Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:33:17 PM

Chapter 5075

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The two did not arrive at the assembly point in time for the female soldiers to complete the landing report. The monitor's face was very ugly.

Ye Jian can feel the repulsion in these sight lines and sighs in her heart.

In the past, she often heard that there would be exclusion between classes. It was a common phenomenon for military students to go to the company after graduation.

Everyone comes from all over the world. Different living habits will inevitably have a period of running in with each other. Like the summer team, they are still excluded and isolated when they enter the snow field at the beginning.

She had psychological preparation for a long time, but it was a little uncomfortable to meet her, because she had never been rejected before.

I also understand why division chief Kong came to talk to her specially and made her stronger. Don't want to go back to the army because of some grievances during the training and leave only after repeated admonitions.

Although the grievance is a little bit, it depends on how the individual understands it and accepts it. She is not a member of the airborne troops originally. After coming here, she meets two real airborne female soldiers who are still in the observation period and leaves. At present, thirteen airborne female soldiers including the squad leader have some opinions on her, which is very normal.

Against thirteen lines of sight, Ye Jian and Guo Cui walk back to the team with each other's help.

When we got closer, the monitor didn't immediately let them return to the team. He glanced over Guo Cui, the female soldier, and seemed to confirm something before falling on Ye Jian. His eyes were cold. "According to the plan, everyone must arrive at the assembly point within ten minutes after landing. Did you two arrive at the assembly point according to the plan?"

"As a soldier, I don't even have a sense of time. How did the original army teach two?! Please answer me loudly! "

At the same time, Ye Jian's female airborne soldiers look more and more serious. They can't let her stay in the airborne troops any longer. The army should go to the army's troops instead of running to the airborne tribe to die.

Although the monitor used the word "you" when criticizing and questioning, Ye Jian knew that she was the one, and asked in a low voice to Guo Cui who twisted her feet, "can you stand on your own?"

"Yes." I also heard that the monitor only criticized Ye Jian's Guo Cui's nod. Ye Jian loosened his hand, stood upright, his chin was tight, and didn't make any explanation to answer, "please monitor punish!"

Being late means being late. No need to explain too much.

It is no small matter that the late arrival in the army can affect the whole war situation!

The monitor thought that Ye Jian would have an explanation, but she let herself be punished directly. The monitor's heart was a block, and his face sank even worse. At a glance, he saw Guo Cui, who had a constrained expression, with a light dark color in his eyes.

Instead of asking Guo Cui, she went on to ask Ye Jian, "do you think punishment can solve the problem? As a soldier, don't you know the importance of time? "

"Everyone arrived on time, just because you two, all of us are waiting in place! The battle situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. One person and one post have their own responsibilities. The fighting comrades will lose their lives because you are late!! "

"Ye Jian, this is the airborne force, not the army force! Airborne soldiers go to the battlefield every second to win a decisive victory for the war situation. If you are three minutes and forty-six seconds late, it will be enough to drag down the whole war situation, and even make the comrades trapped in the encirclement sacrifice for looking for you! Can you afford it? As a soldier, can you continue to wear this uniform? "

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