Defiled sympathizers meeting in and around the area. Having fortuitously stumbled upon caches of supposedly stolen goods, I then had the Death Corps return said goods to their owners minus my 10% finders fee while Luo-Luo none too subtly implied that next time, I would not be so generous.

A warning made all the more threatening because I asked Dad to go along with her. Though Mother-in-Law Akanai is far more formidable a Warrior, shes too beautiful to be properly intimidating, while no one looms better than Dad can.

That was merely the first of many such events as I geared up for my righteous crusade, but now, Central and South have decided to stop even pretending to play the game. By ignoring my orders to dispatch their armies to SuiHua, theyre doing the military equivalent of taking their ball home to sulk. This is technically treason, but as with so many things in regards to the law, might makes right in this twisted, backwards world Ive found myself in. I could go to the Disciplinary Corps and ask them to arrest Shuai Jiao, Marshal Yo, Marshal Quyen, and all their lackies to boot, but even if the Justicars play along and the criminals go away quietly, which is unlikely considering Shuai Jiaos backing, I would still be left with the monumental task of running three provinces and an extended military campaign while short on managerial and Martial talents.

Like it or not, I need Shuai Jiao and the two Marshals on my side if I want this counter-attack to go as planned, but if theyre hell-bent on opposing me, then Id rather work with lesser talents than delay my plans too much. Itll take time and effort to get things working smoothly under new leadership, but if I need to replace all three of those bastards to see my vision through, Ill do it in a fucking heartbeat. The trick is to kill or neutralize them without sparking off a civil war, but I think I have a pretty good plan in place.

So much anger, Mila murmurs, drawing me out of my thoughts. Her gaze of concern is like a tidal wave of icy cold water poured over the smouldering embers of my pique, and I melt before her touch upon my cheek. I know your heart is set upon saving the people of the West, but do not forget that the people of North, South, and Central need your protection as well.

Theres plenty I could say to make my point. Going on the offensive is the best choice here, since it moves the lines of conflict further west instead of leaving it here on our doorstep. The people living along the border have suffered too much already, so a victory away from the Wall will do wonders for morale, as it will signify that they are no longer in so much danger. Secondly, an offensive campaign means we have the initiative and can fight battles on our terms instead of playing passive and only responding to Enemy movements. We dont need to take and hold every Western port along the Azure Sea, we just need to fortify one and use the rest as rapid response posts, ones from which to launch raids against the Defiled supply lines or abandon as needed. Whats more, with Runic Cannons, trained Irregulars, and a host of new ranged weaponry to wield, we finally have the means to counteract the Defiled advantage of numbers in the field, and if were fighting in the West, then we can ensure most of the damage is done away from our fortifications, which even as we speak are being improved and reinforced in all manner of ways.

Lastly, for every Westerner we free from captivity, we not only free a suffering innocent, we also deny the Enemy a potential recruit, and possibly even add another Martial Warrior to the Imperial Army, if Lang Yi and his cohorts are anything to go by. Major General Gao Changgong is also adamant that there are elements of Western resistance still fighting the good fight, and while I hope he is right, I am less than optimistic about their chances. Hes been out of the province for more than a year now, and to call the picture he painted of his time there bleak and foreboding would be a gross understatement.

However, instead of going off about this and more, I instead nod and press my cheek against Milas hand to better savour her tender touch. Of course, beloved. Ive thought long and hard about this and have a long list of concessions Im ready to make, so Im sure I can come to an agreement with the Commander General. Not entirely true and Mila knows it, but to be fair, its possible Shuai Jiao surprises us both and concedes for something silly like the opportunity to lead the invasion or something. I honestly have no idea what he intends to gain by forcing my hand like this, because were I anyone else, his refusal to heed orders would be tantamount to daring me to have him killed. This is not a move I expected from the otherwise level-headed Commander General, and while my orders were given in secret to preserve what operational security we could, certain peoples have already noticed something hinky afoot. Ive been gathering Northern soldiers in SuiHua for some time now, which is not something you do lightly. It takes a lot of time and effort to feed and house so many Martial Warriors, not to mention the growing fleet anchored just outside the harbour bay. I made it clear I intend to head west at the head of a conquering army, and its obvious to anyone watching that Im getting ready to make good on that promise, which makes it strange that South and Central have yet to act. Its not just a lack of armies heading to SuiHua, theyre also not gathering soldiers or supplies in the Citadels themselves, or at least not any more than whats needed to defend the border. There are plenty of other clues hinting that all is not well between the outer provinces, but hopefully, I can put out all the fires and convince Shuai Jiao to support my efforts to retake the West.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Well, Im sure he has things well in hand, assuming Auntie Jeong even needs his help in the first place. From what Ive seen, shes not a woman to cross lightly, and if they suffered any losses, I will ensure the Ryo Family is made whole. Even Shuai Jiao wouldnt be so bold as to cross blades with the Ryo Family, openly or from the shadows, which means that so long as no one has died, I should be able to help them get back what theyve lost.

You dont get it. Smiling sadly as she leans against me for emotional support, Yan sighs and shakes her head. Youre a man. How can you? Youve gone on and on about how youre sick of people underestimating you because youre young. Being a woman is like that, except worse because not only do your enemies underestimate you, they also want to dominate and take control of you while others scorn you for not falling in line. Uncle Ryos ashes were probably still warm when Auntie Jeong received her first offer of marriage, and I doubt circumstances have gotten any better since then.

Ew. Thats horrible. Men are the worst, and Im not helping things much by taking so many wives. Honestly, the only fair thing to do would be to accept Yans request for a future husband harem of her own, but I dont think I can. Even the mere thought of another man laying their hands on her is enough to send me into a murderous rage, because I am a petty, jealous, and insecure person who never learned how to share. I am also fickle, lecherous, and never satisfied with what I have, still intending to take more wives despite already having three wonderful women agree to share me between them. I ought to be happy even one of them was willing to accept me, but even then, I continue to act in a way that makes them wonder if there will come a day when they three or five or whatever are not enough to satisfy my greed.

And to think, I even kind of enjoyed Mila and Yan vying for my attention and affections... Disgusting. Thankfully, the addition of Lin-Lin to my harem has calmed things down, as she is the great equalizer and a wonderful mediator without having to work too hard at it. I still need to do better though, as I should never let my wives feel like they need to earn my love. Instead, I need to make sure they know that they will always have my love, if not my attention at any given moment. If only I could split myself into three copies so that each of my wives can have a husband to themselves, but depending on how triplicate me works, I would probably end up fighting myself to the death.

My previous statement still stands, I say, as soon as I shake myself out of my funk. The Ryo Family has my full support, no matter what.

Of course, that wont solve the crux of the problem, that of the misogynistic nature of the world we reside in, but thats a tough nut to crack which I have no idea how to approach. Ill still try, but I have no idea what anyone can do to actually fix the issue and empower women everywhere in a meaningful and long-lasting manner. Yan seems to feel the same way, and it pains me to see her calm, accepting, yet pessimistic smile, as if to say Thanks for trying, but nothing will come of it.

On that sombre note, we all head off to our private dining room for lunch, though Dad, Akanai, Nian Zu, and all my other allies decline my offer to join us. A gracious gesture, since we all know how dire the situation has become, which means the days ahead will be full of trials and tribulations indeed. Alas, as soon as we arrive, Mila catches a whiff of Lin-Lins waiting pot of herbal tea and sets to gagging once again, a reaction I cant really blame her for. The foul concoction possesses a strong and unpleasant aroma, not exactly stinky or disgusting, but unpalatable to say the least. Its like smelling the food you hate most and physically reacting to the thought of eating it, which is not to say the food itself smells bad.

Like me? I hate mushrooms. Always have, always will, and I cannot stand the thought of eating one. Its not the smell, but rather the texture, a gross, chewy, slimy sensation thats like chewing on a chunk of solid snot. Also, they grow in shit, so why are we eating them? Nasty.

Point is, Lin-Lins tea is nasty as all hell, and she quickly brings it away to drink outside. Ive never seen what goes into it, nor have I smelled this particular mix of ingredients before, but the aroma is so unsavoury I cannot bring myself to even try it. Thus, when she returns a few minutes later to find me rocking Mila back and forth to ease her discomfort, I cannot help but ask, Hey wifey, whats that tea for anyways? You drink it every morning, but youve never said what for.

My query earns me a fierce gnawing as she fixes me with a glare so full of misery and condemnation that I cannot bear to see it, so I default to apologizing for no reason whatsoever. Stupid hubby, Lin-Lin huffs, and Mila and Yan chuckle along at this rare display of ire directed towards me, even though neither of them know what Lin-Lins tea is for either. Im drinking it for you, dummy, so just leave it alone. Pulling Yan over for a group hug, my wifey sinks into our collective embrace and grumbles beneath her breath, though I dont think shes actually using words. Thats how bad that tea must taste, so I hope the effects are worth it, though I wish I could just magic away what ails her, while also fixing Milas delicate stomach and Yans anxious worries. Whatever, Lin-Lins tea is probably something silly, like some sort of beauty treatment or bust-enhancing miracle elixir, though she doesnt need either of those effects. My Lin-Lin is a honey-skinned beauty with wide eyes and rounded cheeks, as well as more womanly allure than I know how to handle, and I tell her as much through Sending.

Pervert, she declares, sharing my message with both my other wives and setting them all to laughing. Theres something magical about Lin-Lins presence that just makes this four-person marriage work so much smoother, and I love her all the more for it. Thats not what its for, silly. I just need to drink it, so just leave it be, ya? Expecting me to agree without argument, Lin-Lin leans back to inspect Milas complexion and says, Youre feeling better Mi-Mi?

Oddly enough, I am. Taking a breath so deep it makes me self-conscious about my personal hygiene, Mila sinks into my chest and says, Im surprised it passed so quickly. Usually I feel terrible until I throw up, but this time, the feeling went away as soon as our pervert of a husband lifted me into his lap.

Blinking a few times as her eyes glint with amusement, then speculation, and finally understanding, Lin-Lin looks up at me and tilts her head in a curious fashion. Hubby, are you Healing Mi-Mis nausea away?

...I dont think so? How would I even do that?

Mm, dunno. Seasickness is one of those things even Daddy doesnt know how to fix, because its mostly something going on up here. Tapping her head to indicate the brain, Lin-Lin continues, But Mi-Mi said she felt better when you carried her outside earlier, and now shes feeling better again while you hold her, so are you sure you arent doing anything?

Mm, not sure, but maybe its because Im rocking her back and forth. In response to their blank stares, I rock Mila a few times to demonstrate. You know, like Id cradle a baby or Mama Bun, to soothe them to sleep.

Idiot, Mila declares, followed shortly by a laugh from both Lin-Lin and Yan. You havent been rocking me at all.

...You sure?

Yes, because Concealment or not, I wouldve wrenched your ear off if you tried coddling me like a baby. Nose scrunched in displeasure at the mere thought of such an action, Mila snuggles in close and kisses my cheek ever so playfully, her bright smile lighting up the room as she adds, So thank you, beloved. Youve been Healing my nausea away, even if you didnt mean to, so you best keep it up or Ill have someone to blame the next time I throw up.

Even though I know she's joking, I can't help but momentarily panic at yet another happy accident, one I desperately hope I am able to replicate without too much effort.

Chapter Meme

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