Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 269

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:59:02 AM

Chapter 269

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A certain area along the eastern coast of senzhiyuan continent, which was marked as the "seventh theater" by the holy tower and the knight palace, survived for less than two days and fell completely under the ravages of tens of thousands of knights above level 1.

He broke the neck of the second-class peak activated Demon Lord in front of him. The 200 meter giant bronze man Argus opened his huge mouth and threw the 30 meter large activated demon's body into the entrance.

It's like eating fruit, 'creak, creak.' The juice splashed everywhere, and the juice flowing around the giant's mouth was actually the blood that activated the goblin to break the body.

"Well, the taste of activating essence." The bronze man AGUS licked the juice from the corner of his mouth, and his tusks opened, as if excited.

The activated spirit contained in the second level activated goblin Lord is ten times the number of the first level activated goblins. In addition, it is also a second level peak activated goblin. The activated spirit stored in the body makes AGUS and other strong people satisfied.

After the precious activated spirits were swallowed by AGUS, they were not transported to the digestive organs with other debris of the activated goblins, but were kept in his body and called out when needed.

In the past, he, a three-level strong man, would use the activation essence of nearly 100 grams carefully.

"What a good place!" AGUS smiled.

"Tear up the remaining activated goblins above level 1, and catch those low-level activated goblins and gather them in warehouse 1!"

On the battlefield, Argus' voice spread all over every corner, enough for all knights to clearly hear his orders.

In two days, within hundreds of thousands of kilometers around, there are no organic activated goblin troops and complete cities. This knight Legion enough to crush the whole activated goblin plane makes them feel what is real despair.

In this area, the order of the high level of activated goblins, holy towers and knight halls above level 1 is not to leave alive.

The follow-up nearly 500000 high-level Knight troops are coming, and nearly 10000 magic apprentices.

The remaining activated goblins above level 1 nearby may cause a lot of losses to these little guys below level 1, which is the main reason why they were driven out by the knight Legion.

As for those low-level activated goblins, in the final analysis, they are the main resources plundered by the three western islands in the plane war.

What is the essence of activation? Generally speaking, it is a treasure similar to the essence of blood. Just like the extraction of essence of blood from the atrium of creatures with strong Qi and blood will cause indelible damage to them. The extraction of essence of activation is at the cost of activating the lives of goblins.

The activated essence that can be extracted from a low-level activated goblin ranges from 5mg to 1g. The specific content depends on the level of the activated goblin.

In the whole activated goblin world, the total amount of hundreds of millions of activated goblins and the activated goblins that can be extracted are absolutely astronomical. This resource is available.

Even if they are divided into the holy tower, the harvest of the knight's palace is no less than the next low level of the strategy.

The killing is going on all the time. In the seventh theater, under the crazy killing of knights, few living activated goblins can be seen. Most of them have been rushed to the newly-built warehouse 1.

On the ground, a long strip-shaped building with a huge area and a height of 20 meters rises from the ground.

That is warehouse No. 1. The holy tower of the three western islands and the knight palace, which have fought many plane wars, have long formed their own set of invasion system. Complex but not chaotic, orderly war instructions are introduced into the activated goblin world through the Space Fortress outside the plane.

This warehouse is the material storage point established in a hurry.

Here, in addition to supplying the necessary supplies for tens of thousands of knights above level 1, more than 600000 low-level activated goblins were also driven into them.

In the huge warehouse, there are many low-level activated goblins crowded together, and trampling events occur everywhere. Over the warehouse, countless mechanical arms run across, and one end of the activated goblins just caught are put into it through the mechanical arm.

"It's almost 700000!" In the warehouse, several Knights gathered here and joked.

"Don't worry, when you wait for a million, the second batch of Knight legions should arrive!" A knight smiled and said that the threat of low-level activated goblins to formal knights is almost zero. Unless they form a group, they don't want to cause any harm to Knights.

So far, tens of thousands of first-class Knights have been reduced by less than 1000, which has satisfied the senior management of the knight hall.

"It's time for those little guys less than level one to experience." Another knight laughed.

High ranking attendants are qualified to enter the knight palace as the reserve force of the knight palace. These official knights who have reached the first level and have a life span of hundreds of years are called "little guys", and they have no sense of conflict.

"I heard that Lord Argus led people to the sixth theater?" Said a knight.

"Yes, most of those secondary activated goblins ran to the direction of the sixth theater. Lord Argus probably went to hunt them down."

The activated spirit contained in the secondary activated goblins is not comparable to the low-level activated goblins. Argus is justifiable for being so anxious.

At this stage, there are few things that can attract him. Augustus is bound to get any treasure that can break through.

Led by nearly 10000 level-1 and level-2 knights, Argus went to the front line at the first time after requesting approval from the space fortress.

In addition, in addition to the 5000 Knights left behind, the remaining 15000 Knights above level 1, led by Lord tianknight, attacked in the other three directions.

In just a few days, heaven and women scattered like flowers in the wild land of mori, setting off a bloody storm.

At this time, tens of thousands of floating ships carrying 500000 Knight attendants and millions of slave legions have also left the space fortress and flew towards the activated goblin world.

The investment of the third wave Corps means that the plane war has entered the stage of full-scale invasion.

The black light spots in the sky falling like rain again cause fear to the ordinary activated goblins in the activated goblins world.

It also casts a shadow over the future of the activated goblins.

In the center of the holy city of activating the goblin world, looking at the dense black spots in the sky, they fell into the enemy occupied area again. The sunflower sacrifice and the world tree trunk behind them fell silent.

"How is Arnold recovering?" Asked the world tree.

"More than 90% of the whole body is injured. If Minghuang doesn't fight to block most of the attacks, most of them have been killed." Said the sunflower sacrifice bitterly.


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