Published at 9th of March 2023 11:29:58 PM

Chapter 638

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Chapter 638: Let's order the warships too

Robb always did things in style. He would be the first one to take action, like he’s making an example. Then he would stop and let others continue to do it.

It was the same when it came to issuing books!

After finishing a manhua, Robb didn't do anything else. He even changed stopped drawing them himself and let Suofa do it. However, his demonstration effect was incomparably great.

Soon, the novel "forbidden love" by Nuolun came out. It was about a noble at the border who fell in love with a beautiful girl and desperately pursued her. However, the ending of the story was very dramatic. After a romantic and sweet night with the protagonist, the girl suddenly married his brother. The story suddenly stopped there.

The crazy ending was so ridiculous that no one could understand it. In the end, the novel was only sold two hundred times, and the reputation of Nuolun was also bad. It was called "expert on feeding shit" by the people of Westwind Holy City, and they swore that they would never read novels written by him again.

However, Nuolun didn't care at all. Instead, he looked very proud.

A month after the novel was released, Nuolun's nephew, Kante, who was studying at the magic school on Bright Road, suddenly ran back from school. He had a private chat with Nuolun in a small dark room for an hour. No one knew what they had talked about. They only knew that when he came out of the room, his eyes were red, as if he had cried and was a little angry.

Then, a large number of books printed out. These books were immediately collected in the library of the Royal Family, and more books were sent to the whole West Gran. The governors of every city had to take these books as the imperial edict instructed them to learn.

Then, the new light bible, which was delicately packaged and printed with the most high-end paper, came on the stage solemnly. It was all printed by the new Church of Light’s savings, and it was distributed to the believers free of charge. At the same time, they also organized two "reading classes" every week. In this reading class, Eddie organized many young priests to kindly teach everyone to recognize words, one by one.

The new light bible contained everything. As long as a believer read it through, he would learn more than half of the common words people use.

Of course, education was a century's work, and Robb didn't expect it to be done in a short time. He just took the new light bible and would let people learn and grow bit by bit from it.

This was not something that could be done by one or two generations. Robb estimated that he might not be able to see the obvious improvement in of the whole world. However, he couldn't give up just because he couldn't see it.

Of course, just as Robb was doing these messy things silently, the world's situation did not stop changing

Lost City! In the headquarters of the Church of Darkness.

In the dark chapel, the pope was in a black robe. He looked like a skeleton. He was sitting upright on a chair, and on both sides of him stood an archbishop in a black robe on both sides. There were also several other archbishops and bishops, who were listening outside.

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