Published at 7th of March 2024 10:11:50 AM

Chapter 264: Reunion (3)

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Chapter 264 Reunion (3)

"What about others? Did they also do something crazy?" Skye asked in anticipation.

The letter they received earlier in the abyss only talked about their daily life.

It seems that Maximus's family was worried that he would be concerned if they told him something out of the ordinary.

"Sure, there is also Auntie Asha," Maya started.

"Oh? What happened?"

"Auntie Asha can be said to be well-known in the Arcane Continent."

"She was known as the Goddess of Luck and Gambling."

"My father said that Auntie nearly bankrupted all the gambling establishments in the Arcane continent."

"If not for their quick reaction of banning Auntie from playing, maybe these gambling establishments would not even exist!" Maya said excitedly.

Among her aunties, it can be said that besides his Uncle, Lux, the richest one was her auntie Asha.

"But why would Asha need to gamble? Is she short on money?" Maximus asked with a smile.

It can be said that Asha is the most pampered among his children.

When it comes to money, Asha just needs to open her mouth, and her brother and sister would rush to give her all they have.

"Auntie Asha said that she needed to cultivate her luck," Maya replied in puzzlement.

Luck can that be cultivated?

As a seven-year-old kid, there were still a lot of things she didn't know.

"Is that so..." Maximus nodded.

After Asha awakened her special physique, Absolute Luck, she really needed to accumulate her luck.

Although she is naturally lucky, it has limits.

Against impossible odds, her special physique can only give her a little edge.

But if she could accumulate some luck and use it, everything would be at her discretion regardless of limitations.

"What happened after she was blacklisted from the gambling establishments?" Skye asked curiously.

"I heard that Uncle Lux took Auntie Asha went to the Etherium Realm 2.0 and played in the world's stock market," Maya said after a bit of thought.

"Then what happened?" Maximus asked.

He read in the letter that after Lux awakened his special physique, Dimensional Treasury, Lux entered the World's stock market.

Although he knew that Lux was doing okay, he didn't know the specifics.

"I don't know much, but I heard that Auntie Asha and Uncle Lux got the attention of some Apex Sovereign."

"What's the name?"

"Goldfiend Vanderbilt?" Maya answered unsure.This material is rooted in n0velbin★

"I see..."

Although Maximus already guessed what would happen after his kids entered the world market.

lightsnοvεl Maximus still sweated a little, hearing that they went head-on with that big shot.

Fortunately, seeing that they were safe and sound, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"What about others? Did they also do anything interesting?" Skye continued to ask.

Being left in the abyss realm, Skye is full of curiosity about what would happen to the kids she trained in the past.

"Nothing is interesting," Maya said boredly.

"Cousin Silvan was too low-key; if not for beating the pursuers of her sister, Lila, his existence would not even be known."

"As for uncles and aunties, there is also not much happening."

"My father continues to attract unwanted attention and is always being beaten by my mothers."

Maya told the story of her father, Liam's trials and tribulations as all kinds of goddesses swarm him.

If not for the solid fort of her mothers, Amara and Elysienne, perhaps she would have many mothers now.

Hearing the story, Maximus and Skye nearly laugh.

"The last time I visited her collection room, there were already over a thousand treasures."

"Furthermore, this is all from stealing, not adventure, or buying," Maya said proudly.

She also liked this auntie of hers for her bravery and resourcefulness.

"That brat!" Maximus smiled with gritted teeth.

"What about pursuers? Is there any?"

"There is, but the condition that Auntie Lyla set is quite difficult."

"To officially pursue her, one needs to steal at least an item from every apex sovereign in the world."

"That's good."

This time, Maximus was satisfied with his daughter's cleverness.

Stealing from all the apex sovereigns?

What a dream!

Even Malgron at his peak couldn't do such a thing.

"On the other hand, Sister Lydia was quite peaceful."

"She only stayed in her garden, planting flowers and playing music."

"She also didn't bother with any pursuers; they were sent away by the uncles before they even got near her."

"Auntie Serene was also quite peaceful, although she didn't stay behind closed doors."

"She just read books, trained, and sometimes taught children in the Chrysalis Guild."

"For the pursuers, the uncles were also quite protective.

"As for Auntie Cyra, she was quite mysterious."

"I heard from my father that Auntie Cyra is secretly the boss of the biggest intelligence organization in the Curse Continent."

"Oh? Do you know the name of the organization?"

"It seems to be the Phantom Organization," Maya said after some thought.

Hearing this, Maximus was a little stunned.

This organization was the intelligence organization he established when he was still a mere count.

However, as time passed, the usefulness of the organization couldn't keep up with his strength.

Like the Curse Continent, it was already filled with his micro-surveillance bots.

Besides the top empires that couldn't be penetrated by the current micro-surveillance bots.

it can be said that he almost knew every blade of grass and tree in the Curse Continent.

Although the Phantom Organization was still in operation.

Maximus didn't pay much attention to it, aside from providing money, resources, and training manuals.

It seems that his daughter picked it up and made it stronger.

After all, although the Curse Continent is a bit barren.

Becoming one of the top intelligence organizations in this land is still a challenge.

"What about your grandmothers? What did they do?" Skye asked eagerly.

"My grandmother didn't do anything besides training."

"Even my father often sighs about this."

"It seems that they are eager to meet you, Grandpa," Maya said, looking at him.


Looking at his wives' lovely faces, he couldn't help but fall into a daze.

They must have missed him deeply to train so desperately.

Being together with him almost every second of their lives, these thirty years must have been torture.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you ever again," Maximus vowed in his heart.

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