Published at 28th of April 2022 06:38:35 AM

Chapter 350: - 41 "I heard about the demon king." ②

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"I know I've said a lot of unnecessary things, but there are many Demon Lords who have a lot of free time on their hands. This continent must be too small for them to have free time.

"- Such a Demon Lord coming to the Kingdom of Skye, that's a big deal."

As yet, the Demon Kings have not made any major moves.

The only thing we know is that they are wandering around the castle town, but no problems have arisen as of yet.

I hope that the Demon Lord will not come to kill Sam after hearing Michael's story, but I do not make any optimistic predictions.

I don't know what the Demon Lord, who is an old acquaintance of the Demon Lord Lepsy, thinks about the death of one of the Demon Lords.

"I don't think so, but you're not going to meet the Demon King, are you?

"I intend to, but what?"

"As a friend, I advise you. Stay out of this. It's not unusual for a Demon Lord to sneak off to the human lands from time to time. There's no problem. Then this time...

"But the timing is too good. I'm not optimistic enough to think that the demon king's arrival after the death of Lepsy is a coincidence.

Since there is a possibility that the cute little apprentice is being targeted, Ur has no choice but to exercise maximum caution.

There is also the fear that, like Michaela, he does not know the Demon Lord.

"I have given you my advice. It would be a fool's errand to voluntarily throw away his few remaining lives.

"I know--"

The moment Ur was about to reply to Michael's advice, he noticed an explosive release of magical power.

It was too dense and violent.

He could feel the power so strong that he felt as if his body would collapse if he let his guard down.

(I'm scared to death to have to deal with such a thing.)


We notice the presence of Michael and Gabriel, who are worried about Ur, who is in a cold sweat and shaking all over.

(I see, the demon king's magic is so strong that they can't even sense it. Unless they are standing in the same area or close to the Demon Lord, it's hard to tell. I see... No wonder the Demon Lord is able to stroll around the town with his friends.)

Probably only a few people in the Kingdom of Skye are aware of the current Demon Lord's magical power.

We don't know how he will sense this power, but it is likely that the wizards Ur knows will go to the source of the power.

"Ulrike? What's been going on with you since a minute ago?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing. I just remembered something I had to do. I'll be back."



Urs tries to fly home not from the front door but from the terrace, much to the consternation of his friends.

Ur stopped once and looked back at them.

"Sorry, we'll see you again."

"Ulrike, you have to say it right this time."

Gabrielle stood up, approached Ur and hugged him gently.

We will always be friends.

"Yeah, I've got a good friend, even if he is a pervert."

"You know what? It's about time you stopped calling me a pervert!"

Michael, who was complaining, followed Gabriel and hugged Ur.

He let go of his friend's body regretfully, and Ur flies away slowly.

"I'm glad I met you guys. You are my dearest friends.

With these words, Ur flew through the skies of King's Landing.

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