Published at 23rd of March 2022 07:29:40 PM

Chapter 5272

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Li Ronghuan, who has no sadness on his face, bends down deeply. He is afraid that the smile on his face will be seen by the doctor and the nurse. He has to hide it tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He bent over and thanked him sincerely.

As medical staff, they really worked hard. In order to save the old man, they all worked hard.

Doctors and nurses all know to ask for the identity of Mr. Li. Although they say that life and death have a life, they also do their best, but they are worried that Li family will anger them for this and blame them for not doing their best.

Seeing that Li Ronghuan was so generous, he also bowed down to apologize to them, and the doctors were relieved.

They are very sad that they didn't rescue the patient successfully, but it also needs the understanding of the patient's family members. It's not that they didn't try their best, but they did try their best, but there is no way.

But Mrs. Li didn't. She announced that the old man's heart stopped beating. Mrs. Li was stupid at first. Then she rushed to the old man's side, her eyes red and pathetic.

One daughter and one son born by Li Laozi in the outer room are more favorite than the two sons born by Li Laozi. With a stepmother, he has a stepfather. With the means of little Li Laozi, he naturally loves all the children in the outer room who have never cared about the family affairs. He is not happy to think that he killed the two sons of Li Laozi.

Mrs. Li's grief is also true. Her father and daughter have a good relationship. Suddenly there is a gap between yin and Yang. Professor Rao told her to be prepared psychologically. When things come, she still can't accept them.

She lies on the edge of the sick bed and cries sadly. Li Ronghuan bends down to thank the doctor. Before Li Ronghuan straightens up, she rushes to the doctor like crazy. She slaps the doctor's face full of perspiration. She wants to fight again and will be swung aside by Li Ronghuan. "Li Chenglan! Calm down! "

"I calm down? Li Ronghuan, don't fill it up here! Say! Are you and this quack colluded early, don't you want to save my father! You wish Dad would leave early. You must be colluding with the quack doctor to kill my dad on purpose! "

Mrs. Li, with her hair in her hair and shrieking, quarreled all over the ward. The doctor who got slapped tried to say something for himself, but he was fed up with the thought that the patient's family was out of control.

Several nurses feel unworthy for their doctors and want to stand up and say something. The doctors on duty who have clear finger marks on their left cheek pull them apart and sigh: "forget it, let's go out."

Li Ronghuan is not used to Mrs. Li. "He killed his father alive and wronged the doctor. Li Chenglan, you and your mother loved to use this tactic decades ago. After decades, it is the same. It hasn't changed at all! It's still disgusting! "

Turning around, he apologized to the aggrieved doctor on duty, "doctor, you are aggrieved. I apologize to you. It's our reason. It has nothing to do with you."

"When she calms down, I'll ask her to come and apologize to you."

Mrs. Li, who was shaken to one side, wanted to apologize, and then exploded, "I apologize. These quacks killed my father. I want to sue them! I must sue them! "

Li Ronghuan's attitude is very good, and has nothing to do with him. The doctor on duty looked at Mrs. Li and sighed, "don't apologize, I can understand your mood. This is the hospital. Let's control it. You are all calm and calm. "

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