Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4990

Published at 2nd of June 2022 03:05:17 PM

Chapter 4990

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The eighth wizard alliance conference was held in such a hurry. Similarly, when it ended, many conference participants, including Locke, had a sense of surprise and emotion.

When the 1432 item of the conference, about the long-standing contradiction between the double headed fish and the adjacent ice storm, was arbitrated and reconciled by the wizard alliance conference, the conference finally came to an end.

The more than 1400 motions carried out in this alliance conference are not all the issues dealt with in this wizard alliance conference.

In addition to the proposal put forward by Odin, which needs careful consideration and consideration by the high-level wizard world including Bev.

There are also a large number of cases at medium and small levels, which will be discussed in the subsidiary meeting of the eighth wizard alliance conference.

After all, there will be no time for the wizard to discuss the alliance in a few years.

When the eighth wizard alliance conference ended in the voice of the host Bev, the anti detection rule shield outside the half plane of the howling stone quietly dispersed.

Not all conference participants immediately left the howling stone half plane.

Some of them will participate in the subsidiary meetings to fight for the rights and interests of their respective civilizations.

Others are calling friends. Taking advantage of the just concluded eighth wizard alliance conference, they need to sum up the future development route.

After all, there are still a lot of dry goods proposed at the wizard alliance conference. It is only that the wizard alliance will send troops to the light star domain to help the king of the shadow regain control of the shadow star domain, which is enough for these alliance gods to sum up.

That's a war involving ownership of nearly a thousand planes!

What huge benefits does it contain?!

For the wizard civilization, this is only a local war in their eyes, but for the vast majority of foreign gods in the alliance, it is also a magnificent scene they can't imagine.

Of course, there are also some alliance gods and wizards. The strong in the world are relatively straightforward.

For example, Odin, Locke's son, immediately led hundreds of Titan gods under his command to leave the half surface of howling stone.

Odin's departure was made to be seen by outsiders.

After bringing the hundreds of Titan gods back to the Titan realm, Odin will come back.

Because Locke is leaving, he must at least meet his family before leaving.

A few months later, the scene of the alliance conference, which was originally lively and the gods gathered, gradually became empty and withered.

Until then, Locke on the throne of destruction patted the handrail and said to the people around him, "let's go, too."

At this time, Locke's wife or his direct subordinates stayed with Locke.

Originally, Elune, the God of the elves, and Optimus, the giant god of the mountains, also planned to stay at the scene of the conference and exchange a few words with the supreme Knight master Locke, but with Locke waving his hand, the two masters had to choose to leave.

Next, the wizard civilization broke out a local war with the world civilization such as the Federation of galent in the light star domain. The spirit God and Optimus are extremely important Alliance forces to participate in the war.

Let them go back and prepare early, which can also disperse some faint sadness of parting.

Maybe the giant mountain god Optimus doesn't know the news that Locke is about to leave the star world, but Elune, the God of elves, should have guessed a little.

Locke didn't have too many requirements for these old subordinates. He just hoped that they could firmly adhere to the command of wizard civilization and take care of Locke's descendants as much as possible. That's enough.

Douglas, the level eight wizard, walked more simply than Locke.

Almost as soon as Bev announced the end of the eighth wizard alliance conference, the old man turned into a torrent of elements and left the half plane of howling stone.

Locke guessed that the old man had rushed back to the wizard world to see old lady may.

Unlike the Dark Knight Abba, who has three chances to dominate the attack, with old lady may's old age and weak soul essence, she should only have this chance.

Being able to attend the eighth wizard alliance conference in person has proved that Douglas regarded civilization as more important than his personal affairs.

Douglas should receive good news when he returns to the wizard world.

"Where are we going next?" Angelina approached Locke and asked.

"I don't have much time. I only have more than 160 years left... Go back to the wizard world first. I have to deal with that thing." Locke said.


Wizarding world, Yili Knight alliance.

As an old and large force of wizard civilization, in recent years, the development progress of Yili Knight alliance has gradually fallen behind the trend of the times.

Why can't you keep up with the trend of the times?

Without a dominant creature, it is the biggest weakness of the Yili Knight alliance!

In fact, the number of strong Knights above level 4 and the strength of Knight legions below level 4 in the Erie Knight alliance are ranked No. 1 in the whole wizard world.

The only embarrassing thing is that over the years, no knight in the Yili Knight League has broken through the shackles of domination.

In addition to the dark knight ebadang, the Yili Knight alliance has also produced several level 6 top giants in recent tens of thousands of years.

But without exception, they are either far from reaching the preparatory period for the impact of dominance, or have failed.

Among them, there is such a level 6 peak knight. His name was enough to be compared with the strong young generation in the wizard world such as sanethus, Bev, Rogge and Nobin.

But it is a pity that the other party rashly embarked on the road of dominating the impact 20000 years ago, which not only failed, but also hurt his soul too much in the process of impact.

After the failure of the impact, he died sadly in only two thousand years.

His failure indicates that there are great risks in dominating the promotion process.

Don't try easily without absolute certainty.

It is also the bleak fall of the level 6 peak knight and the failure of the Dark Knight Abba to dominate the realm twice, which cast a shadow on the whole Yili Knight alliance.

Is it a fatalistic judgment? Or fate's joke on the Erie knights?

Otherwise, why do many masters of the wizard world emerge, and even the sea family is about to have a level 7 true spirit, and why only the Yili Knight alliance can't have a level 7 Knight of its own.

And the reason why the Yili Knight alliance is so keen on the birth of a master is partly due to the majority of knights in the Yili Knight alliance, hoping that they can also obtain the right to use the supremacy Knight master suit.

So far, Locke has not publicly announced the inheritance of the supreme Knight master suit to someone or a force.

As long as they are the master Knights of the wizard world, they have the opportunity to use this set of civilization treasure.

This also inspires hundreds of millions of knights in the wizard world to climb to a higher level.

Today, Locke came to the Yili Knight League alone.

He is not going to pass on the supreme Knight master suit to Abbas, but he is going to give another thing to each other.

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