Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 1270

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:32:00 AM

Chapter 1270

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Fasuba knew that since the crash of the floating ship, these surviving knights could not help being pessimistic about the fate of foreign countries.

What he needs to do is to arouse these people's hope for the future and believe in the command of the demigod Knight Locke.

Most of them have seen the magic of the Shura field. Locke once handed over the bottom to fasuba. If the situation really reached an extremely dangerous moment, he would put all Knights into the Shura field for refuge.

Therefore, the floating ship is only one choice in their return trip map, not all.

Even if it has crashed now, they should believe that Locke can successfully lead them back.

Few people would have guessed in the fire insect palace that a fierce interest debate has just ended here.

Although he promised to pay some price, Locke got the information he was most interested in from the king of firebug.

Outside the firebug world, there is a large void meteorite sea composed of multiple disabled planes.

There are five trans plane space transmission arrays of the Belem Empire set up there. Three of them have been scrapped and stopped operation, and there are still two that can barely maintain operation.

But even these firebugs don't know which star field is connected at the other end of the two transmission arrays.

They only know that when the Belem Empire withdrew more than a year ago, many regiments left through these transmission arrays.

As for the positions of the two operational transmission arrays, Locke promised two conditions before he got the answer he wanted from the king of firebug.

These two conditions are: to pay a large amount of energy crystals to the firebug family and to help them stop the attack of the Titan Protoss for half a year.

Interestingly, when the king of firebug asked for energy crystals, he did not mark Locke to describe the quantity and quality it wanted.

Seems to have given Locke the right to choose.

This kind approach satisfied Locke very much.

Coupled with the powerful strength of the king of firebug man, he doesn't mind having such an alien friend.

"Energy crystal? Can any type?" Locke touched his chin and said that he couldn't help thinking of the seven energy light cylinders suitable for the Space Fortress lying in his space ring.

There is no stronger crystal than these seven big guys in terms of the magnitude of the energy they have.

"Yes, the firebug world has experienced energy shortage after more than a year of plundering by the Titans and our deep excavation and mining at any cost in order to maintain the number of ethnic warriors." The king of firebug answered.

The situation of the firebug world is only a little better than that of the snow informant world. They are all races that survive under the power of the Titan Protoss, and the firebug people are at the end of their tether.

"Do you think these crystals are OK?" Locke took out seven huge yellowish light cylinders.

Thanks to the spacious hall where the king of firebug is located, these seven are the element crystals of the backup energy source of the space fortress.

"The earth attribute element crystal? Energy reserves are indeed amazing. Although there are some defects in purity, it is barely enough for us." The king of firebug commented.

These seven earth element crystals were originally intended to be used as a one-time alchemy bomb. Since the king of firebug is willing to take over them, it is also a good use.

After the seven earth element crystals were traded, Locke got the coordinate node of a running transmission array in the meteorite belt composed of broken planes outside the firebug world.

As for the node of another transmission array, Locke will not be informed until he assists the firebug family to resist the attack pressure from the Titan Protoss for half a year.

This is a transaction based on fairness. Locke is quite satisfied with the result of the transaction.

If we can find out whether the known transmission array still has the ability to use, Locke can even give up his promise to help the firebug man resist the Titan Protoss for half a year and directly lead his men out of here.

In the dark underground cave, Locke, who had just left the hall of the king of fire insects, told Xiaoxue in the Shura field about the known space nodes.

In human form, a deep black bead is worn on the snow-white neck, and there are refined negative energy fusion beads. It is not difficult for Xiaoxue to leave the firebug world temporarily and go to the astral void to find out the actual situation of the transmission array.

"Go ahead and be safe on the road." Locke touched Xiaoxue's head and said to him.

Nodded, a temporary space door appeared in front of Xiaoxue.

For many creatures, the complex and dark underground space passage only needs a space door for light snow to pass through directly.

There is no doubt about the particularity and superiority of biological individuals with spatial attributes in this environment.

Light snow enters the space door and disappears in the blink of an eye. Locke knows that according to the distance, it will take at least five days to wait for light snow to return.

Before five days later, Xiaoxue returned from the void of the star world. On the third day, the attack from the Titan Protoss took place in full swing.

According to the fire bug King's prior introduction to Locke, before Locke and others did not appear, the Titans would launch an attack on them in an average of three days.

The energetic Titan is the main culprit of the sharp decline in the number of firebug people.

I don't know how many poor ordinary firebug people died under the iron fist of these Titans.

In love and reason, Locke needs to send some troops to help the firebug defend this attack from the Titan Protoss.

Fortunately, it was only a tentative attack by the Titan Protoss. The total number of enemies was about 3000. Locke ordered the mutant Glenn to lead more than 800 elite mutant slaves to help the firebug defend.

On the way to the surface battlefield, Locke was stunned to find that the seven earth element light cylinders he handed over to the king of firebug not long ago have been buried in every corner of the executed volcano group.

It seems true that the world energy of firebug people has run out. These element light cylinders emitting light energy fluctuations will inject a new vitality into the navel of the plane.

With the help of this additional energy, the firebug people will be able to ensure the birth number and growth limit of new life in their own group for at least the next five years.

"I hope these fire bugs can stick to it." Locke said with a long sigh.

The plundering way of Titan Protoss is very different from that of knights and magicians. At least for the low level of slavery, knights and magicians plunder and occupy in the way of sustainable development.

The barbarism of the Titans is to force almost all the low-level natives to their opposite.

The rising resistance of firebug people and snowline people is only an epitome of this plane war.


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