Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:16:43 AM

Chapter 452: - 450th Episode: The Discovery

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Me observing Gina and her friends' request in the Great Forest from the sky. I'm a little afraid that my students will treat me like a stalker, but I'm relieved that I've come up with the great idea of testing their growth.

"Oh, it looks like Gina and her friends are going to have lunch. We're going to have lunch too. ...... I don't see Bell and the others coming back."

I told the Belles to be back by noon. What could be wrong with those kids who love to eat and don't come back for lunch ......?

No, this is it. If we rush in here, we'll be taken aback. Spirits have almost unbeatable defense, and if something happened to them, there's no way Sylphy would miss it.

"Sylphy. Do you know how Belle and the others are doing?"

So just calm down and ask questions, and you won't have any problems.

"You're still playing. There's still time before the usual lunch hour, so I'm sure they'll be back in a little while. Oh?"

It's still early for lunch. Gina and the others must have had an early lunch since they had an early morning and walked around in the forest. The request seemed to be going well, so it's good to be on the move early.

"Sylphy. Why did you tilt your head at the end?"

Sylphy can check on Bell and the others perfectly, so there's no need to tilt your head back, right?

"Hmm. This is going to get a little interesting, so wait for the belles to come back."

Hmmm...... from the looks of Sylphy, it doesn't sound like anything bad is going to happen. It's hard to imagine a prank since Belle and her friends are good kids, and they might be thinking of some kind of a surprise.

We should be prepared to be surprised, since they will be disappointed if their reactions are small. It's not my birthday, but I'd like to have a surprise party reaction for my birthday.

"Understood. I'll look forward to it."

"Yes, I think we can count on that."

Sylphy confidently raises the bar even though it's a surprise for Belle and her friends. It seems that there is something to look forward to.

Hmmm, did they find something? Or maybe the Belles will give us something handmade as a gift?

If it's a present, I think my tear gland will loosen up. It's a heartwarming situation to get a flower crown or something as a present for a little girl, isn't it? I'm getting a little nervous.

I'm getting a little nervous.

Yuta is starting to get nervous. I don't know what this face is ...... but it's definitely misplaced anticipation.

What kind of expectations does he have for Tulu, let alone the innocent Belle and the others with him? We'll ask him later. We can expect an interesting response.

However, Tulu has found something interesting too. Even if it's a spirit of the earth, it's something that lower level spirits wouldn't pay attention to, but I wonder if they were influenced by Yuta's adventures with him.

"Tulu. What's wrong?



"Is it the enemy?"


Oh, the belles are gathering at Tulu. How will they react? Interesting.

"This place is a mystery. I think we should find out."


"Yeah. Mysterious.

"Would you be happy if I did?"

"Maybe, I'll be happy."

"Then I'll find out."

"Cue cue."




......I knew it, but the lower class spirits are still simple in their thinking. But I envy them a little for their purity of mind that they are motivated only because they think that Yuta might be pleased.


"Yuta. Bell and the others are back."

While chatting with Sylphy, I was standing by distractedly, and Sylphy told me that Bell and the others had returned.

I look in the direction Sylphy is looking and see a pea-like shadow coming toward me. At that speed, it doesn't seem to be carrying anything. It doesn't look like a present.

"Yoo-tah!" Cue!"" I'm home. ""Coo!"" I'm back!""" ......"

The bells fly in at breakneck speed and stop right in front of me. As usual, they defy the laws of nature.

"Yuta, you know what? You know what, I found a great tulu... It's a wonder."

Bell, who is in high spirits, reports back to us, wriggling her arms and legs. It seems that Tulu has discovered something amazing.

I guess she is trying hard to express her excitement by stretching and contracting her arms and legs, but all I can get out of her is cuteness.


Along with the adorable Belle, Rain, Tamamo, Flare, and Moon are also trying their best to show us how great they are.

The combination of the innocent young genie, the dolphin and the fox, and the energetic young genie and the slime is so cute that even I, a man, would make a fuss with them. Well, I'm not going to participate because it would ruin the atmosphere. 

"Tulu. May I ask you to explain?"

After I've had a chance to enjoy the cuteness of the belles, I call out to Tulu, who is discreetly trying to explain the situation to me.

Tulu is a bit shy and gets buried in the crowd of energetic Belle and her friends.

However, she is the most dependable among the lower level contracted spirits, and she has a bright side in the end.


Tulu comes out of the room at my request. Tulu looks at me with a slightly fidgety and upturned eyes, and has a dangerous charm that might make a shorty lover pounce on him if he sees it.

"I see, so you have discovered ruins..."

To sum up Tulu's story, which he did his best to explain to us, it seems that he found a mysterious place in the Great Forest, and when he investigated it, he found that it was an archaeological site. Most of them are buried under the ground, but there are still some buildings on the surface.

I'm sure it's a great find,...... but ruins.........As some 3rd generation thief said, it's too big a find for my pockets....

"Aren't you happy?"

Tulu looks a little uneasy at my reaction.

I can't. I had prepared for my reaction, but the surprise was beyond my expectation and I couldn't help but be honest.

"No, I'm so happy. I was so surprised that I was speechless. Thank you, guys."

I thanked him with a big smile and stroked the belles. If I act badly, I might get myself into trouble with the ruins or ......, but that's something I can think about later. Now is the time to praise the Belles as much as we can.

Praise, praise, praise, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress, caress. I think the Belles have a great ability to stabilize the mind.

"So, Sylphy. What kind of ruins are those? Is it related to the Kingdom of Rosophia or something?"

I ask Sylphy about the ruins while keeping an eye on Belle and the others who are eating lunch in a good mood after being praised so much.

I don't know if Sylphy knows about the ruins or not, and I think it would be faster to go see the ruins first, but I want to get some information first for my heart's sake. Preparation is important.

Well, I should have been prepared earlier, but I couldn't react with more surprises. .......

"Well, how did I do? I remember that the area around the ruins was prosperous before the Great Forest became a forest. But I don't know if it has anything to do with the Kingdom of Rosofia.

Before this great forest became a forest? I can't imagine how long it would take for a forest this big to grow, but it must have been a long time ago.

"I see, it's an ancient site."

Angkor Wat was swallowed by the forest, but it seems to have kept its shape well, so maybe the ruins are older than that.


Sylphy is tilting her head at the word "ancient. ......I see, the time when the great forest grows up is not so long ago as ancient for Sylphy.

I don't want to think too much about it, because I think it leads to a sensitive topic.

"Let's see, ...... what was the civilization like when it was flourishing? Is there a civilization that might be able to find some great treasures or something?"

A legendary sword made of lost technology and materials is a rather intriguing item. I don't think I'll ever be able to use it. .......

"Well, ...... magic was more developed in the past, but I still think it's not as good as the grimoire of the labyrinth. Well, it's possible that some of the labyrinth's magical artifacts are still there, so I guess we'll find some treasures there."

"I see. ......"

The labyrinth ...... Does that mean I can ask the core of the labyrinth to do something about it? Yes, depending on the power of the labyrinth core, there is a possibility that you can't make it. But it doesn't sound like we can get anything new. Besides, is there such a valuable treasure left in the labyrinth? You usually take it with you when you move to a new base.

"Sylphy. How did those ruins die? Was it a natural disaster? War? Just relocation?"

If it is a war, it would be looted, and if it is just a relocation, valuable things would have been taken away. Natural disasters seem to have the most treasures left, which is a bit sad for me coming from a country where natural disasters are common.

"Well? When I came to, it was just a forest, and I don't even know why it was destroyed."

"I see. ......"

Sylfie's open and unaffected attitude makes me feel once again the difference in the sense of time between spirits and humans. But then, I guess we won't know until we explore.

Well, since Tulu discovered these ruins for us, there is no way we can conclude not to explore them.

Even if the ruins are buried, Nomos will dig them up as soon as we ask him to, and it might be good to be a pioneering tool after a long time.


The problem is cleaning up the ruins after the exploration is over.

On earth, the ruins themselves would have historical value, but in this world of demon damage and wars, it is difficult to make a decision because the treatment of cultural heritage seems to be delicate.

The safest thing to do might be to bury the ruins neatly and cleanly after the search is over. When the world becomes peaceful, the relics will have value.

Oh, I hope that when the ruins are reburied, the future generations will be able to make good use of them. It would be interesting to leave an inscription like , so that when they are discovered, they will be famous in the history.

I don't care about being famous while I am alive, but it would be nice to leave an archaeological name for posterity.

"Yuta. If something is bothering you, why don't you let search for the ruins? If Yuta tells you the location of the ruins on the condition that you give him the treasures he is interested in, it would be a plus for both Yuta and Viktor, wouldn't it? Well, not if you want to get the whole inheritance, but Yuta isn't that interested in the treasure, is he?"

Seeing me pondering, Sylphy came up with an idea. Hmmm......... I'd have to give up on leaving my name as a phony to posterity, but I have enough treasure so it's not like I need it that badly.

Besides, it would be fun to produce the success of Mr. Viktor. The most important thing is that Sara will be at ease if it's Sylphy's idea.

"Sylphy. That's a good idea. Let's go to the ruins and see if there are any treasures left.

Now that Tulu has found it, it's decided that we'll be the first to explore. Let's have fun in moderation and ask Mr. Viktor if there are any treasures left in the ruins. This is getting interesting.

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