This S.O.B. System - Chapter 54

Published at 11th of September 2023 12:04:05 PM

Chapter 54

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Asher walked into the Guild Hall slowly. He was tired, but after getting out of the dungeon he felt a lot better. Since all groups were currently full and delving into other dungeons, he decided to go in alone. It was a level 10 dungeon, and was a few hours out of town. 


It consisted of rock monsters on a mountain. So it took forever to find them and smash them to pebbles. After almost 2 days of fighting he was able to get the last one for the quest to finish. Of course by that point he realized his Intimidation was strong enough to make them shake a little. That was all he needed to find them then. 


The whole experience was worth it. With a simple cost of 45 Syscos he had the place all to his lonesome. Asher was able to practice skills and rely on only himself. He was also able to get to level 20 a little before the dungeon. With all the sex he was having he had been netting over 500 XP a night. Since it had been almost 2 months since their vacation, they all had plenty of time together. Even Tiff was level 16 now, and she never fought monsters.  



Asher Whitmore





Quinten Hardly







STD Immunity










Prop Manifestation



Lawful Good


Relationship Screen

LVL 10












Slovene Language




/111 (9)


LVL 12





LVL 10



LVL 10










LVL 10





LVL 11





LVL 11














Regal Presence





Eye for Art





Battle Instincts

LVL 13


Weapon Throw

LVL 10

Custom Stats:


Gun Fighting


Dick Length

9 Inches



LVL 14

Dick Diameter

2 Inches







Full Body Control





Mesmerizing Gaze









Over this time he had increased his Ahegao skill, which was now 120% instead of 80%. With the dungeon he had been able to raise most all of his attack skills; Intimidation, Battleshout, Weapon Throw, Mesmerizing Gaze. His Policing skill had gone up with work. The Brawling skill had raised with the almost daily spars with Abby.


Now it was time to rub it in Abby’s face that he had leveled. He had offered to take her, but she was busy this weekend. Hopefully this would push her to do the next one. 


The Guild Hall was quiet upfront. It was dark out, but he expected to see Zora or Tiff. Heading in he sent them a quick text in their group chat. He went past the stairs but was surprised to see a large group in the cafeteria. 


They huddled around a few of the tables. He could tell there was a somber mood in the air. Asher kicked in the doors. A few eyes were drawn to him. It was Batman that made it to him first. 


“What happened?” Asher asked, concerned. He didn’t see Zora, but Tiff was there. She had her arm draped over another guildies shoulder, consoling her. 


“Her son was found dead,” Batman said. Or Carl Newman, whatever you wanted to call him, Ash preferred Batman. “She thought he ran away or something. He awoke his System a few weeks ago, and he was using powers where he shouldn’t. She grounded him, but he disappeared. She asked me to look for him. I found him dead near the tracks a few miles away.”


“Fuck,” Ash said. “What can I do? Where’s Amanda?”


“Wayne went to the police department to see if there were any other disappearances. Amanda went to the crime scene.”


“Alright. I’ll find her,” he said. “Tell Tiff when you get a chance.” Batman headed back to the group.  


Asher was on the phone. “Amanda? Hey, send me your location. I'm on the way.”


After that he was on the phone with Zora. “Hey babe. Did I wake you? Yeah, I just got back. Yeah I heard. No, I'm gonna go get Amanda and see how I can help. Don’t wait up. Love you too.”


Asher was soon in his truck and heading to Amanda. The area was easy to spot with the cop cars around. He flashed his ID and was let through. 


“Hey,” Amanda said, walking up to him. 


“Catch me up,” he said. They walked forward together. 


“Anton Lafayette. 16. African American. 5’-10”. His mom didn’t report him missing since he ran away in the past. Batman was flying when he noticed the body.”


They came up beside the tracks. On it was the body described to him. Except that an arm had been ripped off and his chest was open. Out of the chest he was missing his heart. 


“Any clues?” Asher asked. Bending down he looked over the body. The police had set up lights to illuminate everything.


“Nothing concrete.” Amanda passed him some rubber gloves. He put them on to feel around the arm wound. There were jagged lacerations on it. He pulled his hand back to show a clear liquid. “Looks like saliva. I sent a sample already.”


“Well, something ate his arm. That’s for sure. Have there been any dungeon breaks?” The Countdown wouldn’t end for another couple of weeks. It was still a good guess. 


“You’d know if I did. What are you thinking?”


“The mom said he just awakened. Could have stumbled on a dungeon in the area. Got attacked. Ran out.”


“No blood trail. Not likely.”


“He was dumped then. Killed. Guy hoped he’d be run over by the train. Hide evidence.”


“That’s our theory too.”


“Question is. Is it System related?” Asher asked as he stood up. “I have a tracking skill. I’ll look around.” He began finding the perimeter of what was already messed up by other officers. There were too many people there now for him to distinguish anything. He began searching in a wider and wider perimeter until Amanda finally stopped him. 


“They took the body away. We have a patrol stationed here. You can wait if you want. But I’m heading home,” she said. 


“Yeah. I’m right behind you,” he said, waving her off. Looking around there were more tracks and a few warehouses. He couldn’t shake the feeling he was being watched. Turning around he jumped when he noticed Amanda still behind him. “Holy hell you scared me.” 


“Sorry. You said you were leaving too.”


“Yeah yeah.”


He went home and cuddled with the girls. It was close to dawn anyway. Zora was leaving in a few days to meet her whole family in Iowa so they were trying to get their fill of one another. His dungeon had taken longer than expected so he didn’t blame them for kicking him out of the center. He had to hug them from the outside. 


When he awoke a few hours later he didn’t bother waking the girls. He only had a few hours of sleep, but he didn’t need much nowadays. He got dressed, woke them enough for a goodbye kiss and was out the door. Work had been slow lately so he didn’t mind putting in some extra hours. Nothing had come of the Matrix girl. He still had her stuff, and she still had his necklace. She didn’t have much anyway. Whatever she stole, she either put it somewhere else or spent it. 


When he got to the police department he went to Wayne Tyler’s office. “Any news?” He asked. 


Wayne looked up from his computer. “Nothing. There was a similar case in LA, but I’m waiting on details. Amanda went to the Guild Hall to try to get someone to Divine something.”

“Fair enough,” Asher said. “Think I should join her?”


“She should be back soon.” 


Asher went to his temporary desk and google searched for anything similar. He still didn’t have access to all the cool case files and stuff. Amanda did most of the official work. The internet searches of course pulled up nothing. He ended up watching cat videos when he noticed he had missed a call from Amanda at some point. Calling her back she didn’t answer. It went straight to voicemail. 


He called Zora. “Hey babe, you seen Amanda? She was? When did she leave? Alright I’m coming over,” he said. He got in his truck and headed for the Guild Hall. Something didn’t feel right. It was like the trepidation before a horror scene, he knew it was coming, but not when. 


At the Guild Hall he spoke to Zora. “Who did Amanda see?”


“Why? Something happen?” She asked. 


“Just a bad feeling. She hasn’t answered her phone. Prolly nothing.”

“Oh, well she spoke to one of the Fortune Tellers. Didn’t see anything. Then she spoke to Anthony, and headed out.”


“Thanks, beautiful,” he said. After a kiss he went to Anthony’s shop. It was situated in an old office in the next room. “Yo Anthony, been a while,” he said walking up to the man. He was skinnier than the last time Ash saw him. He must have been leveling up. Before he looked like Santa, now he looked like Diet Santa. 


“Ash, how’s it been?”


“Good. Hey I heard you spoke to Amanda.”


“I did. I heard about Anton. I was telling her I saw him a few days ago,” Anthony said. 

“Why didn’t you say anything last night?” Asher asked with more anger in his voice than he had meant. 


“I wasn’t here,” Anthony admitted. “Was with my grandkids.”


“Of course, sorry. Just a little on edge. What else did you tell her?”


“I said he was with another kid. He was white, a little older than Anton. Brown hair, greasy like he hadn’t showered. Anyway, what stuck out to me is he had the glasses you do?” 


“The Identification ones?” After a nod from Anthony he asked. “How can you tell? They’re as generic as they come.”


“System skill. I can spot System Items,” Anthony said. “It sorta stuck out to me, which is why I remembered. They aren’t cheap. And the kid looked homeless. Then a couple of days ago I was in the area again, and he was there. Almost felt like he was following me actually.”


“I see. Did you tell Amanda where this was?” Asher asked. 


“I did. Over by the old Hill Street Apartments,” Anthony said. 


Asher’s heart was pounding as he ran outside. Phone in hand he called his good friend, “Batman I think Amanda’s in trouble.”


Asher was soon racing off to Hill Street. It didn’t take long, they were close by the tracks. He parked at the apartments. Using his tracking skill he scanned the area for some clue, but there was nothing. Then he remembered Joon’s words. He had not been using his abilities to their full power. Bringing up the Relationship Screen he saw that Amanda was still there. Closing his eyes he extended his mana to the screen and went down the list. First he focused it on Daphne, he got a sense she was somewhere to the East. Then Zora was back near the guild, Tiff was by the apartment, he skipped Lyola. Who knew where the hell that elf was? Once at Amanda Neil he pushed more mana into her name on the screen. 


Slowly he got a sense that she wasn’t far. He began walking in the direction, then running. It was to the North somewhere. He had used this skill subconsciously to find Zora those months ago, and now it was all coming back to him. He ran through an alley, then another until he came up to an abandoned building. Amanda’s car was outside. Asher gulped. 


He jumped as the roar of the Batmobile sounded next to him. “Holy hell,” he exclaimed as Batman stepped out. “I think Amanda’s in here somewhere with the killer. How the hell did you find me?”


“I didn’t. I have a tracker in her car,” Batman said. 


“Why the hell do you have that?”


“I’m Batman,” he said simply. 


“Right, duh. Anyway, let’s go. If you’re not up for it I understand.”


“I’m sure she’s fine. Just in case I’ll take the back,” Batman said. With a flourish of his cape he was walking down the alley, he made sure to double click his keys to lock the Batmobile. 


Asher really wanted to wear his gear, he felt naked without it. Something was telling him he needed to hurry. After noticing an opening at the front between 2x4s he squeezed in. The first thing he noticed was the dank smell. Covering his mouth he pulled out a flashlight and a dagger from his ring. With the flashlight illuminating an area he saw her phone. Smashed to bits, the only reason he knew it was hers was the blue case. 


Cursing, he put it in his ring and began scanning the area. He about jumped when his light hit Batman. “Holy fuck. Why do we always do this?” Asher asked. “Next time we’re taking the same door.” 


“Fine,” Batman said. “You going up or down?” Asher gave him a look then they began playing rock paper scissors. 


Asher won. “I’m going up,” he said happily. 


Batman cursed as he headed down. Stairs near him Asher took them up to the 2nd floor. There were a few flights of stairs in the old building. It was an abandoned apartment complex. Stairs creaked as he ascended the stairs. Damning every stair that made noise he was eventually at the top of the steps. Looking down one side nothing, then the other side a werewolf was staring at him. It’s yellow eyes glowing. 


Asher’s heart leapt in his throat as he tried to remember if he had any silver. Willing the dagger away his sword soon appeared. His eyes locked on the beast. The werewolf hadn’t moved at all, Asher wondered if it was a statue, then it blinked. Asher jumped back, moving his flashlight from the beast’s face. All he saw was the silhouette of it as it stomped toward him. It was at least 8 feet tall. It’s long ears scraped the ceiling. The floorboards struggled to hold it. 

A dozen feet away it let out a deep bellow of a howl. Asher, zoning in from his fear, let out his Intimidation. The beast froze and Asher rushed at it. Blade whistling through the air the beast struck with a thick claw, but Asher sliced through the air cutting it off. His battle instincts were in prime form as the beast yelped and ran away up the stairs. With its escape Asher breathed in and out heavily. “Did that just happen?” He asked. 


“You alright?” Batman asked from the bottom of the stairs.

“Jeez, wear a bell! This is the place. It’s a fucking werewolf?”


“Monster or guy with Werewolf System?” 


“I don’t know, I didn't ask,” Asher said, looking at the arm on the ground. It turned into a white human limb. Then the quest popped up. 



Oliver Callum has used his System to kill other users.

Assist in his subjugation/termination

Time Limit: N/A


Quest Rewards:

Experience Points


Random Item


“Shit,” he and Batman said as the dark knight stopped beside him. 

“You get more of these than I’ve ever heard of kid,” Batman said. 


“Yeah, lucky me,” Asher said. “Let's go.”


Asher started kicking in doors. “Amanda!” He yelled. She was still on his Relationship Screen so she had to be alive. Batman and he moved room to room until they were at the one by the stairs. “He ran up that way. I’ll check this quick.” Asher ran in and found the kill room. The walls were covered in plastic. Flies buzzed everywhere. Black dried blood lay splattered on the once clear plastic. Asher saw Amanda on the floor in front of him, her right leg was gone, but her chest was fine. 


“Amanda,” he said, coming up to her. Willing out a potion he picked up her head as he poured it in her mouth. She choked with the liquid. Panicking she tried to push him away but when she recognized him she relaxed a little. Most of the potion was on the floor so he pulled out another one. 


“It’s a kid. He turned into a fucking werewolf,” she said grunting in pain after finishing the other potion. 


“I saw. Don’t worry I got his arm. I’ll bring you his head in a bit.”


“Don’t go,” she said, clutching his shirt. Tears formed in her eyes as she tried not to look at her leg. 


“Hey, you’re ok. George will get you all fixed up. Remember? I lost an arm. This is nothing for our people,” she started to calm down, a very little. “Batman is here. He will stay with you.” 


Asher slowly let her head down. He called Wayne. “I found Amanda and the guy responsible. Come to my location, I’m sharing it now. Batman is with me. Get George or a good healer. I will do my best,” Asher said. “We got a quest, gotta go.”


“I’ll be right back,” Asher lied to Amanda. Stepping out of the room he asked, “Anything?”




“Amanda’s in there, take her downstairs. Wayne is on his way,” Asher said. 



“Going up,” Asher admitted. He rushed across the hall to stand near the bottom of the stairs. 


“Kid, you don’t have to do this,” Batman said. “It's just a quest.”


“Go take a look at Amanda and tell me that,” Asher hissed. 


“You don’t have to do it, I can go, you take her,” Batman offered. 


“You ever killed before?” Asher asked. “That’s what I thought. Batman doesn’t kill.”


“I’m not Batman kid,” Batman said. 


“Neither am I,” Asher said as he ascended the stairs to the next floor. At the 3rd floor he willed his gear to him. It was time to put his gameface on. First breastplate, then shoulder guards, then helm, his blade was soon in hand. “Here kitty kitty kitty,” Asher said walking down the hall. He began making more noises to attract him. “I hear you got a taste for human flesh. Well there’s plenty right here,” Asher said. Then he heard the claws scraping. He saw the shadow on the ceiling as the werewolf crawled toward him. It had both arms again and its yellow eyes were still creepy as all hell. 


Asher raised his blade, he almost sliced it. The werewolf then backed up and opened it’s mouth. “What the-” Asher was hit with a black bolt of mana. Hitting him in the chest it was almost weak as it bounced off harmless. “Train your skills you dumbfuck,” Asher said, pulling out an Uzi. Soon the werewolf was scrambling up to the top floor as Asher fired at him.

Getting less and less freaked out by the scary monster Asher ran after him. The beast had some strength as it was able to stay ahead. Asher closed the distance with a burst of power. Leaping the top few steps his blade sliced into the back of the werewolf. “Get down here you shit.” Green leaves grew from the beast’s back as it rushed to the other end of the hall. The leaves then formed thick vines and fired at Asher. 


Asher blocked them with his shield as it formed from his ring. This skill had much more power behind it than the black magic bolt. The vines threw him to the back wall. With a grunt Asher pushed the thick snake-like roots to hit the wall next to him. Dropping to the ground he watched as the werewolf chugged a mana potion. “So you have a System then kid? Listen, I don’t want to kill you, but I will.” 


The werewolf said nothing as it crouched at him, ready to pounce. Asher willed his blade away. Cracking his knuckles he took a boxer’s stance. “Come on Fido,” he said with a smile on his face. The werewolf drew back a little then with a grunt began to charge. Its legs pumped furiously 2 then 3 times. The beast was like a freight train as it shot forward. Asher drew his arm back and with all his focused strength threw a punch right at it’s snout. 




Asher stepped out of the abandoned apartment building. Dragging the prone form of the kid. He let the cannibal’s body hit every step as he walked to the ring of police cars around the building. He sighed as he saw Wayne. 


“He dead?” Wayne asked as Asher dropped him to the pavement. He was dirty, and had a broken nose that still oozed blood. His teeth were busted in the front too.


“Not yet. You want him to be?” Asher asked. 


“What are our chances of keeping this one captured?”

Asher was a little surprised by the question. “Better than the last girl. Keep him in a straight jacket. There an accessory that drains mana?” 


“I think so,” Wayne said. 


“You need it for this one. He had healing, what looked like dark or shadow magic, and nature magic,” Asher said. 


“Another group got back to me. They said they were missing a kid that fit his description. Said when he disappeared another System user did as well. The administrator said he confided in having an Illithid System.” 

Asher laughed at that. “What?” The police captain asked. 


“That’s the mind flayer. They eat brains to gain your knowledge and strength. This son of a bitch System,” he said, shaking his head. 


“I don’t know. Could have been a good power if he had stuck to dungeons and ate monsters,” Wayne admitted. 


“Maybe,” Asher said. “Would have been nice to have a tutorial for this shit,” he said. “No freaking handbook with these powers has caused us all headaches.” 


They stood in silence for a time. “You better get home. Tiff is already pissed you went in by yourself.”


“You told her?” 

Wayne shook his head. “She talked to Batman.”


“That pussy,” Asher said. “Amanda good?” 


“For now. George is taking care of her. Tiff already offered to take her in.”


“Good. I’ll do a report later. I’m serious about the mana drain on this guy. I took his storage ring, but nothing good in it,” Asher said as he walked to his truck. He willed his gear away as he took each piece off. When he was at his truck he brought up notifications. 



Oliver Callum has used his System to kill other users.

Assist in his subjugation/termination

Time Limit: N/A


Quest Rewards:

Experience Points


Random Item



System Coins

x 792 (8) to guild


x 8,000

System ID Monocle

x 1


Asher willed the monocle to him. Putting it on an eye he looked in the mirror. Over his head read the words




“You’re damn right,” Asher said with a wink. The monocle fell from his eye with the motion. “Shit,” he said as he began to look on the floor for it. 

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