Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4697

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:11:34 AM

Chapter 4697

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While the endless Lord is advancing in Theater 2, several other theaters of the dimensional battlefield are also in an almost one-sided situation under the continuous progress of the bright Protoss and Locke.

With the endless Lord breaking through the peak of level 8 and the advantages accumulated for thousands of years, this is a war without suspense.

Since the loss of assistance from the Persian civilization and the crystal wall world group, the source energy civilization almost lost its last chance.


1500 years later.

Fierce wars and battles are still staged in the desperate world, but compared with the past, the bright Protoss and yuanneng civilization divided the battlefield of the desperate world equally.

The continuous collapse of source energy civilization in the past 30000 years, especially the landslide situation in recent thousands of years, makes the territory belonging to source energy civilization less than a quarter of the whole dimensional battlefield.

And because the front-line main force of source energy civilization has been continuously eliminated by the bright Protoss in recent years, the new generation Legion is not enough to supplement, the elite is not enough and so on.

The territory of source energy civilization is about to fall to one fifth.

It is just around the corner to drive the source energy civilization out of the desperate world and even fight back to the parent star domain of the source energy civilization!

Torres base.

Brigadier General Thomas Adam, who has risen to the commander-in-chief of the scorching sun frigate, is standing in the command room at the top of his warship, overlooking the end of the gray sky in the distance.

Thousands of years of military career has made Thomas Adam grow up a lot.

The young man who was once naive and full of blood is long gone. Now Thomas Adam is synonymous with calm, cautious and low-key.

Compared with the city of gangzhiling 2 thousands of years ago, Thomas Adam at this time is a little younger than thousands of years ago.

This comes from the fact that after he was promoted to brigadier general, the Source Energy Council and the military allocated him several sanjetan particle potions.

It's not just those sanjitan particle potions. During the years on the battlefield of the desperate world, Thomas Adam can get some special potions every once in a while.

Some of these potions were obtained by his continuous promotion of military merit and rank.

Others were collected and found by Thomas Adam's fleet when they passed through some ruined cities.

The so-called war merit is to survive in the pursuit of the angel legion of the bright Protoss and those destruction legions again and again.

Thomas Adam's rank was promoted only because he lived long enough.

For thousands of years, Thomas Adam was used to killing and saw too many deaths.

In fact, the rate of rank promotion like him is relatively slow.

Thomas Adam alone saw more than a dozen people rise faster than him.

I don't envy Adam Thomas for his rapid promotion.

Take the battle two thousand years ago as an example. The military headquarters ordered that someone should guard Katz 5 logistics base.

Thomas Adam and three other sergeants close to his rank received this instruction at the same time.

Those who stay can be directly promoted to major general.

You know, this is an opportunity for many ordinary sergeants who have no way to go to heaven.

But Thomas Adam finally declined the military command on the grounds of his arm injury.

He was only responsible for the transportation between Katz 5 logistics base and several surrounding small theaters.

The other three non commissioned officers, who were close to his rank, accepted the order and immediately became powerful figures at Katz V logistics base.

Not only the command of the two source energy fleets comparable to the fourth level combat power in the base at that time was handed over to them.

Even at that logistics base, they have the right to use a source energy particle gun that can launch at the highest level comparable to the combat power of the later stage of level 5.

The importance of Katz 5 logistics base is known not only to the high level of source civilization, but also to the protoss of light and the Legion of destruction.

The heavily guarded logistics base turned into a sea of fire under the unparalleled power of an eight winged angel.

Because the task was to defend Katz No. 5 logistics base, all the source civilization legions in the base were spared at that time.

Only Thomas Adam led a small part of his fleet again and fled the battlefield in time by virtue of his transportation mission.

Thousands of years of fighting has enriched Thomas Adam's life experience.

Gangzhiling No. 2 City, Katz No. 5 logistics base, Galaxy fortress position, thinking about the front line, Hulun war circle

There are more than a dozen special battlefields that can be called.

Even in his limited thousands of years of life, Thomas Adam was close to a broken source energy sub city and had the honor of overlooking a majestic master source energy fleet setting sail.

The reason why he was able to get close to yuannengzi was that Thomas Adam was stationed in an affiliated satellite city around yuannengzi.

The reason why he was lucky to overlook the departure of the dominant source energy fleet was because he had reached the largest position "Galaxy fortress position" in the past. At that time, the source energy civilization was planning a medium-sized counterattack.

With his rich experience, Thomas Adam's cognition and opinions have also improved a lot.

Although still feeling the grandeur of yuanneng sub city and the strength of the dominant yuanneng fleet, Thomas Adam knew that their enemies were even more terrible!

For example, the yuannengzi city that Thomas Adam saw at that time was a dilapidated city almost reduced to ruins.

The huge urban agglomeration was directly wiped out by unimaginable external forces. Thomas Adam did not know what the "source energy armed" was about, but his heart trembled when he saw the huge depression and peaceful land in the center of the city like a natural graben.

What kind of existence can erase a metal city representing the peak of source energy civilization and technology.

In particular, Thomas Adam noticed that the huge Tiankeng in the center of yuannengzi city was like a fist print

The largest position that Thomas Adam reached in the past, the "Galactic fortress position", was completely reduced to ruins 1300 years ago.

Thomas Adam did not know the final outcome of the dominant fleet that had brought him infinite vision, grandeur and shock.

In order to cover up the increasingly erosive situation on the front line and the bad war situation, the high-level of yuanneng civilization and the military have not reported the current overall war situation to all legions for a long time.

Including the "good news" Thomas yah received at that time, it was just that yuanneng civilization won a victory in some local battlefields, or that it defeated a long planned attack of the bright Protoss again.

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