Star Eater - Chapter 334

Published at 15th of January 2024 06:59:04 AM

Chapter 334: 334

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Chapter 334: Chapter 334

Arthur's Point of View Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Over the Middle Ocean

No one knew what I meant. Their vision wasn't as good as mine for obvious reasons. Many looked at me in surprise when I returned to the deck in full armor with my sword at the ready. Allen immediately realized how serious the situation was and began shouting orders for everyone to move to their battle positions.

Elincia and Ventari moved to me urgently as I adjusted my gauntlets. "What did you see?"

"Smoke rises from the distance." I answered simply and turned to Ventari. "Any chance it could be from a festival of sorts?"

She shook her head as a frown formed on her lips. "No, and we have no major forges on the coast." The Queen ran back to the bow and looked back to the approaching image of her homeland.

The Priestess summoned some of her magic and sent it flying off. "This should help."

I raised a brow at that. "Sensory magic?" I inquired.

"Then you're probably not going to like this trip very much." I stated. "We already know the Demons are likely behind this."

"That is a separate issue, and you know it." Elincia shot back. "You know what I was trying to say."


She cut me off as she gasped. "Oh, no."

My eyes glanced to Ventari, who was at the very front of the ship frozen. "What is it?"

Elincia lowered her voice. "The entire coaster city is in flames. People in black cloaks and masks are setting fire to the town. Even the docks are on fire."

"How far out are we?" Kheri came up beside us, unaware of what was happening.

"Good question." I replied.

"Arthur!" Elincia shouted, startling the other General. "Go!"

Rolling my eyes, I ran across the deck and jumped from the bow before shooting off. As I flew over the water towards the east, my eyes kept a steady gaze on my surroundings to ensure no Demons were trying to pull a fast one on me. With Defiance at the ready as I could start to pick up on the distinct smells of smoke, my ears heard the screams of terror from down below.

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