Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 1271

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:31:59 AM

Chapter 1271

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The tentative attack of the Titan Protoss made Locke once again see the power and means of these indigenous creatures in the firebug world.

The sight of tens of thousands of firebug soldiers pouring out of the molten sea really shocked Locke.

"Just from the fighting ability and quantity of these firebug people, they are no worse than the starsky Zerg I have been in contact with." On the ground, Locke, who hid his breath, commented.

In front of the battlefield, both sides agreed not to send demigod life, and the strongest of them is just an ordinary three-level life.

As a chess player on the chessboard of this war, Locke was not easy to break the rules before other top players did not play in person.

The star Zerg is a strong wandering group that Locke once contacted, and there is only one demigod peak leader in the group.

The status of queen blade, Queen and insect mother is unified, which jointly maintains the prosperity and stability of the star Zerg.

However, in terms of objective comments, Locke is more optimistic about the star Zerg.

Because in terms of population types and development potential, it is obvious that the star Zerg has more advantages.

The astral Zerg, who have been wandering in the astral world for many years, lack only a mother plane suitable for their own ethnic development.

Not to mention Locke's sigh in the corner of the battlefield, the exploratory war launched by the Titan Protoss finally came to an end after two days.

The Titans left 300 bodies, most of them first-class Titans and a small number of second-class bronze Titans.

The third level silver Titan was only killed, and it was also the booty of the third level firebug warrior ad, which Locke was very optimistic about.

In response, the firebugs lost nearly a thousand soldiers.

This still has the help of elite mutant slave sent by Locke. Otherwise, they only rely on the strength of firebug people. If they want to get rid of this exploratory attack of Titan Protoss, they have to pay at least 1500 soldiers.

A mutant ox with broken horns came back with a tired body.

Behind it were 500 mutant slaves.

Another 300 slaves were lost. Locke said it was false not to feel bad.

Take out several high-quality recovery potions from the space ring, and Locke throws them to Glenn and several other powerful level II and III mutant beasts.

The broken horn can't recover for the time being, but after drinking the recovery medicine, Gelong and other mutant animal slaves look much better.

"Moo!!!" The low roar is Glenn's gratitude to his master and his anger at the Titans.

I believe that in the next battle, Glenn can personally avenge himself and defeat the silver Titan who broke its horn.

In the underground space of the dead volcano group, somewhere in a cave, Locke is listening to the report of light snow returning from the astral void.

Near the coordinate nodes provided by the firebug people, there was indeed a cross plane space transmission array left by the Belem empire.

However, most of these transmission arrays were seriously damaged and failed. Even the coordinates of the transmission array that was originally identified as a good transmission array, the judgment of Xiaoxue of the existing transmission array also failed for more than half a year.

Now we can only hope that the last transmission array known to the king of firebug can be used.

Otherwise, Locke and others, whose floating ship was destroyed, really want to drift aimlessly in the void of the star world alone?

It is certainly impossible for Locke to announce such bad news and affect the momentum of his knights and slave creatures.

After hearing Xiaoxue's report, Locke immediately set off for the hall of the king of fire insects.

The king of firebug seemed to have expected Locke's arrival.

Facing Locke's aggressive question, the king of firebug replied, "don't worry, the coordinates of the last transmission array I know should be usable."

"And that's the last place the Belem Empire passed when it withdrew." The king of firebug promised. "As long as you can help our family through the most difficult half a year."

Looking at the only seven intact eyes in the six pairs of compound eyes of the king of firebug, Locke is thinking about the authenticity of his words.

Half a year is too long, especially the firebug world is still under frequent attack by the Titan Protoss giant Corps.

According to the just concluded small-scale battle as a reference, I'm afraid all the slave creatures under Locke will die in the world in half a year.

As a demigod knight, Locke should not have any compassion for these slave creatures.

But at least Locke, who has followed his men for many years and is still relatively "young", is not as indifferent to life as those old semi gods.

If Taoist Heisha and Locke were exchanged, I'm afraid he would not hesitate to give up all slave creatures and knight troops in exchange for his own interests.

For the conditions of the king of fire insects, Locke nodded slowly after being silent for a long time.

"Half a year, I hope you don't break your promise!" Locke said word by word.

The dimension bag of the dark battle Tyrannosaurus Rex is installed at the waist. At this time, it also emits the unique energy fluctuation of the life body at the peak of the demigod.

The compound eyes of the king of firebug people narrowed, and he was also afraid of the power Locke had, especially the dark fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex at the same level.

The king of firebug, who has been seriously injured, is not the opponent of the dark fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex in good condition.

"Good!" The king of firebug man nodded solemnly.


Wars have become extremely frequent in the micro plane of firebug world in recent decades.

Firebug people with Zerg genes have made brilliant achievements in the world of firebug people with hundreds of millions of people at most. Those days were also the peak history of firebug people.

If Belen's knights and magicians did not appear with the slave biological army, and if the later more powerful Titan Protoss giant Corps did not appear, I'm afraid the firebug people had embarked on a road to a lower level.

This is a necessary trend for the development and evolution of hundreds of millions of planes in the star world. It is as powerful as today's wizard world and Titan world. Millions of years ago, it may be as weak as today's firebug world.

Two days ago, the Titans came to the navel of the plane of the firebug world again.

Similarly, there is no golden Titan to fight. Although Locke can't do it himself, some hidden help can be provided to his men.

He gave Xiaoxue and Xiaoyue all the few element bombs. As for the magic scroll used to press the bottom of the box, he also cleared most of the warehouse and gave it to the Belen knights.

The loss is inevitable. Locke hopes that he can return to the back of the wizard world safely with his knights and slave creatures in half a year.

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