Published at 4th of January 2023 11:05:42 AM

Chapter 1365

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While Bai Yue and Ben Boba were discussing the market for capturing the Golden Horned Eagle in the northwest, Lei Meng, who was far away in the east, was progressing smoothly in all matters.

Since the great chief Mufeng came to the seaside and taught them how to eat seafood, Lei Meng began to actively organize his tribe to catch fish and catch the sea.

Of course, their "main business" here has not been affected, and salt drying and cooking continue as usual.

Because of transportation and preservation issues, they still cannot guarantee that people in other cities in Dayan can eat fresh seafood.

Therefore, Lei Meng organized the tribe to make dried seafood according to the seafood treatment method given to him by the great chief.

Dried scallops, dried fish, sea cucumber, shark fin and so on.

They even discovered a lot of seaweed and seaweed that they originally regarded as seaweed.

In addition, some sauces with seafood as raw materials have also been developed and produced.

Hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, fish oil, etc. are also appearing one after another.

The appearance of these foods has not only enriched the recipes of the Dajiang people, but also gradually improved the physique of the Dajiang people.

Ginger is thriving, but their "neighbor" - Jinwubu may not be.

Before Da Jiang came to the seaside, the Jinwu Department monopolized the salt trade.

At that time, there were still many tribes who came to Jinwubu to trade salt and other things, and gained a lot.

Such as Fang Lei Department, Giant Bear Department, Tianxiong Department, Nilong Department, Huaxu Department and so on.

After Da Jiang appeared, these tribes disappeared.

The Jinluan Department and the Wuyi Department, which were originally subordinate to the Jinwu Department, were also forced to merge into the Jinwu Department.

This made the Jinwu tribe lose the last tribe that could be traded - after all, they became their own tribe, how could they collect more things?

In this way, the income that they could exchange for a lot of food by relying on salt disappeared, and the clansmen complained a lot about this.

This is not enough, the most terrible thing is that they not only have no income, but also a huge amount of expenditure.

Because Da Jiang opened a new market in the territory that originally belonged to the Jinluan tribe, facing their Jinwu tribe.

Lighter ceramics, sharper knives, and lighter but lower-priced woolen and linen textiles.

Delicious wine.

There are even some dry goods from the sea...

Now the clansmen of the Jinwu tribe complained a lot—disappointed with the incompetence of the tribal leaders headed by Jin Huo and Jin Guang.

They have been adjacent to the sea for so many years and only know that there are some fish in the sea that can be eaten, but they don't know that there are so many things that can be eaten on the seaside and in the sea!

Not only can it be eaten, but there are so many delicious ways to eat it.

To their surprise, Da Jiang not only made the "sea food" they are most familiar with into various things they have never seen before, but also taught them how to eat "for free".

Of course, when teaching them how to eat these seafood for free, Raymond promptly sold them the spice of ginger, which is also something that can make seafood taste better.

Garlic, chives, peppers, peppers, etc.

It can be said that the taste of seafood with these things and without these things is absolutely worlds different!

At the beginning, Raymond's sales method was very simple - try it.

Some "nobles" in the Jinwu tribe asked for more.

But it was over quickly.

They wanted to ask for it again, but Raymond refused to give it away, and began to put it on the trading market with a clearly marked price.

Now the members of the Jinwu tribe feel uncomfortable.

What they have the most is salt.

The second is a kind of "grass rice" that the people of the tribe depend on for survival - after seeing it, Mufeng called it broad beans.

Then there is the gold from the gold mine.
There is no shortage of salt and ginger now.

Then there are only broad beans and goldware left.

Lei Meng said that there are no broad beans and ginger, so he can trade more.

Although there are copper wares, the more the better.

Salt, no.

No one would have thought that if you put salt that is hard currency elsewhere, you don't need it at Dajiang!

But the Jinwu people who have opened their taste buds are no longer willing to give up the seasoning and spices when eating seafood.

From the high-level to the middle-level of the tribe, from the beginning of quietly sending people to trade, to later grandiosely carrying copperware and broad beans to trade.

Seafood, they can also get it themselves.

Anyway, their relationship with Da Jiang is very friendly now, so there is nothing to worry about.

But gradually, they discovered the clues.

The mining volume of goldware mountains in the tribe suddenly increased, and the amount of goldware exported was also increasing.

Similarly, the tribe originally hoarded a lot, but one day the Jinwu tribe who was in charge of guarding the broad beans suddenly discovered that there was not enough brown rice in the tribe!

When he told the news to Great Chief Jin Huo, Jin Huo panicked.

He didn't expect this result!

He was the one who agreed to trade spices with brown rice under the pressure of the leader's meeting.

Although the leader will be responsible for this matter, the first thing the clansmen complain about must be him, the great chief!

"How to do how to do?"

The panicked Jin Huo hurriedly found the high priest Jin Guang.

He is the only brother who can speak his mind in the tribe.

As for Qi Lang and the Qi clan behind him, they have gradually moved away from him and began to have secret thoughts.

Some people have even started to contact Da Jiang's people in private.

Can't count on it!

"Brother, what should we do?"

Jin Huo said in distress.

Jin Guang looked sad.

He already knew the situation, but he had no better way.

He and his elder brother thought that if they didn't provoke Jiang, they wouldn't cause trouble, but they didn't expect things to happen to this point.

If Da Jiang suddenly announces that he will not trade with them now.

Then the entire Golden Crow Department will instantly fall into panic.

Because they don't have enough food anymore!

The clansmen in the tribe would not agree either.

They have adapted to the variety of foods offered by the ginger...

At this time, the two suddenly realized that the Jinwu tribe was like a person who fell into the water, relying on Jiang's leader to keep them from being submerged.

Once the big ginger let go, it is difficult for them to survive.

If they wanted to find a way out, they had to have a good chat with Da Jiang's people.

But he was really afraid of that young chief...

(end of this chapter)

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