Published at 20th of December 2023 10:36:29 AM

Chapter 26

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In the ancient lineage of Wolvesbane, a family intertwined with the blood of both humans and werewolves, our influence has cast shadows over the distant town of Shadowpines for countless centuries. Despite the constant ebb and flow of time, our aristocratic standing remains unyielding.

My upbringing within the grandeur of the Wolvesbane estate was infused with aspirations that soared beyond the moonlit sky. The coveted title of Erudite was my beacon, an enchanting realm of power and prestige that I longed to call my own. The Erudites Twelve, an esteemed circle of mages, held a place of unparalleled honor in my heart.

Yet, as I traversed the early chapters of my life, my admiration for the Erudites was tempered by a harsh reality—I possessed a meager proficiency in the mystical arts. Controlling spells eluded my grasp, and my efforts to master the arcane proved futile. No matter how ardently I trained, my strengths manifested in the physical realm, where combat became an instinctive dance.

My parents, custodians of our ancestral legacy, attributed my magical shortcomings to the werewolf blood coursing through my veins. Our mystic heritage, teeming with mana, brought with it an inherent instability that echoed in the chaotic dance of our spells. It also stirred the waters of our minds, making it a challenge to maintain focus when weaving enchantments. In the eyes of the arcane, our destiny favored the path of warriors rather than that of magical sages.

Amidst the swirling currents of doubt and acceptance, a transformative moment awaited me. It arrived in the form of Maggie Antlers, the first love to grace the canvas of my existence.

On the inaugural journey to New Vanilla City Magic High School, amid the buzzing anticipation of my first year, serendipity placed me beside her on the bus. Her allure was undeniable, a manifestation of black beauty, and her eyes, reminiscent of crimson dragonoids, gleamed like precious rubies. It was a stroke of fortune that I had my guitar in tow that day.

Emboldened by the desire to impress, I claimed the seat beside her and began to strum an acoustic love song, my fingers dancing on the strings as I poured my heart into the melody. My voice, though not without its cracks, echoed the sincerity of my emotions. Braving the vulnerability, I performed with unwavering passion.

Upon the final chord's resonance, the enchanting dragonoid lady bestowed upon me a smile as radiant as the sun. "That was so sweet," she uttered, her words a melody in themselves. Unfazed by any lingering self-consciousness, I seized the moment. "Oh yeah? Want more?" I casually wiped my crimson bangs, a feeble attempt to exude coolness. "By the way, I'm Johnny Wolvesbane."

In response, her own smile deepened as she extended her hand. "Maggie Antlers." Our hands met in a handshake that marked the beginning of a connection, transcending the hum of the bus and setting the stage for the symphony of a newfound friendship.

Maggie, with her arrival into my life, became the pivotal moment I had long yearned for—a turning point that transcended the ordinary. Beyond being my lover, she transformed into a guiding light for my magical aspirations, generously sharing the wealth of knowledge she had acquired as an honor student at Tasty Town's Magical High School, particularly focusing on the elusive art of mana stabilization.

Her teasing words echoed with promise, "Your dream is to become one of the Erudites, right? I will help you and teach you the secrets of magecraft."

Every Friday marked our rendezvous in New Vanilla City, where weekends unfolded as a canvas for shared experiences. From enchanting dates in undiscovered corners to the quietude of magical lessons, our connection deepened in intimate moments, culminating in shared passion within the confines of various hotels. There was even a cherished memory of a makeshift prom night, where I became her dance partner under a starlit sky.

In my pursuit of a shared future, I delved into side jobs, assuming roles as a junk merchant and a driver for esteemed dukes and duchesses. The toil was fueled by the singular goal of accumulating wealth for the life Maggie and I envisioned—a two-story house in Tasty Town, two children, and a peaceful, simple existence. Each penny saved carried the weight of our dreams, a testament to the hope that our efforts would one day bear sweet fruit.

Yet, like the ebb and flow of a simple love story, a hurdle loomed on the horizon.

In the intricate tapestry of our love story, the threads of animosity woven by history unfurled a complex pattern. Maggie's parents harbored a deep-seated aversion to me, a Wolvesbane, notorious for our ancestral ties to dragonoid slavery long before the Dragonoid Rights Law came into existence. Conversely, my family held a vehement disdain for Maggie, solely based on her identity as a dragonoid. Such prejudices, relics from an era of racial wars long extinguished, persisted in the hearts of mystic humans and dragonoids alike.

Our love, defiant against the currents of familial disapproval, mirrored a classic narrative of us versus the world. Through our defiance, we forged a connection that withstood the weight of ancestral grudges. However, the strength we believed to be unassailable was put to the ultimate test in our fourth year of companionship.

Abruptly, as if a spell had been cast, Maggie vanished from my world. The emptiness left in her wake was accompanied by a letter, a cryptic composition that shattered the fragile sanctuary of my heart. "I'm sorry, Johnny. I can't be with you anymore," were the vague words etched into the paper, leaving me to grapple with the echoes of an unexplained departure. The ache of her absence echoed louder than any words she had penned, and the unanswered questions lingered like ghosts in the corridors of our shared history.


Embarking on the next chapter of my magical journey, I enrolled in the prestigious Erudites Magic University, a testament to the knowledge Maggie had imparted, enabling me to stabilize my spellcasting prowess and successfully navigate the entrance exam.

Life within the hallowed halls of Erudites was far from ordinary. A decade of relentless training awaited, demanding the memorization of entire spellbooks, participation in brutal battle exams, and the formidable task of hunting otherworldly anomalies and eldritch creatures.

In this daunting environment, I crossed paths with Lysander Faradeiss, an enigmatic figure with an uncanny connection to Maggie, having shared a same town with her. Despite his aloof and awkward demeanor, Lysander possessed an insatiable appetite for gossip, and being a resident of Tasty Town, he had insights into Maggie's activities.

"I heard that Maggie has ties with the Neo Arcadians," Lysander casually mentioned, sparking a cascade of questions and intrigue. Recognizing the opportunity, I implored Lysander to act as a bridge between Maggie and me. Through his hesitant but persistent efforts, he managed to convince Maggie to reunite.

The stage was set in New Vanilla City, within the walls of an old restaurant that had witnessed the laughter and intimacy of our high school days. Hesitation hung in the air, but Maggie agreed to the reunion, promising the prospect of answers and closure. The journey to rediscover what had been lost unfolded, and the echoes of our shared history reverberated within the confines of that nostalgic meeting place.

The looming reunion with Maggie, pregnant with the promise of answers and closure, crumbled beneath the weight of a devastating revelation. The news reached me just before our scheduled meetup—Maggie had been captured by an Erudite named Lyon Blacknote, accused of terrorism, and sentenced to death. The university barred any contact, denying me the chance to be with her in her final moments. My own parents, wielders of familial authority, threatened disinheritance should I defy their commands and attempt to see Maggie.

I grappled with the torment of indecision, torn between adhering to the dictates of authority and the desperate desire to free Maggie from her impending fate. The regret of not acting during that critical time seared through my conscience as I wept in frustration. The bitter reality of her execution played out before my eyes through the cruel lens of social media, a video capturing the heart-wrenching finality of her life being extinguished by a firing squad.

This tragic chapter unfolded against the backdrop of an escalating conflict between the Neo Arcadia and the Empire of Alterra. Tasty Town, the hometown shared by Maggie and Lysander, became a casualty of war, ravaged by the nuclear might of the Daybreaker of the Dragon Lords, Hiraya Misteltein. The relentless war between humans and dragonoids surged on, and in the midst of this chaos, Erudite nominees like myself were conscripted into the newly formed magic army unit—the Skysoldiers.

In the throes of war, my sense of purpose crumbled. Academic performance plummeted, and I became a shadow of my former self, burdened by inadequacy during battles. However, in the midst of my personal descent, Lysander recognized something within me. Despite my shortcomings, he saw leadership potential and proposed that our squad appoint me as the field commander. In that moment of self-doubt and despair, Lysander's belief in my untapped capabilities breathed a glimmer of hope into my darkened soul.

Within the chaos of war, Lysander emerged as a formidable force—a one-man army, a mage whose prowess sent shivers down the spines of even a hundred dragonoid enemies. His mastery of speed spells surpassed all, and his adeptness at casting swift incantations, particularly using nuclear magic, set him apart as a force to be reckoned with.

As the fabric of humanity's armies frayed and unraveled, the once-illustrious Erudites Twelve faced a grim fate. One by one, they succumbed to the relentless onslaught, dwindling in number until only five resilient souls remained. Amidst the turmoil, a sliver of hope emerged when three Skysoldiers, including Lysander, earned the coveted recommendation to ascend to the ranks of the Erudites Eight.

Regrettably, that beacon of hope didn't extend to me. In the twilight of humanity's existence, with the world crumbling around us, the elusive title of Erudite slipped through my grasp. As the remnants of my purpose dissipated, I found myself standing on the precipice of a world on the brink of extinction, contemplating a destiny that seemed inexorably entwined with the failing tapestry of this once-vibrant world.

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