Published at 21st of April 2023 07:01:18 AM

Chapter 301

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With the help of Spade's whip, Bai Liu and the others passed through the fog without encountering any monsters.

But after they passed through the fog, what they saw in front of them was completely different from before. The rainforest, which was originally full of towering trees, was filled with gray fog, and a large area of ​​trees was burning, and the air was filled with The ashes of the flames were scattered, and the sky was gloomy with only a faint glimmer of light, making it difficult to distinguish day from night.

A strong, pungent smell of gunpowder explosion hits the face, and the moment I opened my mouth, I tasted the bitter taste of carbon.

Tang Erda was choked and coughed twice, covered his mouth and nose and said, "What happened in this world of war during the more than an hour we went out?"

"The flow of time in the war world is different from that in the other side." Bai Liu looked around. "The timeline here fast-forwards to the end of the Great War after we left."

Liu Jiayi waved her nose at the tip of her nose while raising her head to Bai Liu: "—is that what Yi Lianna said, the node where all the staff died after the explosion?"

"Usually, at this kind of node, an excellent horror game will design some very exciting climax plots." Bai Liu looked towards the misty rainforest, "For example, a large-scale chase battle."

Tang Er was stunned: "How could there be a chase? Isn't everyone dead at this point, is it about to enter the next seven-day reincarnation?"

Liu Jiayi took out the poison from the back of her waist, stepped back vigilantly, and narrowed her eyes slightly: "It is precisely because these people are dead, this is the most dangerous place before entering the next seven-day reincarnation." ‌."

Bai Liu stared straight at the rainforest where something was about to emerge: "This means that, except for us players, this war dungeon map is full of monsters and undead."

Tang Erda also became vigilant, he paused before drawing out his gun, subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Spade who was silent all the way beside him.

Spade watched Tang Erda silently, put his chin on the whip handle behind his waist, his fingers seemed to be ready to move, as if he still wanted to stop Tang Er from drawing his gun.

Tang Erda: "..."

As if aware of the silent confrontation behind him, Bai Liu turned his head and glanced at Spade casually.

Spade froze for a moment, then silently turned the handle of the whip towards Tang Er in a different direction.

Tang Er heaved a sigh of relief before he dared to pull out the gun and aimed it at the trembling gray fog rainforest that was about to burst out of something.

But the rainforest just vibrated, and nothing came out all the time, only the crackling of leaves and branches burning.

Just when Tang Er looked at Bai Liu suspiciously, Spades suddenly threw a whip from Bai Liu's side, smashed hard into the ground, made the ground sink, and bloomed directly.

Along the cracked lines on the ground, the soil splashed to both sides, not only the soil, but also a few fingers. Tang Erda's lines smashed from the spades hit the ground, his expression frozen.

Buried in the veins under the ground are countless blasted torn limbs covered in blood and gunpowder—half of a head, the bottom of the wrist exposed, and the twisted waist, all with their own fractures. It seemed that his eyes were fixed on Bai Liu and the others.

These fragments that could not be assembled into human-shaped limbs wriggled densely in the soil, as if smelling prey, they hid underground and approached.

Countless scorched cockroaches suddenly emerged from the soil under Bai Liu's feet, grabbed his ankles and dragged him down. Tang Erda aimed at the limbs without hesitation and shot them with incomparable precision in the center of his palms. A big hole was opened.

But it didn't help, the things were still twisting and dragging.

"The attack is invalid." Bai Liu, who was caught, analyzed calmly, "These broken limbs are already in the state of the living dead. If you can't kill them, look for their weaknesses."

Spades flicked the whip, entangled the palm of the living dead, and wanted to tear it off Bai Liu's foot, but he only pulled once, then stopped quickly, and slowly raised his head. To Bai Liu.

Bai Liu looked back at him calmly: "It can't be pulled off."

Liu Jiayi suddenly lowered her head and touched Bai Liu's ankle. She knelt down and wanted to take a closer look, but Bai Liu stopped her.

Bai Liu looked down at the broken limbs on her feet: "These things have grown with me, and I can't tear them off."

"Long together?!" Tang Erda lowered his head in astonishment.

The blue and black fingers on Bai Liu's ankle pinched into the ankle, half of the knuckles were sunk in, and the skin was completely glued together, as if growing out of Bai Liu's ankle At the same time, the half knuckle at the end of Bai Liu's left finger also turned blue-black.

"The attack method of this monster is called 【Death Fusion】, as long as the body part touches the player, it will become a part of the player's body." Bai Liu raised his head, "When I am killed by a person's body parts After the body parts attack, these body parts will completely merge into my body, turning me into a living dead."

As soon as he finished speaking, the leg on Bai Liu's foot disappeared, and his entire left leg turned blue-black, hanging down motionless by his side.

The corpses approached one after another, but they all seemed to have a goal, one after the other, they jumped straight at Bai Liu.

Tang Er hit and flew a few corpses, Liu Jiayi drew a circle with poison, and Spade swept out a clean area with a whip in this circle, he looked straight at Bai Liu: "What did you do, why are these corpses block only attacking you?"

Bai Liu shrugged: "Maybe it's because I'm the player with the lowest rating on the comprehensive panel here? Are they bullying me?"

Spades retorted almost without thinking: "You're lying."

"Don't worry about what Bai Liu has done for the time being!" Liu Jiayi interrupted Spade's questioning, "These things won't kill us, we will be completely cadaverized if we spend it all here, don't let Bai Liu touch the ground, and carry Bai Liu on your back !"

As soon as Liu Jiayi finished speaking, Tang Erda and Spade, who were standing on the left and right sides of Bai Liu, went out almost at the same time to grab Bai Liu who was standing in the middle.

Both of them are a full head taller than Bai Liu, and they grabbed Bai Liu's shoulders from left to right and lifted them up at the same time, but there was only one result——

——Bai Liu's feet were off the ground, like a primary school student was lifted up and suspended in the air, and his feet were still swinging left and right in the air.

Spade: "You are so short, Bai Liu."

Liu Jiayi: "!!!"

Tang Erda: "!!!"

When it's over, Bai Liu will definitely be angry!

Bai Liu slowly raised her head and smiled at Spade: "Really?"

On the way to escape, Tang Erda lowered his head and covered his mouth. He didn't dare to raise his head at all. He looked around and cleaned up the nearby corpses on the ground. Liu Jiayi took a deep breath, held back the upturned corners of his mouth, and dedicatedly turned his face away to use the poison Scatter the corpses that follow.

Liu Jiayi approached Tang Erda and whispered, "Did you take a picture?"

Tang Er wondered: "It's not very good..."

Liu Jiayi rolled her eyes: "Don't you think it's funny?"

Tang Erda tried his best to be serious: "Fortunately, I have received strict training, and I will not easily laugh at the tacticians of my team..."

And Spade immediately smashed the ground with a whip, cleaning up the corpses in front of him.

Bai Liu straddled her feet and rode on Spade's shoulders, and Spade staggered forward with Bai Liu on her back.

"Am I still short?" Bai Liu asked Spade slowly.

Spades paused: "No, you are tall."

——Riding on other people's shoulders to make oneself taller is really childish, especially when it was done by that smiling and invisible Bai Liu.

This is so funny!

Tang Erda behind finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

Liu Jiayi said speechlessly: "Unless you can't help it, right?"

The Spade in front quickly cleaned up the approaching corpses, and after a while, he asked Bai Liu: "Are you angry because you are not tall?"

Bai Liu was quiet for a second, then said calmly: "No, I don't care about such small things."

Spade took a deep breath, he threw out his whip and wrapped it around the trunk of a big tree next to him, and pulled it up suddenly, even the white willow on Spade's body was pulled up by the whip.

He lightly stepped on the tree trunk, borrowed his strength, and then swung his whip around the trunk of another taller tree. At the same time, he knocked off several corpses that fell from the shaking trunk with clear eyes.

After a few back and forth, Spade flew to the top of the tallest tree in the rainforest, enough to overlook the entire rainforest.

Bai Liu shook before she stabilized her sitting position on Spades.

Spade's chest rose and fell slightly, and his voice was very recognizable: "Now you are the tallest person in this world."

Bai Liu's expression moved slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Spade continue to say flatly: "—we can use this kind of existing things to make up for our lack of talent, Bai Liu, don't worry about yourself I’m not enough to get angry with myself.”

"It's not your fault that you're so short." Spade said each word.

Bai Liu: "..."

Bai Liu let out a long breath slowly, and quickly read a few words in a low voice.

Spade seemed to understand but half understood: "Bai Liu, what are you talking about?"

Bai Liu said lightly: "I'm reading an ancient doggerel that has been handed down to this day."

Spades: "What limerick?"

Bai Liu smiled: ""Mo ‌Qi".

Spades slowly: "? Why do you want to read this?"

"Because it can repair my mental value that has been reduced due to emotional ups and downs." Bai Liu said.

Spades nodded.

He understood, this is a poem of spiritual bleaching, and he will learn it when he has the opportunity.

But the immediate priority is something else.

Spade brought Bai Liu here, on the one hand, to comfort Bai Liu’s emotional damage caused by his short height (…), and on the other hand, to find out what happened to the entire rainforest map. ‌What changed.

The original dark green rainforest scene turned gray and black, and there were huge craters everywhere on the ground, and the ground was constantly arched out of cracks, and broken limbs kept crawling out of the cracks, approaching the big tree where the white willow was. Viewpoint ‌ In the past, dense and dark, like a bunch of ants looking for nests and food.

The closer he was to the source of the explosion, the small town, the more fragmented the limbs he saw, and the closer he was to the lake, the more complete the corpse he saw.

And these complete corpses were gathered in a place opposite the lake, seeming to be cheering and jumping around something, their limbs and heads swaying wildly as if they were about to be thrown off in the next second.

Bai Liu squinted his eyes, he found a telescope from the props, adjusted the focus, and finally figured out what was surrounded by these corpses.

A patchwork sculpture of the evil god, five wooden stakes, and five people being tied to the wooden stakes.

The pile of dark things piled up under the five people tied to the wooden stakes looked like firewood, but Bai Liu pored carefully for a while, and found that the pile of dark things was moving.

Bai Liu stared intently for a while, and finally determined that this pile of things was not a fire at all, but the shredded arms and legs that had been blown up as dry as the fire.

These charcoals, with their black and dry limbs like logs, were piled under five wooden stakes. A bucket of red paint was placed next to each wooden stake, and six piles of "timber fire" were placed around the five wooden stakes— —Heap of broken limbs.

These broken limbs are constantly moving, struggling, trying to climb onto the people on the stakes, but they are stepped down again and again by the dancing corpses, and every time they step, they dump on these firewood-like broken limbs red paint

——This is obviously an ongoing, weird ritual of human sacrifice.

Bai Liu further adjusted the focus, trying to figure out who the five people who were tied to wooden stakes to sacrifice to the evil gods were, and then he raised his eyebrows subtly.

"Spades, I saw four of your teammates tied up by monsters."

Spade nodded without any response, indicating that he knew, and then asked: "I have got five stakes, who is the other one tied up?"

"It's someone we never thought of." Bai Liu smiled, "It's Alex."

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