Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2205

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:10:02 AM

Chapter 2205

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It is said that the Immortal Emperor of Antarctica is going to participate in the peach Festival. There is a look of envy on the faces of the demon general and others.

The peach festival held by the queen mother is famous all over the world.

However, there are two criteria for participating in the flat peach event, one is to get the Queen Mother's invitation, and the other is to have the strength of Da Luo Jinxian (i.e. level 6).

No matter which one of these two is, it is not something that can be achieved in a short time by the demon general and others.

However, immortal Yiming, as a top power of level 5, may not be qualified to participate in the flat peach event after another 10000 or 20000 years of cultivation.

The peach festival held once every three thousand years is sometimes regarded as an introduction to urge monks to practice hard.

In the immortal civilization, I don't know how many monks want to participate in a peach festival held on those nine days.

After receiving the order, the town Magic general and others left directly. The Immortal Emperor is also preparing to set out for the middle pole Tianting.

For the ongoing invasion of extraterritorial demons in Qingyang, they all believe that the matter can be solved easily.

As for whether to retaliate against these extraterritorial demons and counter attack their world, we need to make plans after the Antarctic Immortal Emperor returns from the flat peach Festival.

However, it is a pity that no one expected that a peach festival held every 3000 years would drag the Antarctic Tianting and even the whole fairy cultivation civilization into an endless and unprecedented war!


The light world.

This is the palace of the Eternal Lord, the third in comprehensive strength among the nine main gods of the bright Protoss.

Like a golden giant, the Eternal Lord, as the eight level main god of the bright Protoss, explores the true meaning of eternity in the ocean of faith all the year round.

The golden radiance around is full of light and divine power. Against the background of the power of faith, it makes the Eternal Lord show God's grace like the sea.

I don't know how long later, the Eternal Lord slowly opened his eyes.

Outside the temple, a ten winged Archangel felt it when he flew into the palace of the Eternal Lord.

"Gabriel, how is the belief spread of the light Protoss in various star regions recently?" Asked the Eternal Lord.

As an eight level Lord God, the Eternal Lord is not omniscient and omnipotent.

In the process of exploring the true meaning of eternity, thousands of years pass in a flash. In order to ensure the prosperity of the bright Protoss, the Eternal Lord must always pay attention to the development of his civilized ethnic group.

No way, the Supreme God who ranks first in comprehensive strength never cares. When the dragon has no tail, he often pushes all his own things to the battle Angel Michael.

The endless Lord, who ranks second in comprehensive strength, is a war madman. Now he is in the battlefield of hell and the demon world, and he has no intention to manage the internal affairs of the bright Protoss.

So that the burden of the development and reproduction of the whole bright Protoss is all on the shoulders of the Eternal Lord.

Fortunately, the Eternal Lord is a good man. He is unknown and has paid for the bright Protoss for so many years.

It can be said that the bright Protoss can continue to expand efficiently for millions of years, and make a series of actions to deal with the disintegration of the anti bright Protoss alliance, and the Eternal Lord should take the lead.

Facing the inquiry of the Eternal Lord, the suing angel Gabriel considered his language for a moment and replied respectfully, "at present, our faith communication effect in various star regions is remarkable. In nearly 10000 years, on the original basis, 784 worlds have been bathed in the glory of the God of light."

As one of the top civilizations with a full expansionary nature, the bright Protoss can be called fanaticism in launching a belief war.

All races that do not believe in the God of light are called "pagans" or "hypocrites" according to their ethnic characteristics.

These "false believers" will eventually be purified by the flame of light.

It is this more radical and fanatical war attitude that makes the bright Protoss never stop its expansion and development since it has become a top civilization.

In civilization, there are nine main gods above level 7, which is the foundation for the bright Protoss to cross the star domain and deter all races.

(PS: the nine main gods do not mean that there are only nine creatures above level 7 in the light Protoss. For example, the battle Angel Michael is also level 7, but he is not the main God, but the archangel.)

Now there are more than 7000 worlds ruled by the bright Protoss, and this number is still growing steadily over time.

However, it is the amazing speed of civilization expansion that makes the development of Guangming Protoss attract the rebound of many large and medium-sized worlds around.

The "anti light Protoss alliance" came into being 170000 years ago. This alliance not only greatly hindered the expansion of the light Protoss, but also directly or indirectly led to the fall of the two main gods of the light Protoss.

It can be said that the "anti light Protoss alliance" is the biggest enemy and constraint of the light Protoss at present.

Hearing that he has succeeded in spreading faith in 784 worlds over the past 10000 years, the face of the Eternal Lord was somewhat surprised.

Because of the anti light Protoss alliance, the development of the light Protoss has been blocked in recent tens of thousands of years.

In the last era, only 231 worlds were subordinate to the glory of the God of light, which can be called the lowest record in history.

(PS: an era, 10000 years.)

Unexpectedly, ten thousand years have passed, and the bright Protoss inadvertently ushered in a wave of development peak again?

Perhaps sensing the surprise of the Eternal Lord, the suicidal angel Gabriel then replied, "of the 784 worlds occupied in this era, 413 were acquired by the Lord of glory."

The Lord of glory, the brightest of all the seven levels of gods in the lightness Protoss.

Although a great factor in her prosperity and growth comes from the legacy left by her father, the Lord of the stars, there is no doubt that the Lord of glory has great ability.

When the development of the whole bright Protoss was once at a standstill, the Lord of glory could reverse, successively obtain the sovereignty of hundreds of worlds and spread the glory of the bright God.

This ability and courage are unmatched by other gods.

"The child is very much like her father..." It seemed that he was immersed in some kind of meditation and memory, and the Eternal Lord said it a moment later.

However, before waiting for the Eternal Lord to sigh again, the suing angel Gabriel continued, "but the Lord of glory is now in a more severe dilemma. At the same time, she has opened up a battlefield in the dark star domain, the prisoner star domain and the ancient tree star domain. Suddenly, she has some separation and lack of skills in the face of the level 7 creatures appearing in the dark star domain."

"And the intelligence sent back to the protoss of light by the military angel sorente shows that the situation of civilization near the dark star domain is more complex than expected."

"In addition to the dark star domain that the Lord of glory is invading, there is a large world civilization called the wizard world, which is also invading and expanding, and has many contradictions with the angel Legion under the Lord of glory."

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